Heating PLEN

The difficult question of choosing and creating a heating system for your own home is necessarily to some extent rises in front of any homeowner. Everyone wants to get the most advanced on the output - to make it effective, economical, autonomous, inexpensive and easy to use in daily operation, easily adjustable, if possible - compact, that does not occupy usable area and does not requirespecial rooms. Is it possible? With the already familiar types of heating - hardly , and from some important parameter, anyway, but will have to refuse .

But if you look more closely at modern high-tech systems, you can see that the infrared heating PLEN has come very close to the high performance in almost all the criteria for evaluation. Recently appeared in everyday life, it is gaining popularity fast enough, but still still did not completely overcome the threshold of human vigilance to everything new and unknown.

Most likely, the reason for this lies in the lack of information about this advanced method of heating the living quarters. Let the

given publication serve to ensure that still even a few people made the right choice and installed the PLEN-system. And they, no doubt, will spread the information and their positive feedback further.

Heating PLEN

Heating PLEN

What is heating PLEN

Contents of the article

  • 1 What is heating PLEN
  • 2 Advantages of the infrared heating system PLEN
  • 3 The form of the heater PLEN
  • 4 The basic concepts of heating installation PLEN
  • 5 A few important remarks
    • 5.1 Video: the advantages of the infrared heating system PLEN

Howit's not sad, but the gas mains have reached the yet is far from being to all cities of Russia, and even more so - to suburban settlements. The output is to switch to solid fuel heating or electricity.

Solid fuel is a frequent trouble with the purchase of the right fuel, with its placement in of the proper conditions, and it is necessary to monitor the boiler equipment practically daily or even several times a day.

Electric heating at once, by definition, repels the cost of a kilowatt, since of all types of energy carriers, the - electric power is the most expensive. However, modern technologies are ready to refute this fact. If the electricity is converted into heat correctly, to spend rationally, the cost of heating the housing will be quite acceptable. This allows to achieve the physical effect of direct infrared radiation, which is technologically realized in PLEN.

To avoid possible misunderstandings, it should immediately be noted that in this publication the abbreviation PLEN is used only as a shortened term for the term " film radiant electric heater".The fact is that the same trademark of one Russian company looks exactly the same, one of the types of products of which are exactly such heating systems. In addition to the , , has several firms( in St. Petersburg and Moscow, the Urals and Siberia) that have mastered the production of high-quality PLEN.By the way, on the territory of Russia there is no reason to look for a similar product of imported production - this is exactly the case when domestic products are cheaper and much better than foreign analogues!

Although film heaters use the physical phenomenon of heating conductors, the process of their operation differs radically from the operation of conventional electric heaters with a resistive principle of operation with huge energy consumption and irrational heat dissipation . First, let's consider the basic scheme of the structure of the standard PLEN:

So the canvas film of a radiant electric heater is arranged

This is how the film film of the radiant electric heater

1-wire, which the PLEN element is connected to the power distribution. Usually they have color marking( blue - "zero", red, brown, white - "phase"), and on some models there is also and the letter designation is "N" and "L" .

3 - The points of the factory soldering of power wires and heating strips. These places are located inside the film and are carefully insulated. Do not solder alone.

4 - heating strips( resistive ).They are made of a special alloy . which provides smooth and powerful heating, but not too high temperatures.

5 is the layer of aluminum foil, on which transfers heat from the heating bands, and which by the reflecting properties directs the flow of thermal radiation in the desired direction.

6 - All these elements are hermetically packed between two layers of a rugged polyester film. On the perimeter left a free strip of glued films - it is necessary for installation work.

Digit 2 shows the brand holographic sticker - , the manufacturers similarly strive to protect their products as much as possible from substandard counterfeits.

Now about how this system works practically.

  • When the supply voltage is applied to the contacts, the resistive strips begin to heat up very quickly to a temperature of the order of 45 - 50 ° C .(Some versions of such PLEN heaters having a special purpose, for example, agricultural dryers or mini saunas, may have higher heating temperatures).
  • The heat generated is distributed over the metallized surface of the heater - the high heat capacity of and the thermal conductivity of aluminum are good for this.
  • For the account of the of the correctly selected reflective layer and the corresponding heating parameters, the thermal energy is converted to the beam energy - into the infrared flux in the region of the invisible spectrum with a wavelength of the order of 8 - 10 μm.
  • Similar radiation when encountering an energy absorbing obstacle leads to surface heating. However, , the frequency and wavelength of such an IR-flow ensure its almost unimpeded passage through thin layers of decoration - for example, through the material of a suspended or stretched ceiling.

