Dismantling the toilet - will have to act rudely and decisively

How to dismantle the toilet, if this is the first time?

Here comes the long-awaited repair, the turn came to the bathroom, but there you are greeted by a morbid inhabitant, who was built on conscience many years ago, and maybe even since the construction of the house. Then the dismantling and installation of the toilet will be quite a busy occupation, but doing it yourself, you will definitely understand its device, and the repair will not cause more trouble.

The most difficult option that you can meet, - is a Soviet toilet, because it was mounted for centuries, and the very structure of the toilet is very peculiar. That's why, most likely, you will not be able to save it whole. Examine the floor next to the toilet, assess the way of fixing the .If the object is installed on a cement cushion, then it is necessary to knock out a layer up to 3 cm in the chisel. In panel buildings, there is an option of installing the toilet bowl on a wooden insert, which was specially envisaged by the project. And fixed it so that it will be almost impossible to tear. This is the main difficulty.

The next problem that may occur, especially if you are going to reuse the toilet, for example, in the country, - is disconnecting the drain from the sewer .Again, if the construction and installation of communications were in the Soviet era, then the tightness was made first-class, with rare exceptions. The joints were so covered with mortar that now it is not possible to knock it down accurately, without damaging the diversion or the sewage pipe.

Dismantling the toilet with your own hands

After assessing the situation and armed with a hammer, chisel and crowbar, you can start work. To begin with, you should free up space in the work area, remove everything, down to the rugs, and ensure inactive sewage work, that is, not only do not use the water yourself, but also warn neighbors from above to abstain for some time from water procedures.

Now close the water access to the tank and remove the water supply hose from the pipe. The next step can be dismantling the tank , as removing the toilet with him will be harder at least physically. Release the last water, disconnect the hose from the tank, open the lid. There, without much difficulty, you can find fasteners. If the tank is fixed on the wall and hanging on the hinges, then it can be tried to remove and without opening. When the tank is small, and you do not want to waste time on this operation, you can skip it.

Next, needs to be freed .Even if the tile near the toilet is nicely laid, then it will have to be knocked out. Also come with a cement cushion. But if you got the most difficult option, where the fasteners are attached to a wooden board, the dismantling of the toilet with your own hands will be traumatic for plumbing. We'll just have to knock off the bottom so that the bindings remain in the floor with the base, then it is pulled out separately when the dismantling is over.

How to dismantle the toilet from the sewer pipe

Now your toilet is connected only with a cast iron sewage pipe, detach from which it can be in several ways. These methods carry a different degree of destruction, for simplicity, do not try to maintain the integrity of the plumbing.

The first way is destruction. Beat the tap, take the toilet off, and then simply clean the bell from the remains of pottery and mortar. You can simply break off the tap, if the toilet is not attached to the floor, clean the joint of the pipe and the tap from the solution as much as possible, lift it up and pull it upwards. Remains only to knock out the remains of the pipe, do not damage the sewage pipe.

Try not to clog the sewer with shrapnel, it is better to clog the hole with something( for example, rags).

You can try a more humane way when trying to preserve integrity. To the smallest residue, clean the joint of the pipe with the toilet from the solution, sealant and other inclusions. Lift the object, take a good look how freely it started to move in the pipe. Swaying slowly and scrolling the elbow, pull it out of the pipe, in parallel cleaning the passage from the remnants of the solution. If you can get the toilet, clean the pipe for installation. This concludes the dismantling of the toilet, video on this topic should answer the remaining questions about how to disassemble the toilet.

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