Autonomous sewerage by our own hands - we address for help to bacteria and reagents

Autonomous sewerage by hand, types of waste disposal systems

The most primitive system is the more civilized relative of the cesspool - septic tank. The form is different, the principle and content are the same. In general, this is a huge plastic canister( there is something in common between it and the septic tank), under which is no less a huge pit;in it capacity is safely and buried. Only the hatches remain on the surface, through which the pumping of waste is subsequently carried out. Is it reliable, especially if such an autonomous sewer system is made by hand? Compare with others and find the best option.

In addition to storage systems, there are self-cleaning local sewers. However, their choice depends entirely on how actively the system data will be used. For example, you live permanently outside the city, in a circle of a fairly large family, and you often have visitors. In this case, the most economical and therefore ideal option is the "bacterial" local sewage system. Causes fear? It is in vain, because it is only an

closed system stuffed with bacteria that recycle all waste, through which there are .Such bacteria are of two types: anaerobic and aerobic. The first ones do well without oxygen, the latter should receive it in sufficient quantity for active activity.

However, if your sewer system does not function continuously, which means your rare occurrences on a suburban site, bacteria can die without recharge. In this case, it is best to turn to the domestic chemical industry by purchasing a sewage system that operates on certain reagents. While you are not there, the sewage system is in the disconnected mode, but as soon as the waste of life begins to flow into it, the reagents receive a carte blanche and start actively destroying the organic matter.

The device of autonomous sewerage, principles of operation and disadvantages of

"Bacterial" suburban sewerage by definition is more complicated than a septic tank. It operates as follows: the waste is merged into a sedimentation tank, where suspended particles settle, then enter the next tank through a special filter stuffed with bacteria. An oxygen-free environment is either maintained there, or, on the contrary, air pumping is constantly carried out, depending on the bacterial culture. Already passing through the filter, all wastes are decomposed into constituents, and fall into the next chamber for secondary separation into suspended and sedimentary particles. Further, another chamber with a filter filled with bacteria can follow, followed by discharge of sewage into filtering fields or a similar well, or drains immediately fall "for the intended purpose," without secondary purification. In general, the device of autonomous sewerage is simple - a number of tanks through which drains are run through a pump or by gravity.

Autonomous local sewerage, based on reagents, is somewhat simpler. As soon as the drain starts, the flow force triggers the dispenser of reagents that automatically fall into the drain. Mixed with waste, the reagents begin to destroy them immediately, as a result, the sewage filled with reagents, after being trapped in the tank, is already cleaned to a certain extent. Then, the effluents enter the settling chamber, where heavy particles separate from them. The final stage is the cleaning of the disinfecting solution.

The disadvantage of reagent sewage is its low environmental friendliness, because wastewater remains saturated with spent reagents when they enter the filtration fields or the filtering well. However, this defect is justified by the infrequent work of such a system. As for sewage systems, functioning due to bacteria, their drawback lies precisely in the necessity of constant supply of nutrient medium for tiny workers. The problem of recharge is particularly acute in sewage systems with dual crops, otherwise called reactors of variable action. For the filter of such a system, two types of bacteria are selected, capable of living in an oxygen-rich environment and in the absence of such a medium, one species active in the first case and the other in the second. In other words, when there is oxygen, some bacteria work, when the compressor does not work - other .The disadvantage of such a system is that the bacteria that are anaerobic, yet feel at the time of oxygen makeup is pretty bad, the same can be said about aerobic in an oxygen-free environment. As a result, with each change in the environment, active bacteria work half-heartedly, not having enough time to recover from unfavorable conditions.

Installation of autonomous sewerage in the countryside

conditions First of all, we determine the location of the septic tank or any other system. Consideration should be given to the basic requirement of sanitation: the sewerage tanks should be located at least 50 meters from the water intake, and this only in the case of a shallow borehole drilled to the nearby aquifer. Artesian wells on the site imply a much larger distance to the sewage system. When the place was decided, we prepare the pit, which should by all parameters exceed the dimensions of the septic tank by 20 centimeters. At the same time, the depth at which the installation of an autonomous sewage system will take place depends directly on the outlet point of the sewage pipe, which, by the way, must be sloped to exclude its clogging.

When preparing the excavation, it is necessary to provide the depth of freezing of the ground, respectively increasing the height of the walls of the pit and the ditches for pipes, or insulating the septic tank and gutters.

Next, the installation of an autonomous sewerage system begins, for which a pillow of sand( ideally) or a mixture of sand and cement should already be prepared at the bottom of the excavation. In the ditch, pierced between the foundation pit and the house, in addition to the pipe, the compressor hose should also be laid, if the septic tank is volatile in terms of life support for bacteria. With regular increases in the level of groundwater, it is recommended to fix the tanks with chains on the reinforcement installed in the excavation. Also, for greater reliability of fixing, the sewer system is covered on the sides with a sand-cement mix( for good reason, it was left 20 centimeters on each side).On top, if necessary, the entire system is sheltered by thermal insulation, but in the event that the sewage system works continuously with a constant release of heat, this precautionary measure is unnecessary.

Do not forget to lengthen the main throats to the surface with a significant penetration and pour the reservoirs with water before finally filling the septic tank.

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