Thus, the PLEN elements located under the ceiling result in the heating of all surfaces to which the direct rays of infrared curing come - this is primarily the floor, but all available interior details are actively involved in the process. In turn, even an insignificant heating of the in the of all the surfaces in the room results in the transfer of heat to the air - a very comfortable atmosphere with an optimal temperature distribution is created in the room.

The heating system PLEN is able to optimally, it is most comfortable to distribute the temperatures in the premises of the house

The heating system of PLEN is able to optimally, it is most comfortable to distribute the temperatures in the rooms of the house

. So, when the PLEN itself is heated to , the 45 with provides the flow capable of heating the floor to a temperature of about 24 ° C .And this, in turn, will give air heating at floor level about 21 - 22 ° With , and at level of adult head - about 18 - 19 ° With - the most comfortable heat distribution. And , the ceiling height in given case does not play a special role - for infrared rays of such frequency on the way from ceiling to floor, air does not become an obstacle or an energy dissipator.

Probably, it's unmistakable to state that the principle of operation of such heaters is observed by nature. The most direct analogy with the sun's rays is being asked. The infrared part of the solar spectrum with a wavelength of 7 to 10 microns is invisible to the eye, does not tolerate a huge amount of thermal energy - it is enough to recall that the sun can feel the transmitted heat even on a cold day. At the same time, such radiation is harmless to the human body and even carries in itself a "positive charge" for health.

Advantages of the infrared heating system PLEN

So, what are the positive characteristics of such a heating system:

  • First of all, of course, this is an economy. Despite the fact that uses rather expensive electric energy, the costs will be quite comparable with the costs incurred by owners houses of equal area, having traditional gas heating. This is achieved high efficiency such a system, the rational use of energy, low losses when its transmission, adjusted by the periodicity of the activation of heating - in full dependence on the temperature of the room.

The economy is achieved by the fact that the system absolutely does not need preventive maintenance or repair work. If everything was initially installed correctly, then such heaters are able to work, in compliance with the operation requirements, for several decades( say about 30 or even 50 years, although, probably, this is the expected timing, because such precedents still simply did not exist - itselfthe history of PLEN implementation so far is still much younger).

If the speech went about economy, that is, the sense sl pr to bring the table with the results of the approximate calculations prohibition of the installation and operation of various heating systems.

Heating costs, a country house with an area of ​​150 m²( approx. RUB)
Types of upcoming expenses Gas boiler
( ASBV type)
Electric boiler
Solid fuel boiler
( on pellets)
Film heater
liner outer pipeline 50 m 40000 - - -
Preparation heating system design and install a gas boiler 30000 - - -
installation work - external and internal wiring pipeline 150000 - - -
Estimated cost of the boiler 45000 25000 178000 -
Installation and adjustment costs of the 20000 20000 2000 -
boiler The cost of the cheapest, steel heating radiators 30000 30000 30000 -
The cost of plastic pipes and necessary fittings 20000 20000 20000 -
Installation of the heating system( pipes and radiators) 40000 40000 40000 -
cost heaters FREH( 65% of the total roof surface) - - - 92625
expenses for professional installation of heaters FREH - - - 75000
total 375000 135000 270000 167625
Expl(approx. RUB)
For energy used( per month) 1600 10500 2800 1800
For energy used, during one heating season( 8 months) 12800 84000 22400 14400
Maintenance and minor repairs( during the year) 7500 4000 4000
Total for a five-year periodby active operation 101500 440000 132000 72000

table clearly seen that the installation costs are comparable, for example, with an electric boiler installation with a pipe system and radiators. Gas or solid fuel heating systems will cost significantly more.

