It is clear that resort to dry cleaning is not the most convenient option. At least because of the dimensions of the carpet and the complexity of its transportation. Calling specialists from a company that provides such a service, not everyone wants to - not everyone likes the appearance of strangers in the house, and even at the time set by them.
Whatever it was, but most housewives have to rely only on themselves( knocking out dust in front of the house - not counting, for this there is a husband).Therefore, it will not be superfluous to recall some of the proven ways to clean the carpet at home.
The fact is that heavily advertised funds do not always meet expectations and correspond to the money that was paid for them. For example, the most controversial opinions about the vanishing "Vanish".The same can be said about some other types of similar products. And after all our grandmothers completely managed without them, and the order at them in the house was always. So it is never worth to neglect the "people's" means.
The choice of both the composition for cleaning the carpet and its technique depends on the reason that prompted such work. About the elementary cleaning to speak it makes no sense - now the vacuum cleaner is one of the most common household appliances and there is it in every house. Therefore, the subject of the conversation is the removal of various spots and the removal of dirt, which also contributes to the elimination of an unpleasant odor. The latter is especially true for families in which our smaller brothers live.
Cleaning from dirt
It is better to take the finest grinding products, "Extrus".By the way, this is the most common substance, but not the only one for such purposes. With the same success it is possible to take wood sawdust, pumice( previously turning it into a powdery mass), bran. The procedure is the same. The product disperses over the surface, after which it is necessary to rub the area of the carpet covered by it intensively with a brush. Then all factions are swept aside to her or a broom, but necessarily moistened with water( warm).How much to make such "calls" to qualitatively clean the carpet, depends on the degree of pollution and the effectiveness of our work.
It not only cleans the spots well, but also "rejuvenates" the surface of the carpet. Only sour cream is used, and, if it was not used, vinegar essence was used. Otherwise, it will have to be washed for a long time under running water. The product must be squeezed to remove all the brine from it. After that, the contaminated area lands with refuse, and the cleaning begins, during which the dirt fractions will adhere to the parts of the cabbage.
The surface is also treated with a broom or brush.
Stain removal
Fresh spot first thing you need to "drain".For this, any material that absorbs liquids is superimposed on it. After that, the area is treated with soapy water and a brush. Another way is to use a mixture instead of soap. One of the options - per liter of warm water for 1 teaspoon of vinegar of wine and washing powder( you can and detergent, but not excessively aggressive).
The dried should be softened. Therefore, it is moistened with glycerin, which is desirable to rub into it. In this condition, the carpet remains approximately 24 hours. And after that - treatment according to the above method( soap solution + brush).
Spots of organic origin are washed off with cold water, as with any other material. The dried up area is preliminarily covered with wet matter, so that it softens a little.
Do not remove dirt stains immediately. You need to let it dry. Otherwise, it just smeared on the site, and in addition, it will penetrate deeper.
Drops of paraffin ( wax), adherent "chewing gum" easily separated from the villi, if cooled. It's enough to put ice on top( from the freezer).There is a second way - ironing through a fabric that will absorb the molten substance. But you need to be careful, but with synthetic carpets it is better not to experiment at all.
It is already said that this can be done with the help of cabbage. There are enough other simple techniques. Here are some of them.
- Cleaning the carpet with a brush using a solution of ammonia( per liter of water - 2 large spoons).After the procedure, the product must be dried in a draft so that the whole odor will fade.
- The procedure is the same, but the solution is different( 1 liter of water + 2 teaspoons of citric acid + 1 large salt).
- Cleaning tea brewing. The same as with cabbage. Chains are scattered over the surface and swept away.
General rules
To remove the stain, it is necessary to proceed immediately after its appearance. After some time, it will be much more difficult. Eliminating the "old" defect will take a long time, and not the fact that the result will be expected.
Not all chemicals are suitable for use with natural fibers. By the way, the already mentioned "Vanish" is only suitable for cleaning synthetics .To prevent the carpet from deteriorating badly, it is desirable to start with any part of it, which, after laying, will be located in the corner of the room and will not catch your eye. Or the part that is hidden by the bed, if the carpet is hanging on the wall.
Even if all the edges of the carpet are clean, it is necessary to stain it in one place, and then try the effectiveness of the selected means for removing the contamination. At least, this will guarantee that after processing the composition of the spot somewhere in the center, the carpet will not have to be thrown away or cut into tracks, for example, in the loggia on the floor.
What carpets "do not like"
- Treatment with "hard" attachments( brushes or something similar).
- Thermal action( even hot water).Especially if it's a synthetic carpet.
If the reason for cleaning the carpet is not the removal of the stain, but the appearance of elemental contamination, then it is necessary to work the product over the entire area. Almost all the means "lighten" the material somewhat, and selective cleaning will lead to the appearance of "off-color" areas on the carpet, which will be visually perceptible.
The methods given in this article are by far not the only ones. The well of folk wisdom is inexhaustible. Therefore, if the desired effect is not achieved, do not despair. On our site a lot of useful information, and surely some kind of recommendation is right for your case, dear reader.