The problem of heating in your own home is sure rises before any owner. Of course, everyone wants to achieve the maximum efficiency of the heating system of housing, but so that both the starting cost of equipment and regular payments for energy are as low as possible. An issue of simplicity of operation is also important, with minimal interference with the operation of heating devices.
If there is an gas main, supplied to housing, is practically , the question is usually solved in favor of a gas boiler. But what about those who are deprived of this opportunity? There is a way out - you can use electric energy, good, access to it is realized everywhere. Many people are deterred by the high cost of such a source of energy, and there is an widespread opinion that such heating is a direct way to ruin. With this statement, you can argue - with a reasonable approach to the organization of the system and with reliable thermal insulation of housing electric heating becomes quite competitive in comparison with other types of heating, and in the field of ease of operation - they are much ahead of them. Of course, all this will be true if the electric
boiler is correctly selected for heating a private house.Let's try to understand the types of such equipment - what is the difference between them, what are the main advantages and disadvantages, how true are their opinions, which sometimes either create an absolutely negative reputation for electric boilers, or, on the contrary, is attributed to themabsolutely "fantastic" properties.
How convenient is the electric boiler heating?
Contents of the article
- 1 What is convenient for an electric heating boiler?
- 2 Boilers with tubular electric heaters( heating elements)
- 2.1 Video: advantages of electric boilers of the Protherm line SKAT
- 3 Electrode boilers for heating
- 3.1 Actual and apparent advantages of
- 3.2 What do they say about the shortcomings?
- 3.3 Video: The electrode boiler requires regular prevention!
- 4 Induction heating boilers
- 4.1 Boilers SAV type
- 4.1.1 Video: useful information about induction boilers SAV
- 4.2 Boilers type VIN
- 4.3 Advantages and disadvantages of induction heating
- 4.1 Boilers SAV type
- 5 Video: how to choose an electric boiler
Creating any traditional heating system, based on the transfer of the heat transfer fluid through the pipe circuit from the boiler to the heat exchanger heat exchangers - is a sufficiently large and complex task, requiring careful calculations of and planning, considerablematerial costs. And, for the large account , its principle device depends little on the type of boiler, that is, all material and physical costs will be approximately the same. The installation of the itself is already different, and the electric boiler in this regard immediately acts as the leader in the economy and simplicity of the project. Judge for yourself:
A. Gas equipment, which is very economical in operation, will require compulsory drafting, its coordination in various instances, conducting assembly works with mandatory involvement of relevant specialists.
In addition to , the of the gas main to the installation site of the boiler, provides the of the combustion products and the creation of a ventilation system. If we take into account all the bureaucratic delays and the level of prices for specialists of gas specialists, which are absolute monopolies in this area, then a "headache" will be ensured, no small amount, and money expenses too.
B. Installing boilers on solid or liquid fuel will also require a lot of organizational costs. Such equipment should be placed in a separate room, allocated to the boiler room, with a competently organized chimney and ventilation to exclude the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning. Such heaters are the most vulnerable in terms of fire safety, and will certainly require agreement with the relevant supervisory authorities.
Of course, many may attract a low cost of fuel, but you will agree that far from all regions of the country firewood or coal is available and is cheap .In addition, it will be necessary to construct a storage facility for storing at least a minimum fuel reserve, with the taking into account the ensuring its safety in a usable form.
In addition, solid fuel equipment requires regular intervention in its work - to load the next portion of wood or coal. In the of a particular degree, this issue is solved by installing modern long burning boilers, but only partly - albeit at a lower frequency, but will have to manually load the .And lastly, of all types of boilers, such ones are least susceptible to precise regulation and automation.
B. Now we pass , in fact, to electric boilers. In than , their main advantages:
- The operation of such equipment is not associated with any emissions into the atmosphere - all completely eliminates the concerns of for chimney equipment and special ventilation. The operation of the boiler is not accompanied by any smells, and with the considering the that these devices are usually compact enough, they can easily be placed directly within the living area of the house.