And on the operating costs the picture changes somewhat. Monthly payments for energy are slightly higher than for gas heating, but incommensurably lower compared to the electric or even pellet boiler. And if takes into account the absence of other operating costs, and then take into account the total data of cash costs for defined by the term( for example, 5 years), then as a result, PLEN heating becomes the unchallenged leader in efficiency among all other types of heating systems. So way, you can talk about the full payback of such a "project" after 2 ÷ 3 years of operation.

  • Heating PLEN can be used both as the main and as an auxiliary method of heating the premises. Practical studies conducted by have shown that it is able to fully cope with its functions of creating comfortable living conditions in any climatic zone. True , all this will be possible only if the building has a full and high-quality thermal insulation of all its structural elements.
  • The convenience of such heating is still in that that it is very easy lends itself to automation, programming - it's very flexible to plan its operation. For example, it is possible to preset the operating modes that will ensure the minimum necessary heating of the premises while the occupants are outside the building, but with the conclusion of an optimal, comfortable regime for the expected time of their return. It is possible to include such heating in the "smart house" system with remote control modes via various communication channels - IP, GSM and , .
  • Heating of PLEN elements to temperatures above 50 ° With it is not possible in principle. And this means that they are absolutely safe in fire prevention, even when installed in completely wooden houses( with the correct, of course, laying and switching the electrical cable part).
  • Room heating is not accompanied by overdrying of air, burning of oxygen - the room retains the overall humidity level.
  • Similar radiation is absolutely harmless to the human body. Moreover, conducted by scientists -meds studies give grounds to to assert a lot of interesting about their healing qualities. So, getting on the open areas of the body, infrared rays of this wavelength activate the peripheral capillary blood supply of tissues, accelerate the necessary metabolic processes. We can say that such rays in the of a certain degree compensate for the pronounced lack of sunlight and heat, which is typical for the cold half of the year.
  • Safety and positive features of the PLEN system are so pronounced that it is completely allowed to use in children's educational institutions, including - in the manger and children's gardens, and in medical institutions, which speaks volumes about !
  • Heating using the PLEN on creates the pronounced horizontal airflow. It would seem - an insignificant trifle, but it's not entirely true. This movement of air does not create unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous drafts, and does not tolerate a large amount of dust, which is very important for people prone to allergic reactions.
  • Unlike traditional convection heating circuits, the heating of rooms to comfortable temperature values ​​during operation of the PLEN is very fast. So, for example, in order to raise the room temperature from the initial 10 to the comfortable 20 ° With the , the PLEN system will need from half an hour to 50 minutes. The same task for convection heating will take about 10 times more time.
Such a huge room is not easy to warm up in the usual way. And heating PLEN - this is by force

Such a huge room is not easy to warm up in the usual way. A heating PLEN - is under the power of

  • Heating system PLEN convenient for large rooms - with a competent location, heating is carried out throughout the room at the same time - no other system does not have such capabilities.
PLEN - probably the best choice for effective heating of the attic room

PLEN - probably the best choice for effective heating of the attic room

  • The installation of PLEN heating is not complicated, and it may well be conducted by and independently - the main thing is to have a good understanding of electrical engineering. No large-scale, related to transportation and lifting of weight, with welding or other complex construction, operations of stages simply do not exist. No special equipment or special equipment is required. This is the still one significant plus of the overall economy of the system. Work is done quickly, even with large areas of coverage.
  • heating system PLEN absolutely unpretentious to external conditions - due to lack of whatever the any liquid it is impossible to defrost, and, addition , it is little susceptible to power surges.
  • If necessary, the whole heating system is quickly dismantled - its can be transported and installed elsewhere, as it does not lose any of its performance characteristics.
  • And, finally, such a heating system is just a godsend for lovers of designer decoration. In itself, PLEN heaters are very thin, easy to hide under any ceiling trim( or mansard walls), the main thing is that it is not metal and is not a mirror surface.
Полотна ПЛЭН очень хорошо размещаются над потолочными системами "Армстронг"

Blades PLEN very well placed above the ceiling systems "Armstrong"

For example, the elements of PLEN suitable for placement above the stretched ceiling are excellent - its fabric is not an obstacle for the penetration through of of infrared rays through it. No worse than they "feel" in a complex with false ceilings like "Armstrong".

