Artificial facade stone - is it as good as natural?

The artificial facade stone is all about the quantity of

. The situation is that if in the past, even in times of serfs working on stone, ornamental rocks were extracted by huge blocks, from which it was possible to cut out entire tables or fountains, today the natural granaries are scanty. To find, for example, a malachite vein, in order to squeeze out of it a monolithic column 2 meters high is practically impossible.

Here, and can help out an artificial facade stone, which is produced as small tiles, and large arrays, and the column can be formed directly during the process. Undoubtedly, in some cases, an artificial stone is preferable, especially when it comes to financial costs, because natural malachite will cost much more than an industrial copy.

On the other hand, the analog has no value other than its characteristics, and the use of natural stone remains a sign of the prosperity of the .You can carry a copy of Parker's handles in each pocket, but you will not look more consistent, but a single original can make you the object of attention of others. However, sometimes the analogue can have advantages over the original, taking into account the drawbacks of the latter.

Natural facade stone and cons taken into account in its copies

The perennial question - the better the facade is to be faced, can be solved in two ways: complete exhaustion of natural resources or undoubted advantages of artificial materials. And the second is preferable, do not you think? So let's determine what we are losing, using a natural facade stone.

So, for example, a natural stone easily splits from temperature drops, while an artificial one has a high plasticity and a considerable margin of safety. Further, the artificial stone is practically not hygroscopic, that is, its moisture absorption is extremely low due to the absence of pores on the surface, which can not be said of natural rocks.

If we talk about design, then from this side the natural stone is much inferior to its copies, the color range of which is much more extensive. If you consider, for example, marble, you can order yourself a facade cladding of such colors, which in nature does not exist.

And, finally, the issue of repairing stone products: if used artificially, it will be much easier to restore the cladding fragment, rather than to find a replacement for a spoiled item made of natural material. After all, artificial materials, whether facing tiles or stones, are made using special forms, quickly and without much expense.

Natural stone is the monumental beauty of

. Probably you already guessed that below we will talk about the weight of stone products, both natural and unnatural. If the facade of a country house is faced, every extra kilogram of material during transportation costs a round sum. Also, while working with the facing material, the easier it is, the faster the walls are finished, the less labor you will need.

After the installation of the cladding is finished, the building will become heavier exactly as much as the lining material weighs, in our case a natural stone or a copy of it. Proceeding from all this, and also considering that the quarry where the stone is mined is unlikely to be a kilometer away from your house, and the costs are proportional to the distance to it, it can be concluded that it is more often more profitable to use a non-natural stone that is lighter than natural stone.

For information, the specific gravity of marble is 2.7 g / cm3, that is, a plate with dimensions 50х50х2 centimeters will weigh 13.5 kilograms, while artificial marble weighs 2 times less.

The artificial rock has the following components: portland cement of extremely high quality, lightweight filler, substances for increasing strength and accelerating the hardening. As you can see, low weight is purchased as a substitute for natural stone not due to the voids in the structure, but thanks to a special kind of filler. Some manufacturers also use quartz sand, as a small aggregate, but this somewhat heavier material. In general, artificial lining is akin to lightweight concrete.

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