Electric floor heating can be used both as the main heat source and as a supplement to the main heating system. On the market are film( infrared) and cable versions of the warm floor.
Familiarize yourself with the procedure for preparing the base, laying and connection of the warm floor, installing the finish coat, and get down to work - you can manage all the activities on your own.
Surface preparation
Contents of the article
- 1 Surface preparation
- 2 Mounting of infrared electric underfloor heating
- 2.1 We compose the laying scheme
- 2.2 We stack and connect the
- 2.3 system We test the system after installation
- 3 Mounting of the cable electric underfloor heating
- 3.1 Calculators calculating the length of the heating cable and the pitch of its installation
- 4 Fill the screed and lay the finish coat
- 4.1 Video- A warm electric floor with your own hands
The first step. We dismantle the old floor covering and screed. When laying a film warm floor, the old screed, if it is in a normal state, can not be dismantled. In the case of the installation of the cable system from the screed will have to get rid of. Thoroughly clean the surface of dust and dirt.
The second step. We lay a layer of waterproofing material. Traditionally, polyethylene film is used, but you can choose other insulation if you want. It is important that the moisture-proof material comes to the walls by approximately 100-120 mm.
Third step. Along the perimeter of the base we mount a damper belt on the wall. Thanks to it, the thermal expansion of the system will be compensated during heating. Surplus waterproofing and damping tape gently pruned.
Fourth step. We lay the heat-insulating layer. Due to this, losses of thermal energy through the base will be eliminated. Insulate the insulation taking into account the particular location of the room, the type of base and the intended purpose of the heating system.
If you plan to use the system as a supplement to the basic heating, the insulation can be made using foam polyethylene equipped with a reflective foil layer. In addition, the material will take on the function of the substrate under the warm floor.
If there is a heated room on the ground floor, it is best to equip the insulation with sheet polystyrene foam. The thickness of the material is 2-5 cm. Another insulator with a similar thickness is also suitable.
When installing a heating system in an unheated room, for example, on a veranda or balcony, the thermal insulation layer should be more thorough. For example, a 10-centimeter insulation with expanded polystyrene or a mineral wool of similar thickness is suitable.
Fifth step. We lay the reinforcing mesh on the heater. If desired, it is possible to add microfiber and plasticizer to the screed solution. Such an improvement in composition will make it possible to do without additional reinforcement.
Installation of the infrared electric underfloor heating
The infrared( film) warm floor is mounted with some differences from its cable "colleague".Follow the instructions.
We compose the laying scheme
The first step. Select the place of installation of the thermostat. It is recommended to install it with a 15-centimeter spacing from the floor surface.
The second step. We compose the scheme of laying the heating system.
Important: the film can not be placed under large household appliances, furniture and other heavy things.
When drawing up the scheme, consider the following important nuances:
- the first row of the film must be laid indented not less than 100 mm and not more than 400 mm from the walls;
- if the heated floor is to be used as the main heating system, it should occupy at least 70-75% of the total surface area;
- if the infrared film is stacked as a supplement to the existing heating, it is sufficient that it occupies about 40-50% of the base area.
We stack and connect the system
The first step. We spread the infrared film over the thermal insulation. Adhere to the drawn up scheme. If necessary, the film can be cut to the factory lines.
Place the copper parts of the contacts down towards the wall with the thermostat.
The second step. Connect the contact clips to the edge of the copper strip and connect the wires.
Third step. We isolate the locations of the incisions of the infrared film and the connections of the clamps and cables. A special bituminous mastic is suitable for insulation.
Important: the longer the heating plates, the fewer the contacts. Remember: the strip can not be longer than 8 m.
Part of the clips should be installed on the current-carrying surface. The remaining ones are located inside the heating film.
Fourth step. Connect the temperature sensor to the underside of the infrared film and carefully isolate it. The fifth step. Install the thermostat. Before this, the installation of all planned material must be completed and all contacts and cables are connected. The thermostat is recommended to be installed permanently. In the absence of such an opportunity, you can plug it into an outlet as an ordinary electrical appliance.
By experience, the main part of the cables connecting the thermostat and the heating film is best laid under the baseboard.
Finally, we connect the system to the electrical network and proceed to its testing.
Testing the system after mounting
Examine the behavior of the system after power-up. If there is overheating, sparks and other defects, everything is fine. You can proceed with the installation of the final floor covering. Before that, it is enough to cover the system with a dense polyethylene film, but some experts still recommend pouring a thin layer of screed - the finishing coat will cover it more qualitatively.
Installation of electrical cable floor heating
First step. Install the thermostat in a pre-prepared wiring box. We bring to the box power and grounding cables. Down from the box we make a groove in the wall for connection to the heating wire.
cable mat. The second step. We prepare the scheme for laying the cable floor heating. You can make this step first, as you please. On paper, mark the space for laying the heating cable. In the future installation of heavy furniture and equipment, the cable can not be laid.
Calculators for calculating the length of the heating cable and the pitch of its installation
For the correct design of the circuit, you need to know two values - the total cable length and the pitch of the cable( the distance between adjacent wires in the loop).there are special formulas, but we suggest using the built-in calculator. Enter the values and get the result!
Initial data:
- the total area of the sections of the room on which the cable will be laid;
- features of the premises - select an option from the proposed list;
- specific power of the cable - it is indicated in the product certificate, W per meter.
The value found will help you determine the choice of the warm floor kit with the cable, the length of which is as close as possible to the calculated parameter.
Now, knowing the length, it's easy to calculate the laying step:
Third step. We transfer the scheme from paper to the substrate. It is convenient to use bright adhesive tape for marking. If you want, you can familiarize yourself with the ready-made schemes presented in open sources and orient yourself to them in the process of work.
The fourth step. We lay the cable of the warm floor along the marking lines.
Important: the cable must not be bent.
To fix the cable to the reinforcing mesh laid on top of the thermal insulation layer, we use clips or a special tape.
Connect the heating cable to the power cable and the temperature sensor on a flat surface. Be sure to cover the joints with corrugated pipe.
Check the cable resistance. The permissible values are specified in the instructions to the system, specify this point in a separate order.
Finally, connect the power cable to the temperature controller. Pre-cut off the supply of electricity. After connecting the system to the thermoregulator, we test it in several modes. If everything is normal, we proceed to further activities.
Fill the screed and lay the finish coat
The screed is best made from a special finished mixture. On the packaging of such a composition will be indicated that it is designed specifically for use in conjunction with a warm floor. Mix the mixture according to the instructions. Sufficient layer thickness is 40-50 mm.
Spread the mixture evenly over the surface with a spatula. Make sure that there are no air pockets under the body of the cable. Because of them, the quality of heating will deteriorate noticeably. Allow the screed to dry completely.
Important: the infrared and the warm floor require different time for "holding" after installation. Use the film floor can be after 2-3 days( if not filled screed).The cable system should be allowed to settle for 3-4 weeks.
The finishing coat is laid in accordance with the installation technology of the selected material. Most often, a tile and a laminate are laid over the warm floor. You can also lay parquet and even linoleum. If you want, you can use another coating. Focus on your preferences, interior space and affordable budget.