Nothing hinders to hide such heaters and plasterboard ceiling, however, the loss of thermal energy in this case will still be felt a little. Drywall is not completely "transparent" for infrared rays, and part of the radiated energy will be spent on on unnecessary, in principle, heating the ceiling. But this is - not so significant losses to refuse such registration.

The original grilles are not an obstacle to the infrared energy flow

Original grilles are not an obstacle to the infrared energy flow

The original lattice finish of ceilings or walls made of wood or MDF has become popular. Behind such panels it is possible to hide PLANS perfectly - heaters will be practically invisible, and heating efficiency in this case is excellent.

Decorative grille on the ceiling closes the mounted heating PLEN

Decorative ceiling grille closes the mounted heating PLEN

In short, before the owner of the house, conceived special interior decoration of their homes, very wide opportunities open.

  • The PLEN heating is actively used to maintain the necessary microclimate in agricultural houses.
Irreplaceable are PLEN in agrotechnical issues

Irreplaceable PLEN and in agrotechnical issues

So, you can with this heating to maintain the desired temperature in the greenhouse or conducts periodic heating in the poultry house.

The form of output of heaters PLEN

The form of production PLEN, for different manufacturers can have its own features, for example, in the width of the element or in the total length. Nevertheless, , the general trend is maintained, and in terms of performance, all heaters are approximately identical. For example, the PLEN heaters produced in of three frame sizes of 350, 510 and 650 mm are very popular. In this case film elements of 350 and 510 mm have two "clean" mounting areas - only on the edges of , and for 650 mm elements there are three, along the edges of and in the center.

Various forms of production of film heaters

Various forms of film heaters

What characteristics do such heating elements have:

  • They can be rated for AC power 73, 110 or 220 In the ( most often used elements on 220 In , ± 15%, 50 Hz )
  • Specific power approximately 100 W / m² - rated, 175 W /m² - the maximum.
  • The maximum heating temperature is up to 45 ÷ 50 ° C .
  • The wavelength of the emitted IR-flow is not more than 9.0 μm.
  • Current consumption - 1 A , peak value - up to 1.2 A.
  • Total thickness of the film film assembly - no more than 1,0 mm
  • Weight film heater( specific) - up to 330 g /m².

If one of the readers has previously been dealing with infrared with warm floors, then he remembers that it was possible to cut strips into the required size by factory tags, and then isolate the points of the cut. In the case of PLEN, this is completely excluded - the arrangement of conductive heating conductors is such that no changes in the size of the factory strip can be made. The manufacturer produces a fairly wide range of sizes of PLEN heaters, with the above width options and lengths from 1000 to 5000 mm. Thus, there is always the opportunity to purchase the most suitable for the specific conditions of a particular room. Accordingly, with the linear dimensions of the heating cloths, their total heating power also varies.

Width PLED - 350 mm Width PLENH - 510 mm Width PLENH - 650 mm
Length and
supply voltage
Power Length and
supply voltage
Power Length and
supply voltage
PLED - 1000 mm( 73 V) 60 W PLED - 1000 mm( 110 V) 87 W PLED - 1000 mm( 110 V) 111 W
PLED - 1000 mm( 110 V) 60 W PLED - 1500 mm( 220V) 130W PLED - 1500mm( 220V) 166W
PLED - 1500mm( 110V) 89W PLED - 2000mm( 220V) 173W PLED - 1900mm( 220V) 210t
PLED - 2000 mm( 220 V) 119 W PLED - 2400 mm( 220 V) 208 W PLED - 2500 mm( 220 V) 276 W
PLED - 2500 mm( 220 V) 149 W The 2605W PLED - 3000mm( 220V) 332W
PLED - 3000mm( 220V) 179W PLED - 3400mm( 220V) 295W The PLED is a high-3400 mm( 220 V) 376 W
PLED - 3500 mm( 220 V) 208 W PLED - 4000 mm( 220 V) 347 W PLED - 4000 mm( 220 V) 442 W
PLED - 4000 mm(220V) 238W PLED - 4600mm( 220V) 399W PLED - 4400mm( 220V) 486W
PLED - 4500mm( 220V) 268W PLED - 5000mm( 220V) 434W PLED - 5000mm( 220V) 552W
PLED - 5000mm( 220V) 298W

In addition to the PLEN heaters themselves, foil-insulated materials( such as isofol or isofol with a thickness of the order of 3 mm) must be purchased for their installation - so that the entire heat flow is directed to the right side and not spent on unnecessary heating of the floor.

