Solid wood furniture

The main note in the general appearance of the house is the interior. Furniture from the array belongs to the category of luxury goods, so not all can buy it. If you belong to those lucky ones who have to go to the store at an oak table or behind an armchair on bent legs from beech, then from this article you can learn how to choose furniture from the array and not to lose.


  1. Quality assurance of wood
  2. Wood species
  3. Woodworking
  4. What is usually made of solid wood furniture?
  5. Photo of solid wood furniture

Wood quality control

In the store it is very difficult to determine whether high-quality wood was used in the manufacture of furniture or not. Responsible manufacturers carefully inspect the material and discard the damaged fragments. Excluded are those parts where there are knots, too frequent annual rings, unwanted interlayers, because they reduce the strength of the product. The buyer can only see if there are incrustations on the surface, stains, incomprehensible divorces. Their presence is evidence of putrefactive processes that began in the material even before its use in production.

Wood species

The properties of solid wood furniture directly depends on the wood species. Therefore, from each variety, certain objects are made.

  1. Pine tree. It is soft, so it is only suitable for making accessories( for example, mirror frames) or frameworks for sofas and armchairs. If individual objects are made from it, they are not intended for too frequent use. However, in shops you can find different furniture made of pine. This is due to the low cost of the material.
  2. BeechExcellent material for light objects. As it bends well, from this type of wood do bent fragments of furniture from the array under the antiquity.
  3. Oak and ash, maple and beech are hard rocks. These rocks allow you to vary the palette of hues from the most light to dark golden. From such wood the real elite furniture from a file of a tree turns out. Today, from maple and ash, they practically ceased to make interior objects because of insufficient material. But the oak, on the contrary, is widely used in this direction.
  4. Birch is the most popular in furniture production. It is strong enough, it tolerates the mechanical effect well. The main difference from oak is a shorter service life. Outwardly it looks aesthetically pleasing, but we must try to choose such objects, on the surface of which there is a minimum number of knots.


The production process necessarily includes the treatment of the wood surface with special compounds that will not allow the development of putrefactive processes, and also eliminate drying and swelling. External surfaces should be treated with varnish, which protects from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This is especially important for garden furniture or for items intended for the bathroom.

What is usually made of solid wood furniture?

For the manufacture of chests of drawers and cabinets, tables and chairs from the array go special wooden boards. They are different: spliced, solid, some contain knots, and others do not. Fused shields are made of quality wood, then they are lined with prepared veneer. The result is a strong workpiece. Of this material, exclusive furniture is produced from the array, it is expensive, but its performance characteristics are high.

To determine the model, color, texture, you need to consider the overall design of the interior, its style. To orient in the available in the sale of wooden furniture items will help you photos posted on the site. Each such object or set will serve not just decades, but centuries, pleasing your grandchildren with its unique appearance.

Photo of solid wood furniture

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