In a word, they will not require a special room, and the stylish appearance of many modern models will not spoil the interior of the rooms where they are installed. Moreover, there are perfectly compact models that cut right into the radiators, almost imperceptible to the eye.
- . The following is also worthy of the following advantage: simplicity of installation. The installation can be completely carried out independently, of course, given the required cross-section of the wiring from the switchboard. Most often, even without any additional approvals, - is dispensed with, if it is not supposed to heat too much space, and the house has good thermal insulation, then the equipment capacity is about 6 ÷ 10 kW, that is, there will be enough a standard power line that is conducted in a private housing ( 15 kW).
According to the "Rules of technological connection of power receivers( power installations) of legal entities and individuals to electric grids" approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 861 of December 27, 2004, permission to operate the facility is not required for approval for:
-objects of individuals up to 15 power to Watt is sensitive( for domestic needs);
However, in the event that such power will be missed, it is advisable to have a three-phase power line - and here it is no longer possible to "hike" the appropriate authorities. But even in this case, after carrying out the appropriate line, the final installation can be done by our own efforts, if, of course, the owner has the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of electrical engineering.
- The next advantage of the electric boiler is its maximum fire safety, since does not use an open flame in the .If you comply with all the requirements for laying power lines and installing appropriate safety equipment, you can be calm for this aspect.
- No storage space or required for . No storage facilities are required.
- The most important advantage - boiler is extremely simple in operation, does not require daily intervention in its work. With the correctly installed and well-functioning system, all will be limited only by setting the required temperature regime or by more fine adjustments that allow to increase the efficiency and economy of heating. Typically, such boilers are equipped with control devices with clear and accessible adjustment devices.
- Of all the other boilers, it is the electrical ones that are most easily fitted into the innovative "smart house " system. So purchase of additional control devices allow to save, using preferential night tariffs for the electric power with the accumulation of the heated coolant in special accumulating tanks . It is quite possible for to control the operation of the entire heating system and remotely via IP or GSM communication channels, that is, to minimize consumption when there is no one in the house, and vice versa, to give the command to actively warm up the housing by the time of its return. The opportunity is also realized to program the work for a certain period, for example, for a week.
- operation modes. And finally, it's worth noting that electric boilers are usually much cheaper than gas or modern solid fuel boilers.
Now - about the most significant shortcomings of the electric boiler.
- First of all, of course, this is the high cost of electricity. Before making a decision to install such equipment, you still need to evaluate your own possibilities for paying monthly bills. This criterion puts forward special requirements for the thermal insulation of the building - it will be silly to throw out large sums, trying to maintain comfort in an unheated house. And the role of fine-tuning the operation of the heating system, using all the savings possibilities, is of particular importance here.
- The operation of the electrical heating system requires the stability of the power supply. Of course, small jumps are not so terrible - this is solved by installing a voltage regulator, but this is an additional cost. Well, if significant differences or even cutoffs are not uncommon - from this approach to heating housing it is better to immediately refuse.
Now it's time to go on to consider the main types of electric boilers, the features of their design and operating rules, advantages and disadvantages.
Boilers with tubular electric heaters( TEN )
The basic device of such electric boilers is the simplest of all. It is based on the properties of resistive heating of conductors when electric current passes through them. The main element is a heater - a tubular electric heater.
Heating elements can be of various shapes and sizes, but their device, as a rule, is the same :
The metal housing-tube( item 1) contains a spiral conductor made of an alloy with a high electrical resistivity( item 3) -, usually in , the uses nichrome for their purposes. The spiral is located exactly along the axis of the tube, without touching the case, and to achieve this alignment and reliable insulation, the space is filled with a dielectric with high thermal conductivity and heat capacity ; powdered periclase is magnesium oxide crystals( key 2).
