The easiest way to determine the weight of a steel pipe
The question is purely rhetorical for people who are building their lives seriously and for a long time. Calculation of any pipeline system, suspended on structural load-bearing surfaces of a residential house by the parameters of the mass of pipe elements is mandatory. The profile steel pipes used in the installation of the frame or the manufacture of metal trusses from the profile pipes for the roof should also ideally be designed for kinetic and dynamic loading.
Imagine a simple situation: you decided to build a summer culvert from steel pipes( water supply, heating, sewerage and everything, up to the beer pipeline), whose weight is important only for intra-house network wiring. If the calculated working diameters of the network are known to you, and the design requirements for the installation products are specified in the technical regulations, then we refer to the calculation tables.
But before you start looking for such tabular values of shaped steel products in the network, getting confused in the assortment, internal and external diameters and other technical nonsense, let me give you some recommendations.
- find on the network the first site that has the source text of GOST 8732-82( round), 8645-68( rectangular products) and you will know the weight of 1 meter of any steel pipe from that assortment of pipe products( seamless or welded, manufactured by the colddeformation or hot-rolled, in other words, any), which is produced in our country;
- in the same place on the Internet you can find a calculator not only the meter of pipe of any profile, but also its prices in conventional units;
- could not find their own version, we return to the same notorious calculation tables for the weight of metal pipes and other steel products.
How to use the calculator for calculating the weight of a steel pipe
Usually the steel grade used for the production of any form of rolled metal( corner, channel, Taurus, round and profile pipes) is not taken into account in the calculations. The density of industrial grade from steel is conditionally assumed equal to 7800 kg / m3, it remains only to determine the volumetric characteristics of a particular product.
- In order to calculate the weight of 1 running meter of a round steel pipe, only two values must be measured and entered: the outer diameter( which can be found in the accompanying documents for the lot or determined independently with a caliper) and the wall thickness( similarly).
- Square and rectangular profile sections: set the side( pipe sides) and the same notorious thickness. Additional parameters, such as rounding angle, manufacturing technology( seamless, cold-deformed, etc.) you do not need to know.
How to independently calculate the weight of 1 meter of steel pipe
For people who do not fundamentally trust Internet-blendes, we can offer the most simple way to estimate the mass of any hollow tubes. Usually, this indicator is necessary in determining the length of the rolled steel, which, so it was said, is sold not in the measured figure, but in tons.
For example, for the layout of your stand-alone water supply system at the dacha, 300 meters of galvanized pipeline sections with an outer diameter of 20 mm and walls of 2 mm are required, according to the design scheme.with an installation size of 16. From the table data we get that the weight of 1 meter of such a metal pipe is 1,075 kg, which means that in a ton of such rolled steel you buy 930.23 m of finished products.
Want to count yourself? Elementary: mentally roll a meter section of a round tube into a flat sheet and calculate the volume of the structural material. Those who forgot the school course of geometry and physics, we recall:
- the length of the site is 1 meter;
- width is equal to the perimeter of pipe P: for round it is 3,14159хD( outside diameter);for profile 2x( a + b), in other words, the outline of the rectangle;
- the height S is equal to the thickness of the shell of the tube mill;
- the density of the material we know: 7800 kg / m3.
It only remains to multiply all these values: X = PxSx7800 and for the case considered above, get: 3, 14159х0.02х0.002х7800 = 0.98 kg.
The result is usually obtained underestimated, but the coveted weight of 1 meter of steel pipe, its cost and the price of the whole future construction( pipeline or building metal farm) become visible and understandable.