Penetrating waterproofing of the foundation is a modern and reliable method of protection, based on the ability of special compounds to fill the pores of concrete with water-insoluble crystals, thereby creating a hydrobaryar while maintaining the vapor permeability of the material.
Principle of operation of the penetrating waterproofing
Concrete is a porous material, this is the reason for its property to absorb water. The smallest channels, called capillaries, pass water molecules to a considerable depth. The microcracks filled with moisture when the water freezes expand, and the capillary permeability of the concrete increases. Concrete grows old, collapses, begins to flow. In the presence of water and air, the reinforcement inside the structures rusts, and corrosion products contribute to the further destruction of the material.
Under the most severe conditions are structures that are in direct contact with the ground, for example, the foundation of the building: in addition to water, it is affected by slightly alkaline or acidic components of the soil. Tested and popular methods of waterproofing the foundation, such as the pasting or coating waterproofing, protect only the surface of the foundation, and with the slightest damage, water is passed through. That is why, in addition to waterproofing, drainage is installed to drain moisture from the foundation walls.
Penetrating waterproofing has a completely different operating principle. Components of waterproofing solutions and mixtures interact with calcium and aluminum ions contained in concrete, forming complex crystalline hydrates. The pores and capillaries in the concrete are gradually overgrown with acicular crystals, leaving only small gaps through which water molecules can penetrate in the form of vapor. In this case, capillary suction of water becomes impossible due to the surface tension of water droplets.
Filling of pores and capillaries of concrete occurs with the direct participation of water, therefore penetrating waterproofing can be carried out on wet foundations. The layer of waterproofing is not limited to the surface of concrete: the growth of crystals continues and, if sufficiently moistened, can penetrate to the depth of concrete to 0.6 meters. Due to this property it is possible to conduct waterproofing of the foundation both outside and inside the building, which is especially convenient when repairing the foundations of old buildings.
Types of penetrating waterproofing
For different waterproofing works different types of penetrating waterproofing are used:
- An aqueous solution for treatment of intact concrete by brush or by spraying. It is mainly used on new constructions;
- Mixture for applying with a spatula. Creates a layer of up to 2 mm, it is recommended for restoration and waterproofing of old concrete structures;
- Waterproofing seams. A rather dense mixture intended for repair and hydroprotection of joints. Used in combination with a liquid solution;
- Compositions for repair and removal of strong leaks. Apply if necessary to remove damage in the concrete.
Technology of foundation treatment with liquid solutions
Used for processing new concrete block or monolithic foundations, both outside and inside the building. After the treatment, a durable waterproofing layer is formed, during the operation, upon contact with water, crystallization resumes.
- The surface is cleaned of dust, dirt, grease spots and bitumen. For better penetration of the solution into the pores of smooth concrete, it can be sandblasted or brushed with a metal brush. The protruding parts of the reinforcement are stripped of rust. The surface is washed with water under pressure until the concrete is completely wetted.
- The composition is mixed according to the instructions on the package, pouring water into the dry mixture and thoroughly mixing. Should be a mixture with the consistency of liquid sour cream.
- The composition is applied by a wide brush in two layers, the holding time of the first layer is from 2 to 6 hours. When applying the second layer after 6 hours, the surface of the first layer must be brushed. The application of the composition is possible both from the side of the street and from inside the basement. For the waterproofing of the destroyed foundation structures, the solution is diluted to a thick paste-like consistency and applied with a spatula, a layer of about 2 mm.
- Application of decorative coating is possible not earlier than 21 days after penetrating waterproofing of the foundation.
Technology for penetrating waterproofing joints and seams
Used for the treatment of seams, joints, cracks in conjunction with liquid penetrating waterproofing. It can also be used to restore the destroyed concrete surface.
- The surface of concrete is cleaned of dirt and dust, washed with water. The cracks are expanded by removing the remains of the cement slurry, and stitches 2.5x2.5 cm in size with the help of a grinder or perforator are made at the junctions.
- Richly moisten cracks and strobes with water using a brush or spray. Cracks are treated with a liquid solution of penetrating waterproofing and are kept for 2 to 6 hours.
- Mix the required amount of the dry mixture with water until the consistency of the clay. Lay the mixture in cracks and stitches, hands or spatula. If it is necessary to repair large cracks, fine gravel must be added to the solution. When waterproofing concrete structures with traces of destruction, the mixture is applied by a spatula with a layer of up to 13 mm, in several layers.
An hour after setting the waterproofing mortar, it is necessary to treat the seams with a liquid waterproofing solution.
Foundation repair technology using penetrating waterproofing
This technology is used to eliminate leaks with a strong hydrostatic head, it is based on the property of the mixture to quickly form a waterproof concrete plug in the place of damage to the foundation.
- A crack or a damaged seam should be widened, deepened, shaped to expand into a cone.
- Prepare a solution of thick paste-like consistency, so that it can be blinded by a plug in the shape of the hole in the concrete. All work must be done very quickly: mixing - no more than 2 minutes, sealing a crack or holes - 3 minutes.
- Insert the stub in the gully and press firmly with your hands or a tool for 1-2 minutes. During this time, the solution sets, and active crystallization begins.
- The surface of the renovated gully is leveled with a mortar for joints and seams, and then treated with a liquid solution for penetrating waterproofing.
There are also tools used in the construction of a concrete monolithic foundation: they are introduced into the finished concrete in the form of an aqueous solution in the calculated amount. Concrete with such additives is resistant to moisture, mechanically strong, inert to aggressive liquids.
All work on the application of penetrating waterproofing must be carried out in durable rubber gloves, glasses, avoiding the ingress of solutions and pastes on the skin. To repair the foundations of old buildings of brick, concrete, natural stone, also use injection penetrating insulation.