With the both ends of the , the tube is hermetically sealed, terminated with an isolating coupling( key 5) and secured to the on the mounting plate( key 4).For connection to the supply circuit, terminals of one type or another( item 6) are provided. The protective earth terminal( item 7) can also be located here.
When a voltage is applied to the terminals, a spiral electrical current causes the strong its to warm up. A powerful flow of thermal energy through the filler is transferred to the to the stacks of the and from them to the heat transfer medium circulating through the boiler .
Usually in heating boilers the is equipped with one , combined in one unit, but with their own terminals for connection to the circuit. This makes it possible to use several heating stages as needed - to include all TANS simultaneously or only some of them.
block is located in the working heating cylinder through which the coolant passes. In some models, the boiler itself is a cylinder with a power strip and connectors or flanges for tapping into the circuit, and all the control elements are taken out into a separate module.
More modern and convenient to use are electric boilers with TANS , in which all the necessary elements and control and control devices are assembled in a single enclosure, closed with a decorative casing. For example, one of the models shows the on the scheme:
housing The entire boiler is assembled in one housing, through the front panel( item 1) of which only the start and power level selection buttons3), the heating level control( item 2), the instrumentation - a pressure gauge and a thermometer( item 4).
Inside there is a working cylinder with TANS ( item 5), on top of which are the connection terminals for heaters( item 6).The convenience of this model is that it constructively assembles other elements necessary for the functioning of the heating system - a circulation pump( item 7), a safety valve ( item 8) and an automatic air vent .Inside, there is also a board with a control circuit, and switching( item 9).Often, even an expansion tank of a membrane type is placed in the housing.
Such boiler can easily be installed, for example, on the wall of the kitchen or the hallway, not at all without damaging the interior of the .
Advantages of boilers with heating elements :
- Relative simplicity of the device.
- High maintainability - TANS in case of failure it is not difficult to change.
- The variety of models, such as for power levels and saturation by automatics, and on external design.
- Possibility to use any of the existing coolants.
Basic disadvantages :
- Compared with other types of boilers - a fairly large inertia of heating. This is due to the fact that the heat transfer goes to the "through intermediaries" - insulating backfill and the main body.
- The operation of tubular heaters causes an increase in scale on their surfaces. With this, they are struggling with the installation of special anode rods that to some extent "draw" the formation of scum on themselves, but it is impossible to completely eliminate this phenomenon. Over time, overgrown TANS significantly lose in heating power, because the mineral attack on them has extremely low thermal conductivity.
- The working cylinder with internal heaters is usually enough, which predetermines as well as the of the boiler itself.
As an example of , several models of electric boilers with TANs are presented in table .(and here, and in the tables below are models of approximately the same power series - for heating a small house with an area of about 80 ÷ 100 m ²).
Miniature | Brief description of the model |
Economy-class "Standard-Econom" EPO 7.5( 220 V) of the Russian company "Evon". Power - 7,5 kW, which is enough for heating the house with an area of up to 70 ÷ 80 m². Available in open-frame design. The dimensions of the boiler itself - 565 × 270 × 220 mm, weight - 15 kg. The set includes a control unit with a size of 180 × 308 × 265. There are 3 stages of heating power, with a step of 2.5 kW. Estimated price - 12.5 thousand rubles. | |
RUSNIT 209 M, the Russian manufacturer. Power 9 kW, for heating area up to 100 m². 3 heating elements with 3 kW each, and the same step of stepwise adjustment of the heating power. The safety valve and thermostat are installed, there is a sensor for the presence of a coolant and its level. A shoe for connecting the circulation pump is provided. The capacity of the heating tank is 7 liters. Electromechanical control, LED indication. Dimensions - 505 × 305 × 205 mm, weight 12 kg. The average cost is 15 thousand rubles. | |
«Protherm SKAT v.13 9K».Products of the Slovak company "Protherm". Power - 9 kW, two heaters - 6 and 3 kW.The possibility of stepwise power adjustment in steps of 1 kW is realized. Built-in circulating pump and expansion tank with a capacity of 10 liters. Safety group - automatic air vent and safety valve. Liquid crystal display with display of power, heating and pressure in the system, button mode control. Dimensions 410 × 315 × 740 mm, weight - 35 kg. The average price is 27 thousand rubles. | |
"Vaillant eloBLOCK VE9 R13" manufactured in Germany. Power 9 kW, two 6 + 3 kW.with a step-by-step power adjustment in steps of 1 kW. The temperature range is up to 85 ° C, the tripping automatics are activated at 95 ° C. Diaphragm expansion tank, circulating pump and complete safety group are arranged in the housing. LED indication, electronic and electromechanical control. Dimensions 740 × 410 × 310 mm with a weight of 32.1 kg. Estimated price - 29 thousand. |
Video: the advantages of the electric boilers line Protherm SKAT
Electrode heating boilers
Perhaps none of the existing types of electric boilers causes so much controversy and stormy discussions, like electrode heaters. Let's try to understand the peculiarities of its design and principle of operation, in existing and imaginary advantages and drawbacks.
