Repair accompanies every person all his life. Many have a certain experience of repair work - either they themselves did something, or watched as others do. But sometimes when carrying out these same repair work, there are questions that only a specialist can understand. One of these questions is a common problem - how to drill a tile before gluing it. And this has to be done quite often.
They decided to hang the locker in the bathroom, then put the outlet on. Many tried to do this, especially "not bothering" about this. And as a result - or fragments of tile, or its cracking, which is not better. And, as an addition - an expressive, colorful and unique monologue of the wife about the hands of her husband. A period of reflection begins: how and how to repair the hole that has formed. Therefore, one should know the basic rules of drilling ceramics - this knowledge has not harmed anyone and did not interfere with it.
Rules for drilling tiles
Before you begin, you should check that there is a solid wall or a void behind this tile. For this, tap the tile. If the ringing is deaf, then there is no emptiness, if there is ringing. Therefore, it is necessary to drill with extreme caution, and it is best to drill elsewhere. Do not drill in the corners of the room.
It is necessary to know that for the drilling of large holes( under the pipe, for example), a carbide-tipped cutter or a circular drill, called a "ballerinka", is used. You can also use a small diameter drill with a winning tip for drilling small holes. You can drill a small hole with a drill bit and a metal drill, however it wears out quickly and can not be operated anymore. You can try to prick the glaze in the place of drilling with the help of the sharp end of the tap, for example. If the glaze is removed, the drill will not "crawl".
For drilling, an electric drill is used, but it is better to use a perforator. After all, tiles are usually drilled for a reason, but in order to hammer a nail into the hole or wrap the screw.
When drilling ceramic tiles, there is a great difficulty - how to fix the bit so that it does not slip on the glaze. Therefore, it is required to make sure that the drilling surface is not slippery for the drill. You can stick a sticking plaster, an adhesive tape, a paint tape on the place of drilling - this will help to keep the drill in one place. There is another way: a small chamfer is drilled in a thin drill designed for drilling a drilling site. It is she who will then keep the working drill in one place.
It should be remembered that the drill must be kept strictly perpendicular to the drilling surface. To prevent overheating of the drill, its tip should be periodically cooled in cold water. For a more convenient drilling of the wall and to avoid tile splits, the diameter of the hole in the tile itself needs to be made slightly larger than the diameter of the required hole in the wall so that the drill does not touch the tiles.