Calculation of storm sewage

Sequence of designing of storm catchers

  1. Designing of a storm shower for a specific site, development of a layout for pipelines and manholes. This stage of work is carried out taking into account the requirements set forth in the normative documentation - SNiP, SanPin, GOST, etc.
  2. Approval of the project in the required instances of the authority
  3. Construction of storm water sewerage in the selected section of

A very important part of the project is the technical specification of the system, complying with GOST 19.201-78 and fulfilling all the requirements for the designed scheme. This section contains not only a description of the purpose of the structure, but also the features of construction works, the timing of their conduct, technical and economic calculation, and so on.

The sequence of designing a storm shower

Calculation of the

system The calculation of storm sewerage involves the determination of such parameters:

  1. Selecting the type of system - internal or external sewerage
  2. Determining the location of the wells and their number
  3. Calculating the length of the pipelines
  4. Choosing the construction materials necessary for the construction of the

system The main factors affecting the calculations,are the climatic features of the region in which the site is located, the location of nearby water bodies of any type, catchment area, speedmovement of sediments and more.

In order to predict the material costs of the construction of a storm shower, it is necessary to compile an estimate that contains the price of all components of the system:

  • Point water catchment tanks
  • Drainpipes
  • Storm wells
  • Filters for wastewater treatment

Calculation of the system

Wells are a very important component of the system,depending on the type have a variety of uses - collection and accumulation of precipitation, their distribution before treatment facilities, system diagnostics, erosion of bottom sediment, as well astbora water samples.

The storm sewer design includes the following sections:

  1. System trace
  2. Hydraulic network calculation
  3. Linking and constructing its elements

Depth of storm sewer

The estimated depth assumed in the design of the network, in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85 is the depth used in the region.

With a small amount of calculated data, the depth of the laying of pipes is assumed to be the following: with pipe diameters up to 500mm - 30 cm, with larger diameters - more than 70 cm.

The optimum depth of laying of storm sewage pipelines is such that the earthwork volume is minimal, as well asensures the integrity of pipes, avoid freezing of communications and the formation of ice in it.

Depth of storm sewage

The minimum slope of the rainwater drainage system is determined taking into account the type of surface coverage, the diameter of the pipelines and the type of drainage.

The calculation of storm sewerage provides for determining the slope according to the following principle: if the inner diameter of the pipe is 200 mm, the slope should be 0.007 or more, and for a diameter of 150 mm - more than 0.008.Under certain conditions, the values ​​can be reduced to 0.005 and 0.007 for the specified diameters, respectively.

For open gutters, the slope is equal to:

  • Drainage channel - 0.003
  • Tray of road with asphalt covering - 0,003
  • Tray of road laid with crushed stone or paving - 0,004
  • Cobblestone pile - 0,005
  • Ditch with a separate location - 0,005

It can be concluded that the slope is directly proportional to the roughness of the material - the larger it is, the greater the slope value. With a diameter, the definition is different - with its increase, the number of inclines decreases.

With the self-construction of the drainage system, the principle of ensuring the required gradient is taken over the surface of the soil. For finished water drains, other principles apply.

Depth of storm sewage

The values ​​that are presented in the regulatory documentation are empirically derived, that is, they were derived from data obtained from a large number of ready-made systems. Properly implementing the design and calculation of storm sewage, the system will be reliable, and the period of its operation will be long.

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