Together with the PLEN canvases, the necessary electrical fittings are purchased

Together with the PLEN tapes the necessary electrical fittings

are purchased. In addition, the thermostat will become an obligatory element of the system of such heating. It will monitor the temperature in the room, compare the to its with the preset settings and turn on the power supply on as needed to always maintain the necessary comfortable microclimate.

Basic concepts of heating installation PLED

Now what you need to know for self-installation of such a heating system.

  • First of all, the in any case of the PLEN blade must be attached only to the thermally reflective insulating material( isoleon ). And the area of ​​the stream cover or the attic sloping walls of the with the insulator in this case should be close to 100%( except, perhaps, hidden emergency exits from the premises).

The strips of the thermal insulator are fastened so that the " bare seats do not remain. It is recommended to stack from not to knocking, but to overlap with a value of the overlap of about 20 - 30 mm.

Isolon is fastened in any convenient and affordable way. The main thing is that it is very firmly retained on the surface, as it will then become the basis for the installation of heating film elements. For example, some PLED vendors offer kit to their heaters with special universal fastening elements that are suitable for any surface of the ceiling or walls, and provide a reliable fixation of both the heater and the heating itself.

Isolon can be fixed with the help of universal fastening plastic elements

Isolon can be fastened with universal fastening plastic elements

  • The ceiling covering area of ​​the PLEN linen should be from 50 to 100% - depending on climatic conditions of the region. Most often, the coating density is within 80 - 85%.
  • The PLEN tapes are positioned in such a way that the contact wires are as close as possible to the planned switching point of the circuit - so there will be less costs for the cable channels and for the wires. Nowhere and never the canvas of PLEN can not intersect one with another.
  • Mounting the canvas to an insulated ceiling surface can be done in different ways - it all depends on the base material. If circumstances allow, then the most convenient way will be , of course, construction stapler - work will go as quickly as possible.
Fastest, of course, fasten on staples with staples, if there is such an opportunity

Fastest, of course, fasten on staples with staples, if there is such an option

You can use self-tapping screws with a wide head or press washer. In the event that the concrete overlap, will have to drill holes for dowels or under the already mentioned universal plastic fastening elements - they will be quite enough, since the load is quite small.

If the ceiling is a concrete slab, then you have to peek out longer

If the ceiling is a concrete slab, then you have to tinker a bit longer

There is no regulation on the number of fasteners per linear or square meter PLEN - the main thing is that the cloth does not sag. In order for to have basis for preliminary calculations for , you can roughly orientate on 8 - 9 fastening points per square meter of the canvas.

Very important point - all PLEN attachments are made exclusively within the transparent mounting fields allocated for this! It is strictly forbidden to make any holes in other areas of the canvas.

  • If it is planned to install a decorative coating, for example, a false ceiling, it should be noted that the distance from the mounted PLEN to the closing plane of the must be within 10 to 150 mm. - in any case, the air gap is mandatory.
Between the PLEN and the suspended ceiling, an air gap of 10 to 150 mm

Between PLEN and suspended ceiling, an air gap of 10 to 150 mm must be maintained.

The electrical work is performed by the in accordance with the wiring diagrams attached to the PLEN.On a large account , this part of the work is best entrusted to experienced electricians - they will be able to correctly calculate the cross-section of the cable depending on the total power, and conduct the correct wiring. For example, in production conditions, qualified specialists with a third tolerance group are allowed to do such work.

  • Diagrams for connecting ceiling heating PLENH looks like this:
The simplest scheme for connecting the PLEN to the power supply and the thermostat

The simplest scheme for connecting the PLEN to the power supply and the thermostat

The PLEN tapes are connected to the network in parallel, and the thermostat is installed in the phase break.

  • If you look closely at the table with the size of the PLEN, you can see that there are samples on 73 or 110 B. They are - small in size, and are designed for limited - narrow, difficult to configure the sections of the ceiling, where a large clothsimply can not fit. In this case, the connection is maintained by the with an important feature. For example, the two strips on the 110 volt should be connected in series.
Scheme when using compact webs with a supply voltage of 110 V.

