When repairing a house( apartment), laying a water pipe, a heating system or installing a sewage system in the country, pipes made of polypropylene are increasingly used. They are longevous, lighter, and easier to install. Advantages over metal pipes are many.
However, it is believed that welding operations for connecting polypropylene pipes are possible only with the use of some sophisticated tools and highly professional skills. But in fact everything is much simpler. You just need to understand the principle of this work and follow certain recommendations - then welding polypropylene pipes is quite possible with your own hands.
First of all you need to know that foreign manufacturers have their own standard for each product. In other words, there is no uniform GOST, to which we are accustomed. To connect the pipes, you may also need different fittings, about which I wrote earlier( transitions, corners, etc.), which will have to be purchased. They should be made of the same material - polypropylene. Moreover, it is desirable that both pipes and fittings are from the same manufacturer. Then when they are welded, there will be no difficulties at all.
For welding pipes, only one power tool is needed - it is also called a device for welding polypropylene pipes, a soldering iron for pipes, and an "iron".It is they who heat the material. Its cost is about 3 - 4 thousand, so you can not buy, if the work is "one-off".It is better to ask friends( if possible) to "rent".
Technique for welding pipes
1) Preparation of all
parts In order not to be confused during the work, all the elements of the "circuit" must be prepared in advance. The necessary measurements are made, pieces of pipes of the specified length are cut off. Pipe pieces and fittings should be arranged in the order in which they will be connected by welding. This will eliminate the possibility of incorrect connection of pipeline sections( circuits).It should be understood that if the threaded connection can be untwisted and reworked, then the elements welded by the apparatus can not be disassembled. They just have to be thrown out.
2) Heating the soldering iron
It has a temperature regulator, which must be set at the recommended limit. After heating to the selected temperature, the indicator light of the thermostat goes off.
3) Heating "parts"
To connect the elements of the circuit( pipeline) they must be heated. The joining surfaces are heated, and then they are joined together. There is their "fusion", which ensures the reliability and tightness of the connection. Therefore, the parts to be connected are inserted into the corresponding connectors of the welding machine. How this is done, is detailed in the instructions for this "soldering iron".You just need to study it carefully before starting work.
4) Connection of "parts"
The heated parts are joined smoothly and quickly. Do not rotate around the longitudinal axis, skew. If two pieces of pipe are connected, it is necessary to strictly maintain the cutting angle - only in this case a reliable and sealed joint /
is obtained. 5) Stripping of the joint
is made after the joint has cooled down.
Welding advice
It is advisable to practice before starting the assembly( welding) of the pipe system. Therefore, fittings need to be bought a little more than necessary. And cutting off a few pieces from the pipe is not a problem. After such training, experience will appear in this kind of welding work, and therefore, confidence in their own capabilities.
Before welding, the elements must be prepared - the abutting surfaces are cleaned and degreased. Without degreasing a quality seam will not work.
It is recommended to fill the assembled system with water not earlier than 1 hour after welding the elements.