Dacha with their own hands

The arrangement of the suburban area is not only the construction of a house and the breakdown of beds.

Engage in gardening - it's great, but turning only into an "agricultural slave" for the whole weekend is probably not the best option. And this means that a country cottage, first of all, should become a resting place, that is, have all the conditions necessary for this.

Dacha with their own hands

Dacha with their own hands

In a word, this publication is for those who, in the query "cottage with their own hands", put the _AZ_PA wake up into the cozy corner of rest and relaxation. If you can competently compose and practically implement your own project, it will become the pride of the whole family, since, most likely, each of its members everyone can come up with the design of their own corner. Thus, the dacha will be not only and not so much a place where it is possible to grow an organic crop, but the "magnet" that will attract all the thoughts and aspirations of owners in impatient expectation of next weekend.

About the construction of the cottage on the portal is told a lot. We will not repeat, but we focus on the arrangement of the site itself. There are a lot of schemes for organizing landscape design, which you can rely on when planning the territory. The choice depends on many criteria, including - on the shape and area of ​​the plot. Drawing up a general preliminary plan is called a "visual theme".For to be more precise to understand what can offer already gained experience, it is necessary to consider the most applicable schemes.

Let these schemes become only a foothold - to conduct planning better independently. The initial data can be the parameters of a particular site, which are necessarily indicated in its cadastral passport.

Variants of the land plot planning

Content of the article

  • 1 Variants of the land plot planning
  • 2 Drawing up the plot plan
    • 2.1 Video: how to approach the planning of the suburban area
  • 3 We equip the plot - first on paper. ..
    • 3.1 Water supply system
    • 3.2 Utility "amenities"
    • 3.3 Garageor parking
    • 3.4 Artificial ponds
    • 3.5 Barbecue area
    • 3.6 Summer cottages
    • 3.7 Chicken coop or other poultry house
    • 3.8 Playground for children
    • 3.9 Garden, garden
    • 3.10 garden decoration
    • 3.11 Video: in the design of the territory of the imagination of gardeners there are no boundaries!
    • 3.12 Video: interesting ideas for the design of the villa site

So, there are less than six basic planning types e - it is on their basis that the landscape designers work. Below are examples of basic templates using which you can easily plan the territory by dividing its into zones.

Rectangular layout

Rectangular layout is used quite often, because its can be called the simplest version of zone allocation on the site. Such a planning scheme is easy to execute on a sheet of paper in a cage, because it at most consists of the intersection of horizontal and vertical lines.

The concept of rectangular site planning

The concept of rectangular area planning

In addition, whether st in clan helps to correctly calculate distances taken in the defined scale.

The popularity of the rectangular theme in the design of the project is explained by still by and by the fact that in it can easily be written any architectural and landscape-design style.

The marking of the territory, at right angles, will give it rigor and accuracy, it will perfectly look like flowerbeds of different shapes, alpine slide, water reservoirs and other decorative elements, as well as buildings necessary for out-of-town life.

Diagonal Layout

If you select a diagonal distribution of objects on the site, the landmark becomes a path laid from one to the other of the opposite corner of the territory diagonally. Some designers, choosing this layout, try to completely move away from horizontal and vertical lines.

Basic principles of planning a territory in a diagonal type

Basics of spatial planning for the diagonal type

Diagonal planning makes the site special, is unlike to other neighboring plots, and besides this the location of the tracks and objects visually expands the space, and as a result the site seems even larger than it is on thein fact.

This planning is usually applied in combination with the architectural style of Art Nouveau or other modern trends.

Irregular lay-out

Irregular is the layout, which includes various elements of figures, located in different combinations and under different angles. Such a distribution of objects can still call chaotic. This kind of zoning is applicable when building a house in any architectural style, and for a site that has almost any geometric shape.

This is not chaos, but irregular site planning

This is by no means a chaos, but an irregular layout of the

plot. It can be said that irregular planning is most often used, because using it, you do not need to adhere to any of certain forms and precisely verified proportions and ratios.

Curved layout

Curvilinear design is most suitable for large suburban areas, since only there it will be effective, that is, it can be visually appreciated. Although curvilinear planning is called a natural or natural - in landscape art, this is not entirely true, because in order for the to create such a composition, it is necessary to act on the basis, nevertheless, on geometric rules.

Although called curvilinear, such planning is based on strict geometric calculation

Although called curvilinear, such planning is based on strict geometric calculation

The arrangement of elements of landscape design in the curvilinear projection does not have sharp and right angles, therefore the territory looks elegant and aesthetic.

However, one should remember that when choosing a zoning in this "theme", behind the flower gardens and bushes it is necessary for to watch very carefully, not allowing their growth, so that the conceived forms can be easily seen. Otherwise, the case, the effect that would like to get, will be "greased".

