Manufacture of a boiler for a bath by one's own hands - the manufacturing process

To organize the construction of a bath with a beautiful interior decoration, siding with overseas siding and a smart heating system, a lot of money is needed. Well, if the planned budget is enough, but what if the boiler house is already built and the expensive boiler can not be installed? The solution to the problem is, and it, as it turns out, costs much less money than imported equipment. It turns out that the boiler can be built independently with a metal barrel, pipes and sheets. Of course, there will not be any automation here, and why? Everything will turn out on top, high quality, cheap and angry.

Boiler for the bath made by own hands

Boiler for a bath made by own hands

Technology of assembling a boiler from a metal pipe

The easiest way to make a boiler for a bath is to use an iron or any other metal pipe. There are two versions - vertical and horizontal, depending on how to arrange the pipe. Both have their own merits and demerits, but about this further. For the organization of the process you will need the following list of things:

  1. Welding machine.
  2. Angle grinder and disks for metal.
  3. Diesel or gasoline generator.

Assembly of the horizontal structure

The selected pipe is placed in a horizontal position and muffled on one side. On the other hand there will be a door. This pipe is a future furnace, in which it will be necessary to weld a knee to supply water. A metal tank is installed on top, into which water from the knee will fall after heating. In its place will come a fresh cold, which, after warming, will again go into the tank. Such a boiler provides sufficiently uniform heating. The design of the boiler with a horizontal pipe arrangement is shown in the figure below.

Scheme of a horizontal boiler from a pipe

Scheme of the horizontal boiler from the

pipe Assembling the vertical structure of the

If the pipe is placed on the ground with a muffled side and the middle part is covered with another plug, it turns out that the lower compartment will serve as a furnace and the upper one will be a water tank. The stone shelf can be placed on the side. The thickness of the pipe is of paramount importance for the life of the boiler and its design. When a very thick pipe is used, it is recommended to make the upper and lower parts separately. A thin-walled pipe is installed on the upper part, whereas on the lower part only a thick-walled pipe is installed! The heater can be located not only on the side, but also between the furnace and the tank. For this, between the two elements of the construction, it is necessary to weld cast iron grates. The output pipe from the boiler is taken out strictly in the center. A water tank should be put on it. The joint is welded to 100% tightness. It is recommended to make a damper in the pipe itself, which must be closed after burning of firewood. From the boiler should only go out the iron pipe, and on it to put on the tank from any other material - metal or even asbestos. This is due to the different coefficients of material expansion with increasing temperature. As can be seen, the design of a boiler with a vertical or horizontal pipe arrangement is an excellent alternative to the industrial option, for which you need to collect money for a year or two. And so, having a little money, you can easily install such a boiler in the country and enjoy the adoption of the bath. But not only the pipe can be used for the construction of a boiler. Below we will consider two more options, how to make a boiler from "improvised" means.

Scheme of a boiler of vertical construction

Boiler layout of vertical structure

Boiler technology from barrel

It is most easy to build a boiler from a barrel. This is the simplest technology. The main detail is a barrel, and not modern, but still from the times of the USSR.The fact is that it is much stronger than the barrels of the current producers. From a barrel of 200 liters, cut the bottom cover. In this lid in the center make a hole under the pipe with a diameter of 10 cm. It can be manufactured independently or bought on the market. The height of the pipe should be slightly higher than the height of the barrel. Then cut out 4 pieces of the channel, which are welded to the roof of the barrel, where there is an opening for a 10 cm pipe. One part of the boiler is ready! The lid can be made in another way. It is necessary to cut a circle from the usual metal sheet by the diameter of the barrel. In it a chisel is made a hole for a 10 cm pipe. She should sit in it freely enough. Done! After the lids are made, the boiler is connected to the chimney by a clamp, previously insulated with asbestos and fiberglass. So the cauldron is made from the barrel! After construction, you can put firewood, leaving 2/3 of the volume empty. On top of the firewood put a pipe with a welded lid so that, leveling in the center and lowering it downwards, nothing clings to the walls. Now you can put the top cover on top of the tube. You can check! Spray kerosene and drop the match. You will see that there will be no smell of smoke, as everything will go into the pipe.

Boiler construction

Boiler construction from a barrel

Technology of assembling a long burning boiler

As practice shows, bath procedures are delayed for more than 2-3 hours. And after all so much time fire wood in an ordinary boiler burn. That in one towel it was not necessary to run and throw up fuel, have thought up boilers of long burning. They are easy to build, and, at the same time, firewood of the same volume will burn in it for 20-30 hours. This effect is achieved by limiting the air supply. Before considering the technology of assembling a long-burning boiler it would be very interesting to learn the principle of operation, since technology and the principle of operation are inseparably linked with each other. The batch of firewood enters the boiler through a charging hole located slightly above the center of the housing. In the upper part, the firewood is ignited. Above the wood is a limiter with a liner resting on it. As fuel burns, it moves downward, reducing the volume of the combustion chamber, and hence air. As a fuel, not only wood, but also briquetted peat, coal and pallets can be used. Now we are directly connected to the assembly technology. The combustion chamber is based on a thick-walled pipe with a diameter of 30 cm and a length of 8.5 m, in the upper part of which a bend for 100 mm of a pipe is welded, the length of which is not more than 0.5 m. The secret of this design of the boiler has already been described in principleIt is realized by means of a piece of pipe of smaller diameter than the main pipe. Its length exceeds the length of the main pipe by 1 m. A disk with a diameter of 27 cm with six arcuate blades is welded to the end of the restrictor tube. The upper part of the boiler is closed with a removable cover with a hole for the restrictor. The diameter of the hole should be a couple of millimeters larger than the diameter of the limiter. This will allow the latter to move more freely around the height of the boiler. At the bottom of the main tube, a rectangular opening is made to remove the combustion products. You will see that the ash remains in the stove just as little as the resulting soot. The heat from the combustion of the fuel will immediately flow to heat the coolant. For this purpose, a pipe welded to the chimney is passed through the tank. The pipelines for the supply and removal of water are welded to the tank itself.

The design of the long-burning boiler

Construction of a long-burning combustion boiler with your own hands


From the above material it becomes clear that it is quite easy to make a boiler for a bath with your own hands. It is enough to get the necessary materials and be able to work with primitive tools. It remains only to study the drawings, watch the video and study the drawings of the boilers to start something to do.

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