It would seem, what's the difference, because any wood burns, and pretty good. But if you think about the effectiveness of sauna procedures, then it's best to choose the variety of firewood for a bath consciously, taking into account all the features of the tree species. How to choose the right wood, what to consider and provide - the reader will learn about all this from the proposed article.
Note! There are no identical furnaces for a bath. Although small differences in the design, dimensions, assembly, traction is mandatory. In addition, much depends on the location of the stove. To achieve the greatest efficiency of the heat generator, it is necessary to experiment.
Only having studied all the features of the furnace in different modes, with different types of firewood, you can find the best way to kindle and maintain the heat in the steam room. That is why there is no specific recommendation for the selection of the tree species. In addition, firewood must be reasonably combined, and not used all the time the same for different procedures.
Recommended types of firewood for the sauna
Features of the sauna "on white"
With this method, the wood species is not the determining factor. The main requirement for firewood is the minimum humidity. For logs to burn well, they must be prepared. The criteria are the average cross section and a short length( of the order of 30-35 cm).If you also provide a high-quality boost, the temperature in the steam room can be raised to the required value quite quickly, which, in fact, is a characteristic feature of a really good bath.
"On black"
This technique is used much less often, although it is more efficient. This is exactly how we drowned in the old days. It is hardly advisable to recommend specific types of wood, if only because different baths have their own peculiarities( including constructive ones), and each of us treats the concept of "procedure" in its own way. Knowing the properties of wood species, it is easy to make the best choice at your own discretion.
Fruit trees
For burning a sauna stove, mainly pear, apple, cherry and plum are used. These rocks are dense, so they maintain a good heat and do not require frequent lining of a new batch of fuel.
To create heat in a bath, willow is perhaps the most suitable wood, besides it does not give soot. But its significant drawback is that it quickly burns out.
For a sauna oven it is considered one of the best options. In combustion, which is characterized by uniformity and duration( birch refers to solid rocks), it releases substances that are characterized by disinfecting properties. Bath procedures with the use of these firewood are good for a cold. In the process of thermal reaction, the emitting resins not only create a special aroma in the steam room, but also ensure the protection of the internal cavity of the chimney from overheating.
For a sauna stove, such firewood is considered "elite".One tab on oak wood will burn for a long time, giving excellent heat. This wood has healing properties, and the bath treatment helps to get rid of many ailments, including chronic ones.
Flares slowly, but then gives a steady heat. Steam from linden wood has a lot of healing properties.
One of the most convenient options for firewood. The peculiarity of wood is that it gets rid of moisture intensively, regardless of the conditions under which it is stored. This makes it possible to drastically shorten the drying period before use. It has a number of healing properties, so it is often used for health procedures.
This tree is only needed for cleaning the chimney, but not for bathing procedures( quickly burns out, and the heat practically does not give).To achieve the maximum removal of soot, potato purification should be regularly thrown into the fire.
Useful advices
When burning, the same volume of wood of different breeds, in principle, gives an equal amount of thermal energy. From the point of view of a rational choice of natural fuel, one should be guided by its effectiveness. What does it depend on?
- Wood moisture - the higher this parameter, the more part of the heat energy is spent not on heating the bath, but on evaporating the water contained in the water structure.
- The density of - the higher it is, the more firewood is energy-intensive. But it should be taken into account that when using "heavy" logs it is necessary to provide good traction, otherwise the combustion process will proceed slowly and the efficiency of the furnace will decrease.
- Percentage of resins - coniferous trees are used only for ignition, since they are highly flammable. But it is not worthwhile to heat the bath with them, since not all are able to tolerate a stable specific smell. In addition, the resin settles on the stones, internal walls of the smoke channel, which requires their more frequent cleaning.
The efficiency of the furnace is increased if well-dried wood is laid in it. For the process of evaporation of moisture to proceed more intensively, one should adhere to a number of rules for choosing a place for the woodpile.
Main criteria:
- elevation;
- qualitative ventilation;
- insulation from the ground( stacked on a supporting frame);
- in the presence of bark, this part of the log must face upwards;
- protection against rainfall( canopy).
The firewood for the sauna should be sawn beforehand. The length of the logs should correspond to the dimensions of the furnace, that is, sawing wood is produced immediately "under the bookmark" in the furnace.