Wooden house with own hands

With a strong desire, to build a wooden house with their own hands is not so difficult. The most important thing is not to focus on saving materials, and if there are no special skills in such a case, then as a source material it is better to focus on coniferous wood species.


  1. Choose the foundation
  2. Options for building a wooden house
  3. Step-by-step instruction for the construction of a wooden house
  4. Video of building a wooden house with your own hands

The fact is that the needles, that is, coniferous trees, somehow inspire confidence in terms of practicality,plus, they are not so much prone to decay.

Choosing the foundation

But if the material is more or less clear, then the choice of the foundation should be approached with a special "trepidation".Taking into account the fact that, no matter what the house is made of wood, it will in any case be much easier than any concrete structure, when choosing the base one should be guided by the properties of the soil. In some cases, it is quite possible even do without a reinforced foundation. But often, the construction of a wooden house with its own hands provides the use of a columnar or screw foundation.

So, now a little about how to build a house on your own, and skills. .. In general, even when you do not have the slightest idea how to approach the issue of building a wooden house, you can use the advice of our site where you will finda lot of great ideas, photo interior design, as well as instructions for the construction and repair process.

For example, the photo material will help determine the choice of design, and to quickly master the technology of how to build a wooden house with your own hands, video stories will be more than eloquent.

Options for building a house made of wood

But for a glimpse of clarity, consider the two easiest options for building a house of wood with your own hands.

The first - is ideal for those who have no idea what is the installation of construction and construction in general, but it is full of strength, confidence and ideas.

The whole point of the idea is to go where there is already a ready project of a wooden log hut, and all that is required of you is just to compare the marking of the beam and the plan. Benefits?- mass:

  • assembly speed, respectively, and short construction time;
  • saving of financial investments on services of construction organizations;
  • is almost impossible to make mistakes in the process of assembling the box, because logs are cut at the factory.

The second way is specifically the male version. It is designed for those who have already heard and experienced what such a construction is, and knows exactly how to build a wooden house with their own hands( well, at least until certain moments).

However, in this case, one should take into account the fact that it is necessary to collect the construction on a separate site, making the beams fit independently. Accordingly, the construction time will increase by a good order. But do not think that there are no advantages! On the contrary!

Firstly, due to the fact that practically the whole range of works you do yourself, you will very well save the family budget.

Secondly, you will have a free schedule, not dependent on anyone, and not binding.

Third, your house will become truly your pride, built on its own and for the benefit of your family.

Step-by-step instruction for the construction of a wooden house

The construction process begins with the selection of the popular size of beams 10x15 or 15x15, which are pre-treated with an antiseptic.

1. The very first thing is the installation of the bundle crown( the bundle of the crown), which in the corners is connected to a half-tree. A tree is fastened with nagels.

2. The nail is needed to connect the beams and for it you need to make holes in the three beams in which it is necessary to drive it without much effort in staggered order with an interval of 30-40 centimeters.(It is better to use oak or birch as the material).

3. After the crown is installed, the beams are laid, linking the crown to the floor. That is, you get sex. Beams need to be laid on a narrow butt, not exceeding the step size of 0.7 meters, then put the sealant, again the beams and again the same seal.

Please note that if the pitch of the beams is 0.7 m, then the floor board should be at least 40 mm, and if you decided to reduce the step to 0.4 meters, then the board can be taken at least, millimeters thirty.

In general, you need to understand that the seal between the beams will be of great importance. Therefore, it is better to use more modern materials, such as jute cloth. But if the issue of saving is acute, then, of course, you can use even moss, although it is better to take a tow, felt or hemp.

4. In case the construction of a wooden house does not provide for plating, take care of the water flow. For this, from the outside of the upper edge of the bar make chamfers, approximately 10x10 or 20x20 mm.

5. Construction of the first floor should be erected to a height not exceeding three meters, after which it is possible to mount the floor of the second floor( if such a scale is planned).

Well, about everything else, for example, about the interior decoration of the wooden house in more detailed form, you can find out from the pages of our site, where you have selected the best materials of visual examples. Most importantly - do not forget about safety and comply with all technical regulations.

Video of building a wooden house with your own hands

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