Wood burning stoves - reliable masonry for stable heat

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Wood burning stoves - structural features of

There are a lot of known types of such structures, among them such popular ones as Dutch, Russian stove used in sauna heater. Increasingly, a wood-burning heating system is being built as an additional device for heating premises, mainly performing a decorative function.

There are many types of wood-burning stoves whose heat is used not only for heating, but also for cooking. They still find the widest application in garden houses, where the need for warmth only appears sporadically.

In those houses where the wood heating stove is the only source of heat, it makes sense to equip the house with two, and maybe three, pieces.

For example, a heating stove should be installed in a small bedroom, a fireplace in the living room, and a stove in the kitchen or on the veranda. And all of them can be connected to one chimney-chimney. However, there are also possible options in which one furnace combines these three functions. In this case, it is built in the center of the house in such a way that the furnace and plate go out onto the veranda or the kitchen, and the fireplace and the heating part directly into the living quarters.

Heating furnaces on wood - secrets of geometry

Directly with the size of the furnace its power is connected, and in calculations it is usually assumed that each part of it occupying an area of ​​1 m2 in the ground is able to heat 35 m2 of the room. Of course, such proportions are very relative, but to determine the size of the furnace being built are quite suitable.

Heating furnaces on firewood - structures are very heavy, and it is very serious to approach the issue of building a foundation for them. But there are exceptions. Small stoves and stoves, the masonry of which, taking into account the pipe requires no more than 200 bricks, weighs about 750 kg, and they can be built on the floor without a foundation.

In this case, a sheet of asbestos is placed under the base on the clay mortar, and roofing iron is placed on top of it. In all other cases, a separate foundation, not connected with the main foundation of the house, is absolutely necessary.

Wood-fired heating furnaces - masonry features

The depth of the foundation for the furnace with the pipe supported on it must be at least 100 cm. The dimensions of the excavation should be 10 cm more than the base. Here it is necessary to make a very significant observation. Wood-burning stoves for heating, despite the apparent external simplicity, are not at all easy for independent construction.

And if the foundation can be easily constructed on its own, the clutch would be more reasonable to entrust the master with the experience. We only briefly mention the main points. Masonry seams are made of a minimum thickness, preferably not more than 5 mm. Angles and horizontal rows are strictly level. In height, the maximum deviation from the vertical can be 10 mm.

To ensure smooth movement of gases and improve traction inside the oven, all internal surfaces must be laid out evenly, without distortion. Angles and turns should be rounded, and all possible changes in the diameter of the channel inside the masonry to do smoothly.

The grate must be located at least one row of the masonry below the furnace hole, and a gap of at least 5 mm between it and the masonry is required. These are the main features of the masonry of such furnaces, without which there may be insulting heat leakage or fire situations.

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