Diagram using compact webs with 110 V supply voltage.

It's clear that if strips are applied on the 73 volts, then there should be 3 of them in the serial chain - in sum all should get 220 V.

  • More one nuance. The thermostat is placed in the open circuit in the phase only if the total load current does not exceed 9 A. When the current is higher, a different switching circuit is used - using a special device called a modular contactor.
When the load is high( current more than 9A), the thermostat switches on via the modular contactor circuit

With high load( current more than 9A), the thermostat switches on via the modular contactor circuit

The main task of the modular contactor is to remove an unnecessarily large load from the contactor of the thermoregulating device, since the thermostat is a thin enough and precise apparatus that does not need superheating.

All contact connections must be made using soldering with the obligatory two-layer insulating shrinkage tube.

  • Now - about the place of the correct installation of the thermoregulator itself. The fact is that the PLEN system does not usually provide additional temperature sensors, and the function behind the control of the current room temperature is on the itself thermostat. Thus, he takes the readings himself, and himself generates control signals for starting or pausing the heaters. It is this circumstance which places special demands on the choice of the location for the control device.
It is very important - to choose the right place for the thermostat

It is very important - to choose the right place for the thermostat

- The thermostat is located at a height of at least 1000 and not more than 1500 mm from the floor. Very often its location can be combined with standard switch positions.

- It should be categorically excluded even the slightest chance of direct sunlight coming from the window to the device.

- In order for the device to work correctly, it is not allowed to install it in close proximity to windows and doors - in places where the air temperature can differ from the general "background" in the room. There should not be a thermostat and on sites where the is often dominated by drafts.

- In order to exclude the effect of wall temperature on the thermoregulator sensor, a gasket of thermally insulating material( possibly of the same isomer ) with a thickness of the order of 5 mm is necessarily installed under the housing of the device when it is mounted on a wall.

A precisely tuned thermostat will maintain the room temperature with a very high accuracy. A drop of even 1 degree will cause the to turn on the power supply on the PLAN.And accordingly, when the desired level is reached, a signal will immediately be generated for a pause in operation.

Well-established system, for large account , in general does not need to be disconnected throughout the year. It's no secret that in the summer there are very cool evenings and nights, and PLEN always supports the desired temperature pre-set by the user. The only difference is that in winter the system will be switched on several times per hour, and in the summer - for a day, and maybe - for a week.

Modern electronic thermostats have a huge number of interesting possibilities

Modern electronic thermostats have a huge number of interesting features

In addition, modern electronic thermostats open a lot of other interesting features - programming modes of operation day and night, day time, days of the week - selectively on working days, weekends and holidays, with at the time of reduced rates and much more.

A few important comments

To logically finish the publication, there is a need for the to emphasize the several important points, without which the use of the PLAN system will be impossible or inefficient.

  • It has already been mentioned that the PLED heating system by far will prove its efficiency and economy only under condition of reliable thermal insulation of the building. It is useless to wait for inexpensive comfort, if heat flies through walls, windows or doors to the street.
  • Moreover, we should not think that installing such a system in only one room can solve all the problems. If other rooms are not heated, such heating will not be effective.
  • Not with with Explains to open the windows in the cold season, if it seems that the premises are too hot. It would be more appropriate to simply lower the set temperature - in the rooms it will quickly become cooler. Since there is no consumption of oxygen during the operation of the PLEN, special measures for ventilation should not be taken.
  • It has already been said that it makes no sense to switch off the system for the summer - just set the desired temperature, and the system will decide whether to turn on the power.
  • The passport data indicate that the nominal power consumption for stable operation and good insulation of the building is about 15 W / h per square meter. This is designed for maintaining the room temperature at level 20 ° C .If the is required to increase or decrease its , then the power consumption will proportionally change in one direction or another by approximately 5% per degree.
  • Characteristic feature - the border of the maximum comfort feeling with infrared radiant heating is reduced by about 3 degrees. For example, if convection heating is the most pleasant atmosphere, heating up to 23 ° with is felt, then at PLEN the same sensations will already be at 20 ° .
  • When connecting the electrical diagram, do not forget about the separate power machine in the switchboard specially designed for this heating system.

Video: advantages of the infrared heating system PLEN

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