Arcs and tangents in the planning

The method of distribution using arcs and tangents in the layout of the plot makes the space quite dynamic. This is explained by the fact that the that the forms "swiftly" replace each other, the turns have the rounded corners - which is more pleasant to look at while walking. In the territory equipped with this scheme, you can use any styles for building a house, arbors or other garden structures and decorative elements.

Soft forms of planning with support on arcs and tangents to them

Soft mold layouts with arc support and tangent to them

Radial layout

The circular or radial layout of the is created by the from the center of the plot by sector. It can include various forms, but they must be inscribed in the boundary of the defined by the territory. On a rectangular area to create a circle, its angular parts can be planted with shrubs, as if framing the main, specially planned central area.

All sectoral, from the center - the main feature of radial planning of the territory

All sectorally, from the center - the main feature of the radial planning of the territory

When creating the project, is used as a basis, not a square grid, but a circle, delineated in the form of rays, in the form of which buildings and decorative elements are located.

The house in such a layout can be located in the central part of the circle or in one of the sectors. However, in order to keep the dynamics of the overall design, the building will also have in this form.

Drawing up a site plan

If the house on the site is already built, the layout will have to be carried out from its location, and will be determined by with a choice of zoning type better already on site.

In addition, starting to plan a site, you need to immediately determine the criteria that it must meet by answering the questions asked:

  • For what purpose the - dacha will be designed it will be a resting place, a full-fledged garden, garden or plot must include different zonesapplication?
  • Is there a playground in the territory, a zone for cooking dishes in the air ,
  • Does the plan of the owners include the maintenance of poultry or animals?
  • Will there be a water reservoir on the territory - pool, fountain or pond?
  • Which number of flower beds and which specifically planned to arrange?
  • Do you need a garage at the dacha, or will the car( if it is) have enough covered parking?
  • Will sanitary and hygienic buildings be built on the site of - toilet, a summer shower or will they be arranged under the roof of a country house?

Answering all the questions, you can proceed to the planning of the territory. For this, it is necessary to take the site plan, which must be attached to the cadastral passport, and transfer it to millimeter paper. This is convenient to do on a scale of 1 : 100, that is, 1 cm of the map will account for 1 meter of the site. If the house is already built, then you need to apply to the plan map immediately.

Start planning - almost a clean sheet

Beginning of planning is almost a clean sheet

At first the card can look like " poor ", about like this, and then on it needs using a simple pencil, not strongly pressing on it, to apply all planned buildings.

The first outline is the zoning of the site

The first outline is the zoning of the

site. First of all, those structures, which will occupy most of the territory, are drawn and to , the electricity and water lines must be connected to the .Then it is necessary to designate the location of the septic tank and the sewage pipes going to it from the house.

Video: how to approach the planning of the sub-plot

We are equipping the site - first on paper . ..

water system Layout of all communications is necessary so that they cover all those areas where there will be a need.

For example, the water pipe is laid in the areas where the garden and garden are located( for irrigation of their "farmland"), sauna, pool, fountain or pond( they can not be in general ), barbecue zone( for washing utensils and for providing fire safety), as well as the garage ( for cleaning the car and for technical needs).

The water pipe is laid from the house, from the well or from a well( pumping station), and if it is planned to stay at the dacha all year round, then the pipes should deepen the below the ground freezing level in the area by 250 ÷ 500 mm.

Easy inexpensive summer water supply can be made from plastic pipes

Easy inexpensive summer water pipe can be made from plastic pipes

If the dacha is used only in the summer time, you can limit the laying of the temporary summer water supply, which is removed for winter and is taken to the cabins or to the attic.

In order to make it easier to draw up the work plan for for the construction of a water pipe in the country house , you can refer to the relevant article of our portal.

Utility "convenience"

The next step is to determine the area of ​​toilet and shower installation, if plans to install them outdoors, and a septic tank, , in case the sanitary unit is already equipped or will be installed inside the house.

Shower and toilet

Shower and toilet

The street toilet and shower are usually installed side by side, and this is justified by the fact that not the will have to prepare for them two separate drainage pits and two sewer lines. In addition, it will be possible to save on building materials for the construction of a frame and its skin. These two booths are installed at some distance from the house, but not in the farthest corner of the territory, as they will not be convenient for them in this case.

In the future it is recommended that plant the with these necessary for the normal country life of the building with a high shrub, for example, lilac or Kalina. And still is better, if it will be evergreen plants, which in winter will completely hide the sight of these buildings.

How to properly lay sewers and install a septic tank in the country - this can be found in more detail from the article, which you can go to the link provided.

