Repair of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev

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If you decide to make a bathroom repair in a Khrushchevka , then you will have to face a number of difficulties and problems. The size of the bathroom in the Khrushchevka is very small, so during the repair the battle goes literally for every meter. To add a little space to the bathroom and toilet, a method such as redevelopment is used. First of all, the redevelopment of the bathroom in Khrushchev requires careful consideration of all the nuances - how will the plumbing be arranged, is not the wall that you want to demolish, the carrier, will the communication system do what you intended. Also, for redevelopment, it is necessary to pass the procedure for reconciling the project with the housing and communal services.

Contents of

  1. Photo of repairing a bathroom in a Khrushchevka

If the bathroom in a Khrushchevka is combined, then you do not need to worry about moving the walls and you can start repairing. Usually it starts with a door change. Take care that it opens outward, and not inward. Also, make sure that the door material is washable, resistant to dampness and to aggressive detergents.

After replacing the door, they start replacing the toilet, only first you need to take care of the water pipes, which are usually located behind the toilet and very spoil the appearance of the bathroom. Therefore, most often they are enclosed in an improvised cupboard made of panels with a door or roller shutters. A matt glass panel will also look good, which can easily be opened if necessary. Most often, the repair of a bathroom in a Khrushchev requires a complete replacement of the sewage system, so think about it in advance.

After replacing the communications and installing the toilet, the turn of the bathroom or shower comes. To at least a little to clear the area of ​​the bathroom in Khrushchev, the bathroom is replaced with a compact shower. This option is very convenient and allows you to fit in the bathroom and a sink and washing machine. If your family consists of adults, then boldly buy a shower. Well, if you have small children, such a replacement will not be very convenient, because a child needs to bathe in the bathroom every night.

So, you have finished with the installation of plumbing and the replacement of doors, now you need to complete the finishing work. Joint bathroom in Khrushchev requires a special approach to interior design. For walls, choose pastel, gentle tones. Dark colors visually reduce and so small the size of the room. Large wall tiles are undesirable for a small bathroom, the optimal mosaic tiles. The colors of the floors should also not be made too bright and saturated, choose a gray, blue, pink or light brown tile on the floor tile, the main thing is that they harmonize with the tint of the tiles on the walls. Dilute the monochrome colors with vivid impregnations. Let it be a bright cabinet for hygienic supplies, a colored lamp and a beautiful rug. Visually increase the size of the bathroom will help mirrors, they will visually expand the space. Also this will help scattered points of light, as in the photo, well, if there are several small lamps placed in checkerboard order.

Repair of a bathroom in Khrushchev is unthinkable without the use of certain tricks in creating an interior. At us you can see a photo of variants of the combined bathroom in Khrushchevka after repair.

Photo of repair of a bathroom in a Khrushchevka

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