Bath from the cinder block with their own hands;stages of erection;subtlety of construction

Construction of the bath from the cinder block has certain subtleties in the erection, warming and finishing.

To build a bath of cinder blocks, you do not need a large financial investment in this, unlike a log from a log, a bath on black or a bath on wheels.its difference from a log from a log, a bath in a black way or a bath on wheels. The process of erecting walls, together with decoration, both from the outside and from the inside, takes no more than three weeks. If you rest on weekends. Anyway, it is quite possible to build a bath of cinder blocks in a month. The main thing is to choose a quality cinder block. It is such a building material that can contain any impurities. In addition, that the slag can be different - sometimes such that the block falls apart at the slightest impact load, there are also blocks of high radioactivity. You should not save on building materials, you need to take slag blocks only from trusted vendors.

Bath of cinder block

Bath from the slag block

Quality slag blocks are still cheaper than other building materials, but this is not their only advantage. Positive characteristics of cinder blocks:

  • have high thermal insulation values;
  • small - the mass of slag blocks is much lower than that of concrete and water;
  • are not subject to organic decomposition - they never show molds;
  • can easily be divided into shapes of any size;
  • are fireproof;
  • due to its impressive size - the walls are erected as soon as possible.

Slagblock, in fact, a silicate brick. Only instead of quartz sand it contains porous slag, due to which it has less weight and price. The structure of the cinder block is porous. This quality increases the thermal insulation properties of the building material. For a bath, perhaps, the most important quality.

Draft bath from

cinder blocks Design is required for accurate calculation of the number of cinder blocks. With the projects of baths can be found on the Internet, or make them yourself: draw on paper, or with a special 3D-program. To the result, ten percent of the material should be added to the stock. By the way, slag blocks can be made independently. This requires a special machine.

After preliminary calculations and purchase of building materials, it's time to start construction.

Layout of foundation

The zero level tab depends on the composition of the soil. The rocky-sandy base does not imply a foundation. In view of ease, slag blocks it will not be required. If, the soil is clayey or sandy, especially peat, the strengthening of the zero cycle of the

is vital. For a bath of cinder blocks, both columnar and ribbon foundations are equally suitable.

As the cinder block, thanks to the porous structure, absorbs moisture very much, the height of the basement must be at least half a meter from the ground level. On top of the foundation, before making the masonry, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing material.

Stages of production of the bath of cinder blocks

Stages of manufacturing baths from cinder blocks

Construction of bath walls

Technique of laying walls from cinder blocks is no different from brick. The first layer is binder, then three spoonfuls. Pintling is done as follows: the blocks are folded in the direction of the wall across, one after another. Masonry in a spoon provides the location of cinder blocks along the direction of the wall - in parallel. The distances between the ends of the blocks must not coincide either in the parallel row of the wall, or between the upper and lower layers of the masonry. Blocks are added with the help of a construction trowel and an ordinary solution of sand with cement. Blocks are cut either by the trowel, or by the back - the sharp side of the hammer. For each next layer, a cement cushion is applied, and the cinder block is pressed into it. And so up to the top edge of the wall, under each pinched layer of cinder blocks, a grid of metal fittings is laid - for the strength of the masonry. This grid is cheap, but the walls become stronger due to it many times. Slag blocks are laid in such a way that there are no continuous seams, which represent a ready, man-made crack.

Video - wall construction for sauna

Roof device

On the upper row of masonry along the perimeter are laid wooden beams. Under them should also put a layer of waterproofing material - a layer of roofing material. The bars join together at the corners "in the paw".That is, it is necessary to cut the timber from the butt halfway, then fold the boards on top of each other and fasten them with nails by 200 mm, or with wooden plugs. After the frame is ready, you should install rafters from the boards. After that, cover the roof with roofing material.

Interior finish

For internal wall finishing from the cinder block, proceed only after the masonry solution has solidified. To accelerate this process, the walls must be covered with plastic wrap. Excess moisture does not promote the "grasp" of the solution.

The process of interior finishing of the bath from the cinder block

The process of interior finishing of the bath from the cinder block

The floors in the bath of cinder blocks are best made concrete by calculating the slope for water drainage. Warming of the floors is carried out with foam glass, a material that is not afraid of moisture. On top of the foamed glass layer, a wooden floor is laid, or a detachable grille is placed from the bar. It is important to equip the sewage system of water flow, because dampness and cinder block are incompatible concepts. That's why you should not shelve the work on the insulation and the installation of waterproofing walls, do them immediately, as the mortar of the masonry dries. In the insulation and waterproofing needs also a ceiling.

Ventilation device and thermal insulation

To the overhead beam, blocks of smaller dimensions are punched: 50X100 mm, a distance of half a meter from each other. On the walls are the same bars, both in the vertical and in the horizontal direction. Penofol is applied to the frame from the beams - the most successful of the materials to date. This layer is mounted with the help of washers, and it is attached to the beam by a construction stapler. Joints are glued with aluminum tape. After this, the walls are sewed with urs and foil - to reflect heat. Only after these works, the walls from the inside of the bath are covered with wooden materials, which are not afraid of moisture and can withstand high temperatures. Aspen boards, for example. The distance between the wall of the cinder blocks and the internal upholstery plays the role of an air layer. More details about ventilation read here.

A false ceiling is mounted under the roof. In the beginning, lags are placed in the transverse position, then the wooden ceiling from the lining from the inside. After that, the space between the lags is filled with a layer of insulation in 15 cm, which is covered with foam foam from above. Between the two ceilings, two plastic sewer pipes with a diameter of 10 cm should be thrown. They will provide ventilation. To the Ursa did not sag, she was tied up on a cord and nailed to the beams with small nails. About the sewage system in the bath can read here.

Exterior finish

To avoid heat loss, it is recommended to install a ventilated facade. For this, blocks are nailed to the walls. Nails easily pass into the seams of masonry. After that, the siding is stuffed onto the bars, the color and texture of which can be the most diverse: from imitation wood to marble slab. Between the outer layer of the upholstery and the wall of the cinder block, polystyrene or mineral wool is laid.

Finishing the facade is completely dependent on the imagination of the owner, you can imitate anything you like. Here are the solutions that came to mind builders of their own baths from cinder blocks:

Baths from the cinder block - photo

Baths from a cinder block - photo

An unpretentious but warm bath from a cinder block will serve the owners for several decades. To do this, you need a little - to approach the construction with the mind.

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