Selecting the technology of installing the roof window
Beginning of installation of the dormer with your own hands begins with a consultation with a specialist. Next, you need to choose a suitable installation option, on which depends the quality of operation of the window and the interior of the room. They are distinguished by several:
- Vertical
- Triggered( inclined)
A common option is considered oblique, defining it as the most rational and easy to operate, letting in more sunlight. Vertical installation has a rafter base, and slopes prevent the passage of light into the room. Experts say that the vertical skylights make the room approximately 40 percent darker. A room with an inclined installation of windows in the roof looks lighter, more spacious. The appearance of the inclined windows does not look fanciful, it is almost unremarkable, the reason is that the window is being erected along the lines of the ceiling. Vertical - has a mini-balcony design, its installation is fundamentally different from the previous one. Modern building technologies have moved far ahead, to date, vertical windows are folded, leaving no hint of protrusions in the ceiling or in the exterior of the roof. Of course, this adds functionality to the window. The cost will also be too high.
Required tools and materials
The installation of the roof window with your own hands requires the use of the following materials:
- Window frame( S = 0,7 sq. Meters)
- Thermal and waterproofing materials
- Window frame
- Gypsum board
- Materials for the slopes
Do not do without additionalconsumables and tools:
- Nails
- Measuring tape measure
- Level
- Fasteners
- Saw
- Chisel
- Construction glasses( to avoid contamination of the eyes from the roof surface)
The time spent is approximately 3-4 hours. Two hours will take up the arrangement of the slopes. The main thing is to do everything measured, firmly and densely to lay building materials, waiting for their complete drying. Do not interfere in difficult situations, specialist help.
Important! Close attention should be paid to the tightness of the window. Any atmospheric precipitation will bring discomfort to the occupants of the room. Flowing from the rain, passing cold air will create unpleasant moments, requiring immediate elimination.
Installing an inclined window with your own hands
The process is divided into steps:
- The frame is removed from the window box. Sharp corners are slit into the grooves. The hole in the roof is mounted by building punks along with crates. It is important to take into account that the window opening is mandatory with a width of more than 4.5 centimeters( if the window opening is very large, it can be insulated and the slots should be closed with special construction means when installing slopes).
- The frame is placed in the roof opening. The side parts of the frame and its corner sides are fixed with screws. Only after tightly placing the frame, you need to fix it and close the window. Develop the clearances of the box. Do waterproofing the window. Waterproofing is done with a knife and a stapler. The upper horizontal band and the drop cap are installed.
- The bottom horizontal tape is placed. Density is checked.
- The side components of the frame and windows are placed. The door of the window is adjustable for a more hermetic closure. Do not show any unnecessary details on the door.
- Remove the visible foam rubber used to insulate the window. Its elimination is carried out with the help of a construction knife.
- Check and verify the quality of the installation of the attic window with your own hands.
The roof, which has an attic window, looks more aesthetically and modernized. A room with such a window has its advantages: better lighting, air exchange, ventilation, the exterior of the building is ennobled, a romantic mood of the interior is created.
Do not worry about the precipitation on the glass skylight. Firms-manufacturers have carefully approached this issue. Glasses are able to withstand the strong pressure of atmospheric precipitation. This creates additional benefits to quality. Even a strong hail will not become an awesome factor for the window.
Detailed description of the installation of the attic window with your own hands, look at the video in the adjacent tab