How to properly clean the laptop from dust at home - the instruction with video

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The first signs that the laptop needs a good cleaning are the increased heating of its surface and uncharacteristic "sound accompaniment" during operation. And if the computer periodically "hangs" or highlights the "silent" blue screen, then it is really necessary to clean the laptop of dust.

In the notebook, as in all computers, to cool some of its components, and first of all, the processor, such elements as a cooling radiator and a fan are used. The fan cools by blowing heating surfaces, and radiators "remove" heat from them by heat exchange with the environment.


The process of cleaning a laptop is not something incredibly complex. It's enough just to be careful and observe some general rules:

  1. Before disassembling the laptop, it should not only be turned off, but completely disconnected from the mains power supply( sockets);
  2. Before proceeding to work, you should carefully read all the documentation for the product. At least in order to have an idea, "where that is".The work "blindly" will lead to nothing good;
  3. You need to prepare a place to clean your laptop. It is necessary to have at hand enough free space so that you can neatly lay out all those cogs - the washers, which will have to be unscrewed. All the fastening material of the PC is small enough, and then looking around the floor for an accidentally fallen small detail is not a pleasant pleasure. Plus, save your time and nerves;
  4. It's best to consistently record all your actions for disassembling the laptop. Among the users there are not so many people who know how to not only press the keys, but also know the technical side of the "question" - how the laptop works. Such a record will help then correctly and quickly enough, competently to collect a laptop. It may happen that during the maintenance work the product will have to be distracted for a long time. Anything can be: a phone call and a long conversation, there was not something that is necessary for the work( after all, you can not foresee), but little that can distract. If such work is done for the first time, then you can forget what and how you did before. Therefore, it is better to write down, then not to be "painfully painful", or even to photograph the whole process of disassembly on the camera, so it will be more obvious;
  5. It should be understood that any assembly is strictly in the reverse order. Any "innovations" in this case are inappropriate;
  6. And finally, the main law of any repair: "do not know - do not climb! !!".If something is not untwisted, not removed, etc., it is better to consult someone, but not to invent "new technologies" yourself. For dismantling the laptop, everything has long been invented.

After the laptop is "untwisted", you should start with an external inspection. Warning! Do not touch the motherboard! If there is dust on it, you do not need to wipe it with a rag or cotton swab, and even soaked in something( cologne, alcohol).Any material leaves invisible to the eye of the villi, and this is a direct road to short circuit. All sorts of brushes are also not needed, since stiff bristles damage the board. You can use only a very soft "squirrel" brush, and then - very carefully. Therefore, it is best to turn on the vacuum cleaner and "gently" process the board.

 In general, a vacuum cleaner needs to clean the entire laptop - anything that is possible. And after that, go to the main "collectors" of dust - radiators and fans. A radiator is a metal part. Therefore, it can be well cleaned from dust, dirt, anything: a flat little screwdriver, an awl, a needle. The main thing is to remove all dirt.

As for the fan, it can be removed( if possible).You should pay attention to his "propeller".Blades need to be cleaned, rinsed( alcohol for example).It must be borne in mind that the fan is an electric motor, and its axis also requires care. You can drip a special oil, add lubricant( silicone).

At the last stage, you need to clean all the ventilation grilles in the notebook case. And only after that with a light heart you can collect your PC in reverse order and enjoy its uninterrupted operation.

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