Garage or parking

Not far from the building there is a garage or parking for a car under a roof. These objects can be done right in front of the house or next to it, the main thing is the - for the convenient entry and exit of the for for the existing machine.

Very often for a car there is enough quality indoor parking

Very often for a car there is enough high-quality indoor parking

If conceived a full garage, it is placed on the territory of as as well as parking, or placed under the house. The latter option is very convenient, especially in case of insufficient space, but it is very expensive, and it is necessary to think about its implementation at the stage of planning the foundation for the main residential building.

Artificial reservoirs

If you plan to install or build a swimming pool, the next stage needs to determine the location for it. How to build a pool n and and giving your own hands - very detailed set forth a special article of our portal( click on the link).

Expensive, but great - the pool at the cottage

Expensive, but cool - the pool at the dacha

The pool is usually arranged in the immediate vicinity of the house. It is desirable that it can be seen from the - window especially this is important if the house has small children.

Some owners of plots prefer instead of swimming pools to arrange quiet corners for rest with small reservoirs of "natural" type - ponds. It should be said that this - is quite affordable in the construction of the element of landscape design of the dacha, which does not take much space, but will become a real decoration of the territory. It is located, in contrast to the pool, away from home, often - in the low . All know that in the evenings mosquitoes and midges like to fly to the heat and light to the living rooms like to stand by the standing water.

Excellent decorate the landscape of small artificial ponds

Perfectly adorn the landscape of small artificial ponds

Do not place reservoirs of under tall trees, since fallen leaves will certainly clog it. And quickly spoil the quality of water The best place for a small pond will be the pad among the shrubs about a meter or one and a half high, perhaps of an evergreen .

How and how to arrange pond by all the rules of , you can find out by following this link to the corresponding portal publication.

Barbecue area

The villa is the most suitable place to install a barbecue oven or at least a good stationary barbecue for cooking dishes on fire or coals. Such a barbecue area is usually located not too far from the house, but in such a way that the smoke from the fire does not get into the living quarters. Another condition for the device is the absence of high trees next to the furnace( barbecue), the crown of which hangs over the chimney pipe - , this circumstance should be taken into account for fire safety purposes.

The barbecue area is a great place to relax.

BBQ area - a great place to relax

Summer cottages

The barbecue area can be, if desired , combine with the gazebo. If there is enough space on the site, then the gazebo, and the then the and not one, is installed separately, near the house or pond.

The variety of possible pavilions can not be described!

The variety of possible arbors can not be described!

Summerhouse in the suburban area - is a traditional attribute, because when the house is stuffy and hot it will be very nice to sit in a shady place in the fresh air. In addition, a similar light construction, if installed in a table with an electric stove or a portable brazier, may well become a temporary kitchen and a dining room ( certainly, if the complies with certain safety rules


The - arbor constructions are great, andthey are built from the most diverse material, so it is always possible to choose the appropriate variant for for any size of the territory, and for the selected landscape design style on the section of the .it is possible that after going through the recommended link, someone will immediately find there the necessary construction of the country house, and will receive recommendations how to build its .

Coop or other poultry house

If it is possible to visit the villa site at least a couple of times a weekonly in the summer, but also in the winter, then at the dacha wave you can start breeding poultry. For this, it will be necessary to build a small coop, which will not spoil the design of the site and will take quite a bit of space.

For lovers - why not provide a chicken coop?

For lovers - why not provide a chicken coop?

It is best to place it closer to the far border of the territory, next to the garden and away from the residential building. It is very convenient - - all the torn weed from the garden can be sent immediately to the rm fri egg, and the house will not have an unpleasant smell.

The construction of the chicken coop is described in detail in an article to which the reader will be referred by the .


If the family has small children or guests often visit their grandchildren, then at the dacha you can not do without at least a small children's playground. Therefore , for it it is necessary to allocate a place in immediate proximity to the house which is well looked through from a window and, necessarily , is in a shade of trees. If the trees still did not grow, then the shadow over the site should be created artificially, for example, by stretching a special shading grid.

Deliver pleasure to children - equip a playground

Provide fun to the children - equip the playground

The platform can be mounted permanently , and sometimes the is mobile, that is, it consists of the elements that the can be , if desired, quickly transferred to another location, and for the winter period - is simply dismantled, disassembled by parts and raised to the attic.

One of the good examples of the playground with various accessories for is - under this link.

Garden, garden

Let it even be at the level of a hobby, but you can not, probably, completely do without a "agro-industrial complex" in the country.

Планировка "сельскохозяйственных угодий"

Planning of "agricultural land"

If you want to always have fresh vegetables on your table, then at the end of the plot you can form beds. The presence of the site will allow to install small greenhouses or greenhouses, in which the already early in the spring will be able to plant seedlings, grown, for example, even on the windowsill. By the way, it is quite possible to build a universal greenhouse that, with a stable , warm temperature easily turns into an open bed.

