How to fix profnastil on the roof - you can learn by yourself

How to fix the corrugated board on the roof or why it?

Profiled sheeting is used for finishing not only the roof, but also walls, fences and other things. But it is the roofing version that has an enhanced formula that helps to withstand heavy loads, so this protection above the head is quite reliable. For this reason, the popularity of profiled steel is increasing. Also noted for convenience in roofing, material sheets are easy to handle, lightweight but durable, so the rafter system may not be an enhanced version, which will speed up the construction of the roof.

Fastening of corrugated board to the roof is possible even when the roof slope is small. This is another advantage of this roof, because some materials can not fit into this angle. Also, modern production technologies for these steel sheets provide different options for corrosion protection, so they will last longer.

How to fix the corrugated board to the roof, even a beginner builder will understand, because this material is not intricate, it is easily cut and bolted. There is no problem with the installation, even when it's frosty outside, which adds one more plus to its properties. On the merits can say a lot, but it's time to pay attention to the main topic of the article.

Begin to fix the corrugated board to the roof

First of all, the material spreads in the right order and position, for this it is necessary to understand the rules for overlapping sheets depending on the angle of the roof slope. It is not difficult and includes only a few figures. The more the roof slope, the less the overlap. When the slope is less than 15 degrees, the largest overlap is about 20 cm. When the angle is 30 degrees, this figure is only 10-15 cm. If the angle is critically small, about 10 degrees, then additional sealing of all overlaps is required.

Also in search of information on how to fix the corrugated board to the roof, you should not miss the issue of crate .Its size depends directly on everything from the same angle of inclination of the roof and the size of the corrugation of the steel sheet. The greater the height of the corrugation, the wider the step of the crate. The same dependence exists for the angle of inclination: the higher the roof slope, the greater the pitch.

It should be noted that the angle of inclination and the height of the corrugation affect the number of waves in the overlap. If the wave is shallow and the angle is small, then at least 2 waves are used for overlapping.

Fastening of corrugated board to the roof - the key moment

Actually, the crate is made, the sheets are marked, it's time to go directly to the fasteners. In order to properly fix the corrugated board to the roof, it is better to use special bolts - roofing screws .They are carried out with a comfortable hat, which can be twisted and with the help of mechanical devices. Also at the end there is a drill with which the corrugated can be pierced without the chance of any marriage or breakage of the sheet. The self-tapping screw also has an insulation under the hat and a special coating on the cap, which will protect the whole system from moisture, corrosion, UV rays, which means that the service life will be prolonged.

The main rule when fastening the corrugated board - bolts are attached only to the basins of the .Screws on the main part of the roof and on the ridge differ in length, the latter will be longer. If you tighten the screws you decided manually, then carefully calculate the strength, it is important not to over tighten so as not to damage the insulation. Also, one should not be undercooked, because in principle the roof will not perform its basic protective function.

Now about how to properly fix the corrugated board to the roof. If your sheets along the length completely cover the roof slope, then without special problems they are fixed with screws so that they are parallel to the cornice. It should be borne in mind when ordering that still need a stock of about 4 cm to hang from the roof. If the sheets have a shorter length than the ramp, then it is necessary to cover in several rows. Then you need to start from the bottom row and move to the top, laying the upper row on the bottom row with about a 20 cm clearance.

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