Air exchange in the pool, the importance of observing the
parameters. When installing any swimming pool, certain parameters must be observed: of air temperature of about 27-31 ºС, water 26-29 ºС, humidity of about 50-65%, chlorine concentration & lt;0.1 mg / m3, air exchange per person 80 m3 / h. As the temperature in the pool increases( for example, with additional heating), the amount of moisture that begins to settle on mirrors, walls and other surfaces increases.
Meanwhile, the constant high humidity leads to very unfavorable consequences. A person begins to feel bad, discomfort, working capacity decreases and mood worsens. Excessive humidity leads to the formation of mold and fungus, and also detrimental to the construction of the building.
It would seem that you can refuse heating and then there will be no high humidity, and the multiplicity of air exchange in the pool will be optimal.(Multiplicity of air exchange is a number that indicates how many times within 60 minutes the air in the room changed).But nevertheless it is necessary to observe the optimal parameters for the level of humidity and air exchange. To maintain proper indicators, the most common supply and exhaust ventilation is installed. As a rule, this pool ventilation system operates in an automatic mode and allows you to monitor the necessary parameters.
Calculation of pool ventilation
In order to choose which of the standard solutions for ventilation of the pool is suitable for you( supply and exhaust system, air dryers or complex installations ), it is necessary to calculate the ventilation. For this it is important to collect a number of mandatory data.
First, they include the initial information on the technical characteristics of the room, the layout, the state of the heating equipment, the wishes of the customer. Secondly, the calculation is done by air exchange, release of moisture;the layout of the system of air outlets, the selection of automation, equipment and sensors. Thirdly, it is necessary to coordinate the scheme with the customer and sign a contract for the installation of the system. After that, only specialists start work.
Warning! If you want to calculate the ventilation of the future basin by yourself, this requires compliance with certain norms of SNiP, as well as the corresponding skill. If you've never done this before, then it's highly discouraged to do it yourself! Ask for help from highly qualified specialists.
Choosing a ventilation system for the
basin As already mentioned, depending on the calculations and the customer's wishes, the can be installed with supply and exhaust ventilation, or desiccants of the complex installation. The first system is considered the cheapest and optimal for living quarters.
It provides fresh air supply, as well as maintenance of proper parameters for temperature and humidity. Such an installation includes: an outside air filter, a supply fan, an air intake, a heater for cold air( in the winter season).The exhaust air is eliminated by means of an exhaust fan.
The second method - the use of dehumidifiers - is used when the supply and exhaust system is not installed for any reason. Wet air is taken from the room and cooled to the lower dew point. The remaining moisture is eliminated in the sewage system, and the drained air is returned back to the room.
Well, the third way, installation of a complex installation, involves not only ventilation, but also heating the room, heating the pool water, dehumidifying the air. This system is the most expensive and works on the given parameters( automatically maintains the temperature and humidity at the proper level).