Pigeon on the balcony. Rules of construction and arrangement of their own hands

Many fans of pigeons, not having a private house with a house, dream to equip a pigeon house on their balcony. Birds quite comfortably can be accommodated on this territory, while delivering to their owners a genuine joy. The main thing is to carry out timely care for them, so as not to provoke discontent of neighbors.

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Requirements that should be taken into account when equipping a pigeon on a balcony

  • The balcony on which birds will live should be quite spacious,so that they can feel good and actively multiply;

  • before making a dovecote on the balcony, it is worth asking neighbors if they agree that now near their windows there will be around the clock sounds and remain traces of the life of birds. If not, then this is best left, first, for purely human reasons, because neighbors have the right to be against, and secondly, from self-preservation, because they can rally against you and write a complaint in the housing and communal services, sanitation or evenand your dovecot will be liquidated together with the pigeons, and you will be fined;


  • pigeon dwelling should be similar to the natural habitat of these birds, only so they can feel comfortable in it;

  • separately it is necessary to think about that the birds were safe. Do not allow them to get injuries due to unsuccessful planning or hastily hammered nails;

  • if the balcony is on the sunny side and at noon the sun is burning mercilessly, then the pigeon must necessarily be shaded;

  • on the windows it will be necessary to pull the net from the inside. It should be 10-15 cm from the glass. This is necessary in order to protect them from damage;

  • perches should be fixed and have a thickness that will allow the dove to almost complete its girth;

  • arranging a balcony dwelling for pigeons needs to understand that in order that they do not hurt and do not freeze in winter, there should be no draft and humidity in their habitat. To do this, it is necessary to insulate the ceiling, walls and floors from the inside with plywood, and as a heater for it, use, for example, cardboard;

  • room dove must be practical and functional, it does not need designer excesses;

  • boxes under the nests should be made so that they could fit two birds, because pigeons create a pair;The


  • bird house should be equipped with shelves and perches, on which they can rest. They should be made of softwood;

  • to make pigeons feel very comfortable, it is desirable to place a plant near them. First, they can consume vitamins, and no additional feeding will be needed, and secondly, they will have the opportunity to build their own nests;

  • the pigeon feeder should be of sufficient width, so that the pigeons could be a big company trampling in it, pecking the feed, otherwise, kuchkayas, they will scatter most of it and spill onto the floor;

  • the premise should be arranged so that its owner could easily put things in order, everywhere it would be possible to reach. Also he should be able to catch any pigeon any minute;

  • pigeons are very fond of swimming, therefore it is necessary to hang a large container of water in the room where they are kept;

  • to occupy a pigeon house follows from the calculation that one pigeon requires at least one square meter of area. If they are not cramped, they will always be vigorous and healthy, will be able to reproduce and feel good.

Interior decoration in the house pigeon house

It is preferable to wall the walls with wooden boards or plywood, while ensuring that there are no slots between them. If they lie close to each other, this will greatly facilitate the cleaning and will make it possible to avoid drafts.

For the maintenance of pigeons it is desirable to make special shelves about the size of about 75x35 cm, on which are nests and roosts, as well as boxes of the same size in which birds can also live. Becauseon a regular balcony a little space, then you need to choose one thing, and most likely there will be boxes that stand on top of each other. They can be installed from floor to ceiling balcony.


If you still decide to install the shelves in several rows, then their sizes are selected depending on the size of the pigeons living on the balcony: small shelves are suitable for 30x30 cm, for large ones - 75-80x35-40 cm.

It seems to the uninitiated from the outside thatIt is not so difficult to build a dove on the balcony with your own hands. But in fact, their settlement should be carefully prepared, create them all the conditions for a comfortable existence. To do this, listen to a few more tips.

Some advice on the arrangement of the pigeon house

  • is influenced by the amount of light penetrating into the pigeon house. Windows are made small, but there must be several. It is desirable that they are on the south side. This question can not be left without attention, tk.the survival of pets depends on it;

  • the room containing pigeons must necessarily be ready for winter colds. Although frosts are not dangerous for them( provided enough food is consumed), dampness and drafts may pose a real threat to them. By the way, a pigeon, like a person, can get a cold. At the same time, they should be able to freely leave their homes, as well as return to it;

  • on the balcony of the dove must necessarily need electrical wiring so that you can visit your pets at any time of the day, and also extend the daylight hours in the winter;


  • in the pigeon house there should not be stagnant air, it is necessary to constantly aerate it;

  • , air temperature in a birdhouse in winter should not fall below -7 ° C, and in summer time should not exceed 20 ° C;

  • any dovecote, including a balcony, should be painted in bright colors and be visible, so that pigeons flying at large could easily find it.

A competently planned hobby and real joy for the whole family can become a well-planned balcony dovecote. Photos of similar constructions are given on this page as an example.

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