If, when examining a heater with , the has an analogy with a light bulb or an iron, then student or an "army reboiler" can be used as a prototype.
Two metal plates, fixed at a short distance from each other( most commonly used conventional razor blades) and connected by wires to source 220 In ,stormy boiling of a glass of water. In than here it?
Water is , although and in a weak degree, but still with electrolyte, since contains molecules of salts dissolved in it. When electrodes are depressed in and the voltage is applied, ionization of these particles occurs and they start moving to a conductor with opposite polarity. However, in the case of alternating current, the polarization of the electrodes is changed at a frequency of 50 times per second( 50 Hz).Hence, the ions change their direction of movement with the same periodicity, that is, they actually oscillate in a dense water environment. It. Naturally, this leads to a fast rise in the temperature and, in the end, to boiling.
Almost is also equipped with any electrode boiler .In its working cylinder the electrodes - are structurally placed, their number and mutual arrangement depends on the voltage of the device for which it is designed. If the mains voltage 220 is used in the , then the electrode is one, the is located in the center of the , and the walls of the working cylinder are the second. In more powerful boilers designed for three-phase power, the electrodes are placed in a block, along the vertices of an equilateral triangle.
three-phase electrode electrode block The most common electrode( their is often called ionic) is a cylinder on which are installed pipes or flanges for insertion into the system and the connection block - for shutdown to the control unit.
The dimensions of these boilers are in a very wide range. There are also very miniature models that are designed for connection to one - two radiators of heating, and powerful installations capable of heating a large house.
Several boilers can be combined in parallel or in series into a whole "battery", and, accordingly, simultaneously turn on the depending on the needs.
There are models of electrode boilers in which the working cylinder itself, not at all the changed is fundamentally hidden in the body and supplemented with auxiliary adjustment and control devices. Now we will closely consider the "pluses" and "minuses" of such heating devices.
Actual and imaginary advantages of
First of all, what advantages they have or they are attributed:
- Compactness of boilers of the electrode principle.
This is an indisputable fact - at equal power with other types, they take up much less space and have a much smaller mass.
- Extremely high efficiency , aiming for 100%.
This is also true , but in principle, almost all electric boilers differ in the same dignity, and it's impossible to believe that this electrode has a ten percent higher electrode index than the others, the can not do at all. On a large account in any scheme, the electrical energy is completely converted to thermal energy, and the difference is only in the speed of the output to the operating mode. Electrodes in this plan somewhat benefit from TANs , but then, after the initial start-up, the PD does not differ significantly.
- Heating water is so fast that it is accompanied by a sharp increase in pressure, and means , electrode boiler can be used without a circulation pump.
Very doubtful opinion, and as a proof to that - heating schemes using electric boilers with natural circulation of the coolant practically does not occur, except in very small contours. Expend expensive energy to provide such a circulation - an inadmissible luxury. It is much easier to cut a pump - it consumes a little, and it is much easier to operate such a heating system. In addition, the sharp rise of the pressure is only a starting moment, and then, once it reaches the set mode, this process will not be different from other boilers.
