Choosing knives for the kitchen - their types and the required minimum

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As you know, the kitchen knife belongs to the objects of constant use. We use knives not from time to time, but daily, several times a day. Therefore, from the right choice of kitchen knife depends not only the convenience of cooking a particular dish, but also our mood. Moreover, our health depends on the quality of the chosen knife.

After all, if the knife is made of poor quality steel, it is quickly dull. A cutting of solid products with a blunt knife( or the wrong thing) not only "hits" the nerves, but can also lead to trauma, sometimes very serious. We are putting a certain amount of force on the knife, since it cuts badly. And suddenly, how will it slip? And, of course, I want the knife to have an attractive appearance and was easy to use. To properly choose a knife for kitchen work, you need to understand, and what they are - kitchen knives?

Kinds of kitchen knives

All of them differ and on a material from which are made, both on the form, and on length( width) of a blade, and on the manufacturer. It should be noted that if the products are different( meat, vegetables, bread, etc.), then the knives also serve for certain purposes. In principle, there is no universal knife. Of course, you can do many things with the same knife, but will it work conveniently? Will such work be performed in a qualitative way( for example, fish cutting)?Therefore, in the kitchen, you should have several different knives to perform various tasks, and it is considered that you should have at least three knives at hand that can be placed on the stand.

Why does the kitchen need at least three different knives?

One knife is used for products with dense structure, the second - for softer( vegetables, for example), and the third - bread. There are also "subspecies" of knives. Such knives are convenient for performing specific functions, their use greatly simplifies the performance of individual culinary "operations".For example, knives designed for processing mushrooms. The presence of such "special knives" depends on the desire of the hostess and material opportunities. After all, a quality knife and it is worth accordingly. But to have three basic knives in the house should be necessary.

Required minimum of knives for kitchen

For the most labor-consuming work you need a long knife with a wide blade.(Although generally such knives are recommended to have also 3 pieces).All the difference between them is in the length of the blade( from 30 to 45 cm).With such a knife they work with solid products, the cutting of which requires effort. Its blade is rounded to the tip. The tip is also sharply sharpened, which helps when cutting meat on a board, for example.

cutting knife

For cleaning vegetables, you need to have a short knife with a pointed tip( for example, it would be convenient to remove the "eyes" from potato tubers).The cutting part of such a knife is straight. There are also varieties of "vegetable" knife, for example, with a hole in the blade. But this is an amateur, and it does not matter much.

knife for vegetables

For cutting bread a knife with a long blade is used. Its feature is that the width of the blade along the entire length does not change. But there is no pointed tip - it seems to be skewed. There are knives, in which the cutting surface resembles the teeth of the saw. With such a knife it is good to cut a crust of bread, to prepare dried bread for crackers. He also cut and cakes.

bread knife

There are, as already indicated, special knives. Knife with a narrow blade is good to remove meat from bones. Knife with a blade of medium width and a long blade - for cutting sausages, bacon. There are also knives that are used during meals, for example, spread butter on bread, pâté.Such knives have a rounded tip and a medium-length blade. For cutting cheese, a knife is used in the form of a scoop-under this knife the cheese does not crumble, but is cut into neat thin slices.

 It should be borne in mind that the knife when selling in the store must be already sharpened! If it is not so, then it is better not to buy it.

Video articles - Chef's advice on choosing knives:

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