Greenhouse on the site

A greenhouse on the

site If you have such agricultural construction , a new crop of vegetables will be on the table much earlier than it even appears on the market. Growing vegetables and fruits yourself, you can be sure that they are environmentally friendly and will not cause any harm to health.

Various types of greenhouses and greenhouses are presented in the article, which can be viewed by following the recommended reference.

You can not ignore fruit bushes and trees. They are usually planted along the fence and on the south side of the house. High trees, such as pear, cherry, apple and others, in the summer time are able to create a thick shadow that will close the windows and walls of the house from the hot sun.

Decorating a garden

  • One from of the desired decorative elements of the country cottage has recently become an alpine slide. By the way, this is an excellent opportunity with the mind to apply that most infertile soil, which remains after digging of building pits. Its all is somewhere you need to put - can be completely removed from the site, but it's better to use some part to create an alpine slide.

There are a lot of varieties of such decoration of the territory, and which one to choose - will depend on the area that it is possible to take away for this purpose on the site, and from the desire of the designer.

A popular element of garden design is the Alpine hill

A popular element of garden design - the alpine hill

Alpine hills can occupy a large enough area on which often have a pond and other traditional elements for such a garden ensemble. There are also very miniature slides, which easily fit into the flower bed with an area of ​​just one square meter.

In fact, this element of landscape design is a kind of flower bed, in which, apart from plants, the obligatory component is the stone - large round boulders or small river or sea nudes are perfect for design. From a stone can be laid walls, posts or steps, and between them are planted evergreen plants interspersed with flowering all summer long-term decorative herbs.

Alpine hill is often poured and planted nearby from home, so that it was possible to admire it from the window. However, nothing prevents to decorate in such original way and distant a corner of a site which remained without decorative registration.

  • After the has planned all the main elements along the territory of the dacha, you need to connect them with paths that entangle the whole site. They can be made from very different, sometimes - most unexpected materials.
All buildings and areas must be connected by paths and paths

All buildings and areas must be connected by paths and paths

Tracks are laid out of slabs, shallow river stone or round logs, piled from tree trunks. They are poured with concrete solution or even paved with "carpets", sewn from cork from plastic bottles.

What are garden paths , and how to better and easier to lay them - in a special publication of our portal.

  • A good owner, having formed tracks, will never leave them without proper clearance. Therefore, along them and near the house, it is necessary to break and plant beautiful flower beds, combining the most different species and varieties of plants that will bloom all summer, alternating with each other.
No well-groomed plot can not do without flower beds

No well-groomed plot can not do without flower beds

The flower beds can have various shapes, and each of them has its name, scheme and typical locations. Therefore, to their arrangement of flowerbeds you need to approach very seriously , based on the templates developed by the designers. If the flower gardens in the cottage have an unsightly appearance, the will disappear is the "zest", which plays a major role in the decorative decoration of the landscape. And sometimes careless or unreasoned flowerbed can even bring an element of discomfort in the dacha design, and in this case - would be better its was not.

As well as where the flower beds of are arranged, and which plants are best planted on them, you can find out in a separate publication within the framework of our portal.

Video: in the design of the territory of the imagination of gardeners there are no borders!

  • Another one moment, which wants to mention - is a decorative decoration of the territory of giving various garden figures, flowerpots and other interesting elements, capable of "add charm" to the overall composition.
По территории участка можно "разбросать" немало интересных самодельных украшений

A lot of interesting homemade jewelry

can be "scattered" around the site. In this area - in the field of creating a unique design of the cottage area, the in general , probably, there is no limit. Here in the course are old barrels and baskets, shoes, chairs and bathtubs, broken ceramic vases and much more. The old car tires are widely used, which sometimes uselessly litter the garage. They make wonderful flowerpots and flowerbeds, various animals, waterproof chairs and tables and many other things that are sure to come in handy at the dacha.

All similar elements of registration of a site will not demand many means if to include imagination and to look around. You can always find seemingly unnecessary things that you can give a second life and create from them functional or simply decorative design items. Incidentally, it should be noted that such decorations for dachas in specialized designer stores can be quite expensive, and therefore, having made them independently, there is the opportunity to save a decent amount.

Following this link, you can go to article of our portal, which will tell you how and how you can make decorative flowerpots for flower gardens .

Video: interesting ideas for the design of the country plot

Zoning and design of the suburban area - is quite fascinating occupation, accessible to any person with imagination. It is more difficult to implement all ideas. However, if the necessary construction works are carried out, and then the entire territory is decorated, the result will not only please the master, but also surprise guests and neighbors for many years. Especially if periodically replace some boring elements with new ones, still has more original.

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