Local sewerage

Sewer system construction with own hand

The most suitable and reliable option for network arrangement is the installation of a drain pit or a caisson that is deepened to the ground from metal. The principle of the septic tank is the simplest purification of water, which is settled, through the processes of vital activity of the microflora, added to it and filtration of water into the soil layers. Before starting construction work on the site, it is necessary to perform some operations that will allow the construction of an efficiently functioning sewage system that meets all sanitary and hygienic requirements.

First you need to locate the collection tank and the type of wastewater treatment scheme. Then follows the material component - the necessary building materials and their price. It is also important to know whether construction work will be carried out independently or if it is worth turning to professionals.

Sewer system construction by own hand

Sewage localization in the

section The location of sewerage systems is determined by sanitary standards according to the following principle:

  1. The slope of the collectors should be more than 3 percent. Therefore, if the storage tank is located at a great distance from the apartment house, its significant depth, changes in the level of sanitary ware or the use of fecal pumping units
  2. should be placed. A sewage pit near the house can be located at a distance greater than 7 m and completely seal the tank by equipping the sewage system
  3. riser The septic tanks are constructed at a distance of more than 20 m from wells and wells.
  4. The collection container is placed in such a way that it can be easily accessedto connect the ilos.

When building a network, one must also take into account the climatic characteristics of the terrain, namely the direction of the winds in order to prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors due to possible untimely cleaning and maintenance of the septic tank.

Localization of the sewage pit on the site

Building materials required for the construction of the

  1. Rings for the walls of the well - the number of them is set depending on the amount of waste water entering the reservoir and the nature of the system( constant or periodic).The depth of the location of groundwater also affects the total number of these elements.

    The choice of the capacity of the waste pit is carried out taking into account the daily rate of water removal( 150 liters) per person and the filtration cycle time( 72 hours).In order for the local sewerage to function properly, it is necessary to build a number of reservoirs. The system with three capacities is considered to be optimal.

  2. Sunroof and lid for each well
  3. Bottoms for rings of the required diameters
  4. Binder and aggregates of different dispersity( sand and gravel)
  5. Concrete as well as additional rings
  6. Polymer tube 350 cm long and 100-200 mm in diameter for use in conditionslow pressure

Building materials required for construction

Construction instructions

  1. The organization of excavation to create a pit for a reservoir-collection of sewage.

    It should be remembered that it is necessary to start excavation in dry weather in order to avoid soil collapses. At a temporary stop of works the place of an excavation is protected.

  2. Next, you need to build a sand and cement pillow, which is covered with a layer of rubble and rammed.
  3. On the prepared surface, install bottoms, which put wall rings of the wells.
  4. The pipeline connecting two wells is laid in the upper section of the septic tank, the cementation of the place of entry of the pipe into the well
  5. is carried out. When the construction of the wells is finished, the hatches
  6. are installed. The seams are sealed, filled with earth on the level of the upper rings of the wells. In this case, the soil is rammed after reaching the mark of the groove of each of the rings.
  7. The pipe that connects the riser to the atmosphere is made rigid and strong to prevent its deformation
  8. The ground will eventually settle a little, so you need to add it in the places of excavation and compact it to create an even surface. Local sewer is ready.

A guide to construction work

The principle of wastewater treatment in a septic tank

A septic tank is the simplest treatment plant that helps ensure that local sewerage effectively performs its basic function. The organic matter in such a tank is processed by special bacteria added to it, and purified effluents seep through the cracks in the soil, without harming the environment.

For the construction of an object with the highest purification capacity, it is possible to use ready-made tanks, which are called septic tanks "Tank".

Sewage accumulators must be provided with high-quality waterproofing to keep raw sewage out of the soil. For this purpose, the overflow holes are located at one level, and a large volume of sewage contributes to the distribution of the sections of the structure.

The principle of wastewater treatment in septic tanks

To strengthen the cleaning effect, bacteria are added to the septic tank, additional mechanisms are installed. If the local sewage system provides high quality of effluents at the outlet, they can be used for irrigation purposes.

If the quantity of wastewater is significant, as an alternative it is possible to use wastewater treatment plants of the Astra type, the capacity of which is approximately 1.6 cubic meters per hour.

One of the most important facilities on a private plot is a sewage and water disposal system. Its correct operation ensures the creation of a comfortable environment and gives coziness to the occupants.

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