- Electrode boiler is fully insured against overheating and burnout if there is no coolant in the circuit.
Here - you can not argue, because if there is no electrolyte, the circuit turns out to be not closed, and the boiler does not work by definition.
- The boiler has an extremely low thermal inertia, and therefore - it is easy - the lends itself to the with fast and precise settings.
Inertia, indeed, is small - a small mass and a high rate of water heating is the reason. However, this can sometimes even be attributed to drawbacks, since the necessarily causes the to more frequently turn on and off the power during operation. And the accuracy of tuning, alas, even slightly "limps" the electrode boiler - properties of the electrolyte( coolant) vary greatly with temperature, with for nonlinear dependence. Therefore, other boilers for precision adjustment even greatly win.
- The electrode boiler is insensitive to voltage drops.
In fact, the voltage drop in the network will not affect the performance of the electrode circuit in any way - there will only be a loss of power. But this is also the full one can say and about TANe .The question is quite different: the voltage drops are disastrous for control electronics, and in this case such boilers are not any better and not worse than the rest of the electric ones, that is, the voltage regulator all will be equally required if the jumps in the network occur frequently.
- Low cost of electrode boilers.
This, at first glance, is really so. But notice that very often the price does not include the control unit, as often the electronics comes from from another manufacturer.
If you take all in the sum, and add other elements - the pump, expansion tank, security group, then the question of can disappear. And without electronics to use such boiler , starting with " samotek " and so quite difficult to control the process of heating the coolant - it's both risky and extremely uneconomical.
What do they say about flaws?
Very often the flaws of such a boiler seem so significant that they immediately discourage potential owners. Is this so - judge for yourself:
- Very specific requirements for the chemical composition and quality of the coolant.
Yes, universality, for example, as for TEN-boiler, there is no, and any liquid in the circuit can not be flooded. The heat carrier must possess not only a high heat capacity of , be ecologically safe, have a wide temperature operating range. The most important quality is the necessary concentration of chemicals that make possible the ionization process of . And this is still not - the liquid should not create a strong resistance to the electric current, otherwise the circuit will simply not close and no heating will occur.
In a word, to pick the right electrolyte is a whole science. Of course, many craftsmen try to do everything themselves and prepare "brine" by eye. In this case, it is unlikely to take into account a lot of factors that directly affect the correct operation of the equipment - with this approach it is difficult to talk about profitability.
Manufacturers of boilers or directly give instructions on the use of certain liquids , or , even I release t rechargeable electrolytes. By the way, sometimes non-observance of such recommendations becomes the reason of refusal of guarantee obligations.
In a word, with electrolyte-coolant - a lot of hassle, which adds more and the fact that it requires regular updates, because in time it begins to lose its qualities.
- Electrode boiler restricts the of the in the choice of radiators.
Steel radiators are not recommended in principle for systems with any electric boilers due to inefficiency. Cast iron will not work because of its massive nature and heat capacity can create such conditions that the electrode boiler simply will not fully cope with their heating, will work without pauses. The porous surface of the old cast iron, in addition, can even after washing contain a lot of foreign inclusions, which change the chemical composition of the electrolyte. It is impossible to exclude the corrosive effect of the coolant on the black metal.
So, either bimetallic or aluminum batteries remain. But with aluminum - not all is clear. If the radiators are made using extrusion technology from secondary aluminum( the scrap processing product), then they also do not work - the impurity content is critical for the chemical composition of the coolant, and the heating system is quickly disbalanced by the .
- Heat carrier heating is limited to 75 degrees.
This disadvantage, if it is so - is absolutely not critical .Firstly, automation follows it, and secondly, this temperature should be enough with a vest for normal heating. And the temperature "ceiling" itself is explained by the fact that the majority of heat carriers with a high heating sharply change their physical characteristics of conductivity. And the system becomes unmanageable and uneconomical.
