The fact that a person intuitively refers to mice with disgust is already an excuse to get rid of their presence in the apartment. In addition, they spoil everything that comes in their way, whether it be skirting boards, wallpaper, telephone wire or personal belongings. But the main reason lies in the other. Any mouse is a potential spreader of contagion. And the struggle should begin immediately after their presence was discovered. One of the peculiarities of these rodents is that they are rapidly growing, and fighting with the whole "colony" is an incredibly difficult and expensive business.
Signs of the presence of
- mice Appearance of small diameter holes in the skirting area. And almost always on this site you can detect crushed paper particles.
- Sensation of "mustiness" in the room. This specific smell is confused with anything it is impossible.
- The mouse litter is often seen on the floor.
- Extraneous sounds( rustling, grinding), and not only at night, but also during the day.
- If the house has a cat, then by its unusual behavior you can understand that the mouse is not far.
There are many organizations( both public and private) that provide services to combat rodents. But before considering the expediency of calling specialists, it is worth remembering the traditional, "folk" techniques, which have long been used to get rid of mice. We list the most famous, and it should be noted that all of them are characterized not only by certain efficiency, but also by certain "minuses".And how to act in each particular case, the reader will determine himself.
Folk ways of
Will the cat solve the problem? Not always, and to that many reasons. Firstly, not all cats( cats) manifest their innate hunter instinct. Secondly, the animal should be an adult, since from the kitten there is practically no benefit - the "toddlers" of mice are not to be frightened. And if you take it from friends, for a while, it's not a fact that it will quickly become familiar in a foreign house and begin to catch rodents.
It is not necessary to speak about various decorative, artificially derived rocks. In them from the "hunter" there is little, if at all, something remains. In addition, we can not discount that pets are mostly pampered creatures. They perfectly understand that they will always be fed by the owners. Try "suddenly" to make such a lazy dog fight with mice. Will it work out?
The mousetrap is a more effective tool. But it does not completely solve the problem. Firstly, the mouse alone appears rarely, and such a trap at a time "eliminates" only one. Every morning it will have to be checked and reinstalled, and it is still unknown whether it worked at all, and if so, is it not idle? Such a "hunt", given the speed of reproduction of animals and their cunning, caution, can last endlessly.
There are various types of mousetraps on sale. Some work like ordinary "traps", in which a living animal is locked. There are models of "sticky", in which the mouse is securely glued. But the question is where should she go?
Ash. To exclude the appearance of mice indoors, it must be scattered with a thin "thread" along the entire perimeter, along the skirting boards. It is believed that ash causes allergies in rodents. And it's not about the appearance or smell of this "powder".Mice, washing, involuntarily lick it from the feet, and it disgusts them. Here on this calculation is constructed. Perhaps, the animals will leave the "unpleasant" room, but there is still no 100% guarantee.
Plants. The smell of peppermint scares mice well. In the same way - along the perimeter or lay out the leaves, or smudge the skirt with mint oil. But the effect will be short-lived, so you will have to constantly "update" such a tool. You can use the seeds of "blackcurrant", which are poured, for example, in small saucers, placed around the house.
Pieces of food. Such baits are scattered in different parts of the room. They can be mixed with finely chopped glass, gypsum, cement, poisons. It is clear that after eating such a "treat", the mouse dies after a while. Although this technique is widely considered an act of sadism( and this is true)."Plus" is that by its effectiveness it is a kind of "weapons of mass destruction" - it destroys all animals, and it is guaranteed. But there are significant "minuses".
The first - if there are pets in the house, and especially children, it is necessary either to take all possible precautions, or to choose another way.
The second - rodents will die slowly, and where they will be in "their last hour" is unknown. If, for example, under the floorboards, the smell of decaying carcasses will spread throughout the house, and it will last a long time. And with this nothing will be done.
Technical means
They are also called electronic "repellents".The advantage of such devices is that their work is not connected with any troubles, it does not affect people at all, and they are "invisible" to us and "inaudible" because they radiate ultrasound - the same devices are used to scare moles. But the mice respond to it painfully, and will never appear in the house where such a device is installed.
The assortment of similar products is quite extensive, and the cost depends on the manufacturer and the region of sales. On average, the device will cost around 1,000 rubles.
Here are some models( rubles / piece): "Help"( 480), "SKAT-43"( 765), "EcoSniper" LS-989 "(1,100)," Weitech "WK0180( 1840) and several others.
What you need to do to reduce the probability of the appearance of rodents in the house
- On all available in the house ventovistosti set the lattice, and only metal.
- Seal all cracks, crevices in floors and walls. Particular attention is given to the places of passage of engineering communications through the walls. If they are just covered with plexus, foam and the like, the mice will not stop it.
- For the rule of storing all products in a special container( packaging).But it should not be wood, cardboard, paper.
- Maintain cleanliness in the house. Experts say that in mice, the sense of smell is superior to that of dogs. Constantly littered floor, crumbs on it - already sufficient reason for the appearance of rodents in the house.
Experts do not recommend catching mice "for cheese".Quality bait should have a natural smell - grain, fresh bread. And this "delicacy" is desirable to chew with vegetable oil( sesame, sunflower).These smells are very attracted to rodents. Although there is such an opinion - "modern" mice adapted to new conditions and eat literally everything, even sweets. In general, catching with various baits is an experimental matter.
Organizations that specialize in the control of rodents and cockroaches are quite effective. This is due to the experience of employees, and the availability of all necessary means. However, attracting professionals is not only a certain financial expense, but also additional hassle, which gives the hosts a lot of inconvenience. If you can perform all the work in stages by yourself, if the events are held independently, then the invited masters will not wait, therefore ALL dwelling should be prepared in advance.
It is necessary to fulfill several conditions:
- to exclude the possibility of even accidental falling on products and utensils( kitchen utensils) of used chemicals - take out, put in plastic bags and so on;
- release the "working area" along all skirting boards. To do this, all items of furniture and household appliances are moved from the walls to the center of the room. And what if there is a set in the kitchen?
- during the work in the room should not be members of the family and pets.
The average for processing "odnushki" specialists takes no more than ¾ hours, for a three-room apartment - up to an hour and a half. But the cost of work can only be indicated as an estimate, since it is calculated individually for each dwelling taking into account all its features and the "complexity of the situation".A resident of a multi-story building will have to pay for such a service from about 1,500 rubles, and the owner of her own house will cost more - from 2,000.