Simple ways to determine the level of groundwater during construction

The subsurface water level is the depth of the first aquifer from the surface. In each locality, this level is different, as it depends on many factors. The layer of water replenishes due to the rain and melting snow, its "power" is affected by closely located natural water bodies( rivers, lakes).We must understand that the level depends on the time of the year. In different periods, water can either approach closer to the surface, or vice versa - "retreat".In the winter months, of course, it is at the lowest point.

We will need to determine the level of occurrence of groundwater during construction. It is from this that the choice of type and calculation of the foundation largely depends. This is taken into account when digging wells, equipping the cellars, etc. This is also the task of the summer residents when they decide the expediency of planting a particular crop. After all, groundwater affects, for example, the chemical composition of the soil.

ground water level

Methods for determining the water table

There are a lot of ways to determine the depth of the water layers. Do it better or fall( during the rainy season), or early spring. Consider briefly some:

  1. if near the site there are wells, then you can determine from them. It's enough just to look inside;
  2. a good tip will give vegetation on the site and in the district. In places where water is close to the ground, marsh species of plants predominate. Reeds, horsetail, willow, alder are the true signs of near water. Here, as a rule, there are more mosquitoes and mosquitoes. And all the vegetation is very bright, juicy. Sometimes it stands out sharply against the background of the surrounding flora;
  3. if it is a question of building, for example, a country house, then one should resort to the drilling method. Of course, you'll have to turn to specialists and pay. But such a waste is justified. Much more will have to spend when the foundation of the house suddenly "floats".It should not in this case rely on neighbors. The fact is that the aquifer is not straight. He can bend, then rise, then sink.


There are also ancient, "grandfather" methods. We took a fresh egg, just taken down. He was put on the bare( removing turf) land in the right place, podstlav scrap of dry and fat-free wool. Top covered with a clay pot. On the pot on top laid off the layer of turf. In the morning, at sunrise, the pot was removed and examined the egg. If there is dew on it, the water is close to the surface. If the egg is dry, but the wool is wet, then the layer is deep. Well, if there is no sign of moisture, then there is no water in this place either. The method is simple, but effective.

However, you need to know that there are many ways to lower the water level. Information is pretty and on the Internet. And you can do a lot with your own hands.

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