Furniture for anteroom

The entrance hall is an important space in the apartment, which is sometimes not given due attention. In fact, this is the visiting card of your home, since its evaluation starts from the very threshold, that is, in the hallway. Another important point is the choice of furniture for this room.


  1. Furniture components for the classic hallway
  2. Recommendations for choosing the classic hallway
  3. Photo furniture for the hallway classics

Very popular furniture for the hallway of the classic( photo examples can be seen on this page), but there are other options that are compiled in accordance with the volume parameters, lighting, design of other rooms and other nuances.

Of course, it is highly recommended to entrust the design of the hallway to professionals, in this case an excellent result is guaranteed. But there are also cases of independent decisions, that is, the owner himself devises how to trim the corridor, what furniture to put and how to place it. Sometimes an individual craftsman who makes furniture specially for your own project is invited. Let's call this example optimal, and we will recommend this option.

Furniture components for the classic hallway

Of course, first of all it is necessary to equip a place for outer clothing: it will be a classic wardrobe. Very often in the door of the cabinet built in a mirror, as in the photo: very convenient and practical. Especially since a large mirror never hurts;see yourself in full growth dream of any girl.

Next, you should not forget about the place for shoes: it's either a classic shoe, or a bedside table. You also need to add a place for putting on shoes - a small chair or a stool. It is important that it was made in a classical style, suitable for the general interior of the hallway. In fact, it's not that hard to do.

Of course, there must be a bright light in the corridor. Of course, classical furniture for the hallway is sustained in strict dark colors, which have a low reflecting effect. Also you need to take into account that here you and the guests will stand a few minutes( that is, save energy is not in this place), but to see before leaving a speck on clothes or other defects is extremely important. Recommended lamp power is more than 100 watts. Rugs - of course also important. It is necessary to leave a small space for wet shoes, as well as to determine the corner for cleaning. Also it is necessary to determine the place of storage of brushes - shoe and clothes, creams and other auxiliary means.

Recommendations for choosing a classic hallway

Of course, it must be acknowledged that most often furniture is purchased for the hallway in the classical style. And, of course, all the nuances are already taken into account here. Nevertheless, we will try to briefly describe the main criteria for choosing furniture.

First, cabinets must be recessed, because space is the most precious in the hallway. It is necessary to apply the formula: the less furniture in the hallway in the style of the classic, the better. Especially this applies to apartments where the corridor is a passageway - stumbling over sofas and night tables will not be much for anyone - it's obvious. Of course, smoothness and quiet sound are also important when opening the cabinet, because sometimes you will have to come home when everyone is already sleeping.

Very interesting option with the cupboards in the style of the classic - they are soundless, practical, nice looking and easy to open. Photos of furniture for the hallway of classics

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