Technological connection to power grids for truckers.
Question: How is the technological connection of electricity for the members of a garden non-profit partnership( SNT) or for individual summer residents in the territory of the
Comment: Connection to electricity of electric receivers in accordance with Federal Law No. 35 st.26 n 1, ab.1 is of a one-time nature and is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The procedure for accession is stipulated in the Rules of the current Resolution No. 861 of October 27, 2011.If a member of the SNT directly contacts a power supply network or a private person with a request to connect electric receivers located in the territory of the SNT and their capacity and settlement fee were taken into account earlier when concluding an agreement with SNT, they are guided by the following:
- The members of the SNT must obey the decision of the generalmeeting of the SNT.
- Must comply with the requirements of the charter of the partnership.
Therefore, if the decision to join electricity networks and the conclusion of a contract was made at a general meeting of summer residents and this contract takes into account the power and the number of electric receivers, then the technological connection of the individual applicant is carried out within the framework of the agreement between the network organization and the SNT.If the contract was concluded between the SNT and the electricity networks without the decision of the general meeting, then the applicant can conclude the contract individually, as an individual with a network organization.
Disconnection or restriction of the use of electricity to the members of the SNT and individual farmers
Question: Are antitrust laws in place to disconnect or restrict electricity to members of the SNT or individual summer residents.
Comments: The regulations of Decree No. 861 on non-discriminatory access to electrical grids and the use of electricity transmission services state that owners or legal owners of power grid facilities through which indirect connection of receiving devices to electrical networks occur can not and are not entitled to prevent the flow of electricalenergy through their facilities to the consumer or require a fee for the passage of electricity through their facilities.
These proprietors, through which the connection is indirectly connected, can provide electricity transmission services through the facilities owned by them after the corresponding tariff has been established. At the same time, restriction of the use of electricity is prohibited for citizens who do not have debts and fulfill all the obligations stipulated by law.
An exception to the rules may be emergency situations, fan-out of users from the network, who do not have debts for electricity and fulfill all obligations provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
In the event that the owner of power grid facilities is not a network organization and unreasonably prevents the flow of electricity through their facilities to consumers or charges an illegal fee, this is regarded as a violation of Federal Law No. 135-FZ of July 26, 2006 "On Protection of Competition" and punished in accordancewith the legislation.