House of lumber with own hands

It is necessary to recognize that in recent years the trend of resettlement from urban area to rural has become fashionable. Of course, this decision is not easy to take and it must be understood that considerable trouble awaits ahead of the settlers. The first thing that comes to mind is to rent a private house or renovate an old one, but this article will talk about how to build a house out of a bar with your own hands.

Contents of

  1. Advantages of building a house from a timber
  2. Construction technology
  3. Building a house from a log with your own hands

You just have to determine the criteria to which we will gravitate in the design and construction of the house, namely - the relative cheapness, warmth of the room and coziness.

The customer is strongly recommended, regardless of the chosen material and method of construction, to delve into all stages of the construction process independently, because only then can you achieve a positive result and get what you really wanted.

Advantages of building a house from a bar

Of course, it is necessary to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the technology that will be used. First of all, you need to see the photos and videos of how the house is built from a bar with your own hands.

The photoreport and other supporting materials can be found on the corresponding page of the site.

First, it's nice to be in a wooden house - this is an important fact. Secondly, the construction of such a house is quite fast.(You can build a box in 4 days).

Thirdly, if you use the technology that is mentioned in this material, you can move into the timber house immediately after the completion of construction. Fourth, there is absolutely no need for that skill, which would be an integral part of the construction by other methods.

It is important to determine and cons. The main disadvantage is that such material is used as a tree, the harvesting of which is conducted by absolutely unacceptable methods, that is, violating the ecology. Secondly - the house of the timber can not be thrown without finishing. Despite the inexpensive erection, you need to be prepared for the fact that you have to spend an impressive amount of money for finishing, finishing, covering the timber with antiseptic to protect rotting and fungus, etc. In addition, the hull will need to be insulated, especially if it is built in placeswith cold winters.

Construction technology

Of course, it is best to design a house from a bar with your own hands. One of the first steps is laborious marking under nagels.

It's better to contact a professional who would help with this stage. The technology is such that on each scribbled bar they nacelize immediately: from above and from below, and this is done strictly by roulette. As a result, if everything is accurately cut off, it is detached - the bar easily sits one on the other.

You need to define a sequence of actions. For clarity, we recommend that you watch the video of building a house from the beam with your own hands.

The first step is to prepare the workstation: make some skeleton, then the bars are moved. Those with a hump are put, naturally, upward, etc. That is, it is necessary to make the marking of the bars - which one will go. Another builder no longer thinks about which side will be the upper one, and what's the lower one, he's already screaming, seeing the markings. Next, do the rest of the markup: the end, etc.

The following procedure - the marking of spikes, grooves;further it will be necessary to make them. Jute is placed between the beams, holes are made in it to be put on the nape. When a rough box is made, the jute is not inserted.

The timber should not be allowed to lie for long, it is harvested as it is laid. The wet bar dries in the wall itself, it is better to take it right after the sawmill.

We sincerely hope that our article with photos and video helped you to answer the question how to build a house from a bar with your own hands.

Video of building a house from a bar with your own hands

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