- Requires reliable earthing loop.
This is - at all is not not prosperity , but the requirement to ensure operational safety. By the way, it applies to all types of boilers and other electrical equipment in a residential building, so that electrode heaters are not at all an exception to the rules.
- Electrodes are quickly covered with a layer of scale.
This is also a technological cost, as well as in the case of TANs .You can not get anywhere - from time to time carries out prevention and replacement of components. The only thing that will help to minimize this phenomenon - again, a high-quality electrolyte.
- Electrode boilers are difficult to install and debug.
With regard to installation - it is not any more difficult than with any other boiler. All the nuances lie in the selection of the optimal coolant and the precise settings. An unpleasant nuance is that it is necessary to check the chemical composition and evaluate the correctness of the operation of such a heating system before each heating season, and it is impossible to carry out such measures on its own, without special testing. We will have to use to call specialists, which, of course, will require additional costs.
Video: electrode boiler requires regular prevention!
To complete the topic of electrode boilers, the remains to result in several models designed for a small-sized house.
Miniature | Brief description of the model |
Galan Geyser 9, produced by the Russian company "Galan". Power consumption - 9 kW. Dimensions: height - 360 mm, maximum width - 130 mm. Weight - only 5 kg. The diameter of the threaded connections for connection to the circuit is 32 mm. The maximum volume of the coolant in the system is up to 100 liters. Estimated price - 7200 rub. It is recommended to install an additional electronic unit-thermostat "Navigator 9 N" - 7400 rubles.and a set of thermal sensors "Navigator" - another 600 rubles. | |
EOU 1/10( energy-saving heating system) of SCART, Russia. Supply voltage - 220 V, power - 10 kW. Manufacturer declares the sufficiency for heating 200 m² - big question! Warranty 10 years, and the promised service life - up to 30 years. Length - 300 mm, weight - 3.1 kg. The cost of the model is 5000 rubles.with an overhead thermostat, plus 2500 rubles.for control panel components. | |
Electrode boiler BERIL 9/220, also made in Russia. Power - 9 kW. The length is 300 mm. The distance between the inlet and outlet nozzles( 1 inch) is 200 mm. Weight - only 1 kg. The possibility of step-by-step power control with a step of 200 W is realized. Price of the boiler - 4500 rub. The digital control unit of the CSO "EURO"( 14 thousand rubles) is acquired to it, which allows controlling the operation of the heating system with great accuracy, programming modes with the possibility of saving in memory, controlling the system remotely, etc. | |
STAFOR 5-10 is the products of a Latvian company that is certified by the European Union. Dimensions of the boiler - 405 × 115 × 62 at a weight of 5 kg. Higher classes of electrical safety and moisture protection. The cost of the boiler itself is about 210 euros( 13 thousand rubles), but a complete set including two thermostatic sensors, a thyristor control unit with all degrees of protection and a special room thermostat with the possibility of weekly programming - another 305 euros( 19 thousandRUB) |
Induction heating boilers
Another is one type of electric boilers, the principle of operation of which differs significantly from the others.
Induction heating has already been used in the industry for a long time, for example, to provide the required high temperatures on technological lines or in metallurgy. Over time, it began to be sold in domestic boilers.
To understand how this works, you can recall the course of physics, in particular, the topic of electromagnetic induction. In fact, the operating principle of the stake to some extent repeats the functioning of the known to all electric transformers.
is realized in induction boilers. The alternating current passing through the primary winding( 1) induces( creates ) the electromotive force that the drives the to the potential difference on the secondary coil( 2).If the circuit is closed, a current will appear which can be used by the including the for heating. The core, made of a special magnetic core material, greatly enhances the induction effect.
It was this phenomenon that was embodied in the scheme of induction boilers. Currently, there are two main types of such heaters - type SAV and type VIN.
