Design of the attic in the country

The design of the attic in the country: what should I think about?

Thinking about the interior of the attic at the dacha, it is necessary to take into account the geometric shape of the room. This refers to the choice of a place for stairs, doors, furniture. In the attic there are beams that can be hidden by the sheathing material and make them part of the overall decor. If they do not fit into a thought-out interior, they can be completely hidden by skin. If the beams remain open, then they must be ennobled, for example, varnished. Flooring for the attic in the country is better to do with wooden, nailing boards directly to the beams. Also, they should be insulated, so that in the cold season, heat losses are less.

Much attention should be paid to the arrangement of furniture, as attic space is small in area, especially in holiday homes. You should give preference to compact and multifunctional furniture. Cabinets are best not to use, because they are bulky and take up a lot of space. But if there is a need to install cabinets, it is better to choose the built-in type. It is worth remembering that this room should remain light and spacious, so you do not need to force it strongly with furniture.

Important! The height of the attic is small, so all calculations for the arrangement of furniture should be done with this height.

What materials are better to use?

The finishing of the attic at the dacha begins immediately after the design is defined. It is recommended to use lightweight materials and structures. There are two reasons for this. First, you need to make it as easy as possible to deliver all the material to the top floor. Secondly, you need to make the load on the building minimal, as it will be pushed to the already existing load. All this indicates that the materials should be selected on the basis of wood or thin metal. Use concrete and stone is highly not recommended. The roof covering should also be made of light materials.

Important! When deciding to convert an attic into an attic, it is necessary to consult with a specialist about the reliability and possible strengthening of the beams.

Attic at the dacha with their own hands should be faced with a "dry" finish method. Its advantages are as follows:

  • Reduced humidity. The use of sheet material and panels significantly reduces the humidity in the room;
  • Fire protection. By applying a special material and adjusting its thickness, it is possible to increase the fire resistance of the entire structure;
  • Weight reduction. This factor is one of the main, since holiday homes are not all built as thoroughly as ordinary houses;
  • Ease of operation. The installation of the sheet material is very simple and does not take much time.

Insulation of the attic

The cottage with an attic is not used all year round, but only in a warm time, but it is not superfluous to conduct its insulation. It is also mandatory to conduct waterproofing. Thermal insulation must be done for one simple reason - there is no air cushion above the attic, which keeps heat.

Also it has a large area of ​​contact with the external environment, so when the cold weather in the street will immediately change the temperature in the attic. To avoid this, it is necessary to make a thermal insulation, which will maintain a comfortable temperature inside the room. Important! For insulation, it is necessary to use only high-quality materials, since, in fact, only they will serve as a holding factor of heat in the room.

On the inner side of the insulation you need to make a layer of vapor barrier, and from the outside - a layer of waterproofing. It is also very important that between the heater and the roof there is a ventilation space that maintains normal ventilation, removes excess moisture and also serves as an additional insulating layer.

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