How to quickly and easily bend drywall yourself - practical advice

Nowadays, as in the construction, as well as during the repair or re-planning of premises, materials such as plasterboard are increasingly being used. It is characterized by sufficient strength, and at the same time it is easy to process. After all, each person wants to equip his home not only as best and more comfortable, but also to make it more original with elements of uniqueness, individuality. The classical forms of the interior are already crowded with new forms - asymmetric, sometimes even quite unusual. It is the plasterboard that makes it possible to realize the most incredible fantasies of the owners in the design of a house or apartment.

In practice, different methods of flexing the drywall are used, and this material allows itself to be bent under different radii. This is often used in the manufacture of arched, domed and other forms of structures. The ceilings of rooms with plasterboard can be made both multistage and vaulted. This material is well suited for finishing the projections of the structure of the room, columns. They can mask pipes, wiring, and also hide defects in walls, ceilings and floors.

Drywall is divided into wall, ceiling and arched. Arched material grade GKLA( GKL) is ideally suited for all kinds of bends. Its radius at the minimum bend exceeds this parameter of other types of material. It is necessary to know that the greater the thickness of the sheet, the greater the minimum bend radius.

bent plasterboard

Methods of flexing drywall

When bending a sheet of plasterboard at a large radius, it should be soaked on one side with warm water. Gypsum absorbs moisture and becomes pliable at the bend. Usually, the water is bent two or three times along the axis of the future bend, so that the material( gypsum) is thoroughly soaked. You can do it with a brush, a rag, a platen. It is enough 10 minutes( depending on the temperature in the room), and you can bend the sheet. After bending it must be fixed in the desired position and allow time for drying. When the gypsum dries, it will acquire the desired firm form.

 When bending to a small radius, one should take a sheet and a thinner one. In this case, it is necessary to make a lot of small holes on the surface of the plasterboard along the bending axis from both sides before processing it with water. This can be done with a thick needle or a small stud, for example. Multiple holes will remove surface tension and prevent sheet breakage when bending.

There are other ways of bending gipsokartonnyh sheets. The technique is applied depending on the type, thickness of the material, and also on the purpose for which the curved sheet will be used.

Sometimes you should take care of making a template of the required shape. Working on it, it's hard to make a mistake with the bend of a sheet of gypsum board in the required form. It should be remembered that drywall is afraid of water, and therefore, it is undesirable to use it in rooms with high humidity, and even more abundantly to wet during cleaning.

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