Sealing of water meters.
Without carrying out sealing of water meters, the organization that supplies water to your area will not register the device and will have to pay at an average tariff, which is not economical. All water pipes of the rooms are equipped with meters in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The meters are installed separately for hot and cold water, except for rooms in which there is a gas column. There is no need for a hot water meter.
Water meters can be purchased and installed on their own, but only the employees of the water supply organization can seal these devices for the account of consumed water. In order to save your time and nerves, you can entrust carrying out all works on installation and registration of necessary applications for sealing to specialists. Then you will be 100% sure of the success and legality of these manipulations.
In Moscow, the Mosvodoupravlenie organization deals with the sealing of cold and hot water meters.
Sealing is also necessary for counters that have been tested after removal, as a result of damage to the integrity of the seal. This is often the case when intervening in water communications after blockages or when replacing the entire system.
Seals are installed in such a place that you can provide them with free access for inspection. After carrying out sealing, it is impossible to dismantle the meter without destroying the seal itself, for the integrity of which the owner of the apartment is responsible.
How to seal the meter.
As well as water meters, electric energy meters are required to be sealed. Verification of the electricity meter with subsequent sealing in Moscow is performed by the Moscow Center for Standardization and Metrology. The seals are placed only on meters that have been subjected to the State verification and the device passport has a corresponding accuracy class. This indicator, according to the new resolution No. 442 of 04/05/2012( instead of the old decree No. 530 of August 31, 2006) of the government of the Russian Federation "On the functioning of retail electricity markets," should be 2.0 or less.
The body that performs the meter calibration installs the seal on the device casing, "locking" the tightening bolts, so that there is no outside interference in the counter design without destroying the seal itself. In order to pay for electricity consumption services with a new meter, the following documents must be submitted to the energy services organization:
- a written application;
- the place where the electricity meter and its connection scheme will be installed;
- technical characteristics of the new accounting tool.
Before removing an old meter, you need to invite an energy sales official who will take the testimony, if there is no possibility for such a visit, then it is necessary to conduct this procedure on your own and forward the received data to the address of the servicing organization. After sealing, the representative of the power supply company compiles an act of sealing in duplicate, signed by both parties. One act remains with the owner of the electricity meter and the prescribed time is stored, until the next sealing is performed.