Bath with pool - samples of construction examples of design

Everyone, at least once bathed in clean and cool water after being in a stuffy and hot steam room, understands how well you can feel after this procedure. Today, many are limited to the usual washing, however, the trend of building luxurious pools in the baths themselves is gaining in popularity.

Bath with pool

Bath with pool

Thanks to modern building materials made of wood, it is possible to attach everything to a bath: pool, billiards, gazebo, etc. It is especially advantageous to plan the bath plan in advance and realize all the ideas at the construction stage, since in this way it will be possible to save a decent amount of money.

Undoubtedly, the best place for a pool is a sauna made of wood. Due to the low degree of thermal conductivity of this material, in winter the building will be very warm and cozy, while in summer it will be cool.

Bath with a pool is called a bath complex. Despite the fact that it seems that it will not be easy to build such a structure, this is not at all the case. It is most convenient to use the pool's built-in structure, as it does not need to be collected for a long time, you will spend very little time, no preparatory work will be required, and besides, you will have the opportunity to choose the suitable model for you both in size and price.

A separate issue is the layout of the bath complex. It is important to consider the type of pool( open or closed), and also, whether you want the pool and the sauna to be under one roof. However, even if you choose an outdoor pool, a canopy for it will still be needed, so that the garbage carried by the wind does not get into the water. The most popular material for this purpose is plexiglass( it can have a spherical or arcuate shape).

Layout of the bath-house with a swimming pool

Layout of the bath with pool

The layout of the bath with a large swimming pool

Planning of the bath with a large pool

Simple project of building a bath with a swimming pool

A simple project for the construction of baths with a swimming pool

Video - a swimming pool for the sauna

Features of the pool for a bath

Most often, a bath is fitted with a cascade pool. It is a self-contained bowl, the temperature of the water in which periodically decreases( from one to the other).It is important to note that in the lower cup water can be completely icy. The effect of hardening with a similar pool in the bath, is guaranteed by one hundred percent! However, this design has a significant disadvantage: for its construction, a considerable amount of space is needed, so it will have to be attached to the bathhouse under a canopy.

Swimming pool for a bath can be made in absolutely any shape, it all depends on your preferences: it can be square or round, in the form of a heart or a star, etc. However, if the pool is made manually, it is best for him to choose a rectangular shape, as it is easier to design. But if you are going to purchase a pool, then choose a round one, as it is in the corners that all the dirt accumulates.

Which pool to choose: external or internal

An indoor pool and a sauna will create a cozy atmosphere, but if you want something chic, then you can create a whole complex: a separate pool, billiard room, recreation room, etc. But it should be remembered that building an external pool, you will get a much larger volume of excavation, since workers will need to ensure the waterproofing of the pool from the groundwater.

A sample pool in the bath

Basin sample in the bath

Nuances of the pool construction, as well as some technological features of the

With a certain skill, you can build a pool in the bath with your own hands. In this case, the water circulation in the basin will occur through the skimmer, then it will enter the sand filters, and then - again into the pool.

In order to build a swimming pool in a bathhouse, first of all it will be necessary to lay a special pipe that has a slight slope towards the sewerage or drainage pit( farther from the pool or bath at least 5 meters).Next, you need to pour the concrete base( thickness - 15-25 cm).In order for the bottom to be durable and strong, it is usually poured onto the base, leveled and compacted a layer of sand 5 cm, then 10 cm of fine gravel is poured. Then it is compressed with a special thrombosis. Then pour a layer of concrete( 10 cm) with reinforcing mesh. And the last layer will be 10 cm more concrete. The next step will be the concreting of the walls. Do this immediately, as soon as the bottom bands are installed. Next, it will be necessary to fix the wooden formwork boards, placing the reinforcing mesh and concreting the walls. To concrete walls and bottom merged, you need to use the usual bayonet. Subsequently, the base will be covered with geotextile, as well as heat insulating material.

The penultimate step is loading the finished pool into the pit and concreting it from the outside. It is important that a plastic film is placed between the concrete and the pool. The walls of the pool must be concreted step by step: to begin with, pour water into the pool at a certain level( 30 cm), then you must concret the walls, and then repeat the same again.

Special attention should be paid to the waterproofing of the pool. There are a lot of films for this purpose: polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, etc. However, the best is still the Belgian film, which is neutral to chlorine.

Stages of the construction of the pool

Stages of

basin construction The most difficult part in the construction of the basin is the construction of pipelines. It is important to choose the right material, as well as the diameter of the pipes: it depends on the capacity of the pool, and on the expected load. The best pipes are pipes made of non-ferrous metals and stainless steel. They are the most durable. Speaking about the diameter of the pipes, it is worth noting that the larger the tubes, the faster they will fill the tank.

With intensive work, for a month it will be possible to create for yourself and your family a beautiful corner where you can be wonderful! Also it will be useful for you to read about the font for the bath with your own hands. And of course about making a bath from a log with your own hands.

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