Boilers SAV
In such boilers, the closed-loop heat exchanger pipe system takes on the role of the secondary winding, which is specially made by the very branched , labyrinth to maximize the area of active heat exchange.
Moreover, the "turns on" is another interesting phenomenon. By itself, the closed secondary circuit, being in an alternating electromagnetic field, begins to generate reactive power, which, when the boiler enters full mode, even surpasses the .That is, to maintain the required level of heating, energy consumption from an external source is sharply reduced - and this is a direct way in good economy.
Video: useful information about induction boilers SAV
Boilers type VIN
These boilers( vortex induction heaters - VIN), work somewhat differently.
First of all, the mains voltage 220 or 380 In the , 50 Hz, enters the converter, and becomes high-frequency, reaching a kilohertz. Of course, this dramatically increases the intensity of the generated by the electromagnetic field. And in the role of a heat exchanger, almost all the metal surfaces of the boiler are made, which are made of special ferroalloys. The Foucault eddy currents cause the reversal effect, which is always accompanied by very fast and high temperature heating.
Advantages and disadvantages of induction heating
Despite some difference in design, the induction boilers in the have the same types of advantages and disadvantages.
To the advantages of of such heating devices are:
- There is practically no need to replace any parts of the boiler. In itself, the primary coil does not participate directly in the heating process, it is in a completely isolated compartment completely excluding the from its contact with the liquid medium. By the large account , the probability of its break is close to zero, and more in such a boiler and there is nothing to break or fail.
- Boilers with a heater or electrodes have a common drawback - a gradual overgrowth with scum. In induction boilers, this problem does not arise. This is due to the large contact area of the coolant with the heated surfaces, and the microvibration of the housing, which simply does not give the salt deposits a foothold on the walls.
- The efficiency of such boilers tends to 100%, and the phenomenon phenomena of self-induction and development of reactive energy can give up to 30% savings when equal with other boilers of a different type of heat output. Heats up and the output to maximum power passes extremely quickly.
- There are, in principle, limitations on the type and chemical composition of the coolant ( more on this in a separate portal publication).
- Boilers are easily amenable to fine-tuning power and operating modes, always equipped with electronic control units. A multilevel protection system is mandatory. In matters of fire and electrical safety, they are probably the leaders.
- Manufacturers usually guarantee at least 30 years of trouble-free operation.
The disadvantages of induction boilers can be considered the following:
- Sometimes users are annoyed by the lightweight vibrating rumble. This can limit the possibility of placing such boilers in residential premises or directly near them.
- With equal power ratings, induction boilers are always much heavier than their "counterparts" of another type( without accounting for additional equipment - expansion tanks, circulation pumps and , .) This complicates the installation process a little - reliable walls and .
- The cost of such heating boilers is very high.
And, for example, two models of induction boilers:
Miniature | Brief description of the model |
SAV 7-1, the most powerful in the line of single-phase boilers of the PROF series. Power consumption - 7 kW.The effective heating area is up to 85 m². Dimensions of the boiler - 450 × 121 mm, while its mass is 35 kg. It is equipped with a remote control unit with temperature sensors, a thermoregulator, protective devices, a terminal block for connection of additional electronic and electromechanical devices. The cost of the kit is about 38 thousand rubles. | |
VIN-7, also the most powerful one-phase( 220 V). Power - 7 W, for heating area up to 90 m². Dimensions - 675 × 133 mm, weight - 23 kg. The diameter of the threaded nipples is 25 mm. In the normal configuration - the boiler itself, control cabinet, security group and temperature sensor-price of about 36 thousand rubles. A complete circulation pump, flow sensor and shut-off valve kit are added. Cost - 46 thousand rubles. |
So, we have finished acquaintance with the basic types and some models of electric heating boilers. It is necessary to carefully study all the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of devices, to assess the degree of complexity of their operation and economy, so that the electric heating of the house becomes effective and does not lead to absolutely unjustified costs.
And in conclusion - a very informative story about the choice of electric heating boilers;