Sololift for sewerage

Operation principle of the

solilift The forced sewage system is a pumping unit, the design of which contains a chopper. A compact housing can easily be placed behind plumbing fixtures and hidden, without making heavier the interior of the rooms. Sewage, which has passed through the machine's blades, becomes uniform and moves through pipelines with a diameter of 18-40 mm.

The difference between these pumps is high power, which makes it possible to move wastewater in horizontal planes for a distance of up to 100 m, and up to 5-7 m along the vertical axis. In order to work plumbing in the cellars, when there is no gravity tap, this characteristic is very important.

sololift for sewerage

Another important feature of these units is their high efficiency, which does not depend on the diameter of the pipelines. Thin tubes are easy to assemble, without requiring the participation of specialists and the use of large-sized equipment, as well as easy to hide behind the elements of design( plinths, cornices), and they fit perfectly into the interior.

If placing the kitchen next to the bathroom is undesirable, solilift for sewage can solve this problem - moving is possible in any part of the apartment or house.


Use of forced drains

To drain sewage from washing machines and dishwashers, it is necessary to connect to a sewer network, which is sometimes difficult to implement. In order to make it possible to install such a technique, sololifts are used anywhere. Features of this technical idea:

  1. Presence of a collection tank for wastewater that is structurally connected to the
  2. pump. When the sewage in the tank reaches a certain level, a float is triggered and a pump starts to pump the wastewater
  3. . The system is compact in size, easy to placeboth in the apartment and in the private house.
  4. The appearance of an unpleasant odor in the locations of the sololift is excluded, since the design provides for the presence of a carbon filter.
    The device does not require a specific cleaning technology, it is only necessary to rinse the tank occasionally to prevent clogging or accumulation of large contaminants inside it.

Sololift for sewer 2

To move the bathroom, it is necessary to make a major redevelopment of the living space, which involves a lot of complicated and expensive works, or equip the sewer system with a pump-sololift.

When choosing a device, it is necessary to take into account the chemical composition of the waste water and, in accordance with it, to select the pump according to the technical specifications. It is also worth remembering that it is pointless to save here, as acquiring a high-quality apparatus, the sewage system will work without interruptions and be distinguished by its durability and reliability.

Installing the forced sewer

Before installing the pressure sewer, make sure that it corresponds to the sanitary unit on which it is installed( sink, toilet, bath, shower).

To ensure proper installation of the forced sewage system, the diameter inlet must correspond to the sewage outlet.

In order to carry out the installation of the device, it is necessary to ask for the help of specialists only to connect it to the power supply. Everything else can be done with your own hand, guided by the instruction.

Sololift for sewer 5

It is recommended to connect a pipeline that has a vertical section, and then its direction changes to a horizontal one with a slope. The instruction attached to the sololift contains requirements relating to all types of location of the pipeline, as well as the values ​​of the slope of the pipes.
Sequence of installation works:

  • Into special equipment, an inlet is placed a sewer pipe of a toilet bowl or a sink
  • Sololift for the sewer on the other side is connected to the riser
  • The device is connected to the power source, and the safety shutdown system

Sololift for sewer 4

is to be installed. Thus, the sewage solilift is excellentsolution in those cases where there are problems with connecting to the network in the traditional way. The installation of this device makes the system reliable, durable, efficient and aesthetically attractive.

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