Types of pipes for the chimney chimney and their installation

Calculation of the chimney parameters of the fireplace


The chimney devices of the home fireplaces can have different specificities in the design and the materials used for installation. It can be brick, iron or ceramic systems of different shapes and complexity of the structure. Regardless of the specifics of the device, the chimney chimney must fulfill one condition - the necessary level of the chimney process. Correctly tuned chimney chimney directly affects the further operation of the device.

Since the withdrawal of combustion products is a very important component of the functioning of the fireplace, its metric parameters determine the efficiency of this device. If it is incorrect to calculate the chimney diameter for a fireplace, then all the heat produced can go out( if the diameter is too large) or the combustion products can remain in the room( with too small a diameter), which is fraught with serious consequences. Ideally, with a well-regulated chimney flue, the room should not even have a smell of burnt fuel, but keep warm.

How to correctly calculate the diameter of the chimney

  • Calculation of the diameter of the pipe. The solution of this question, as a rule, can not be the application of several formulas. The calculation of this type is rather complicated and, almost always, is done by a qualified specialist. But if, for several reasons, a professional can not be used, then in such cases the following formula is used: the boiler's power must be divided by the square root of the pipe's height.
  • Calculation of pipe height. The longer the length of the chimney system, the stronger the draft. The height of the pipe is directly proportional to the diameter of the pipe section. Typically, for every ten meters of the chimney diameter is reduced by three times.

Compliance with all these calculations will ensure the quality and continuous operation of the fireplace.


Types of chimneys of the fireplace

The typology of the pipe products used in the chimney flue is not too wide. They can be stone, iron, ceramic. The calculated diameter of the chimney for the fireplace affects the choice of the type of pipe product for the chimney. It is worth mentioning the distinctive features of each type of fireplace chimney armature.

  • A brick chimney for a fireplace, perhaps, is the most common among the existing ones. This type of smoke extraction system is not equal in strength. But, sooner or later, it lends itself to weathering and needs thorough or major repairs every 8-10 years.
  • Stainless steel chimney chimney has several advantages. The choice of the diameter of the tubular product depends on which initial section has the diameter of the chimney for the fireplace. Chimney valves of this type have a high resistance to erosion and low weight, which significantly reduces the load on the roofing.
  • Ceramic pipe has a number of advantages such as lightness, durability and the absence of any kind of deposits on the walls of the inner coating. A major disadvantage is the fragility of this type of pipe products. Even a small mechanical impact on its surface can lead to fissures or splits.

Thus, the article described the technical characteristics of fireplace chimneys, as well as options for equipping the chimney using various types of pipes. Feel free to equip yourself a cozy corner with a real fire, and be sure of its safety.

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