Cube baths with their own hands - how to do?

Cube baths with their own hands - how to do?

It's not so difficult to make a log-house yourself, although at first glance you can not say.

All that is needed for this is material and a sensible helper.


  • Preparing
  • materials Getting started with
  • Useful advices


materials Before you can create a log cabin for yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the stages of its construction.

They look like this:

  • Preparing the foundation;
  • Procurement of quality material;
  • Wall assembly;
  • Drying log house;
  • Roof collection;
  • Warming;
  • Internal and external design.

As mentioned above, the build process is not so complicated, however it is quite troublesome.

This is expressed, first of all, in the selection of the relevant material. For example, the beam that will be used to lay the walls, should not have cracks, should not be struck by insects.

As the foundation bay can be carried out using absolutely any techniques, we will not pay much attention to it.


It is worth recalling only that the walls of the logs from solid logs will be quite heavy, and therefore the foundation must be such that it will withstand this load.

Many in this case recommend using a strip foundation.

Some experts recommend making the collection of log walls, dry them and only after that to collect the bath again, but already on the foundation.

During this time, the logs will be able to dry up and then sit tightly together.

The log house from the log house can be performed with the help of the following technician fees:

  • Four-walled;
  • Five-walled;
  • Figured;
  • In the lower or upper "bowl";
  • "Pure corner" is a joining method in which a pentahedral shape is attached to the end of a log, and the frame itself is fastened by means of iron staples, as a result of which the edges of the log do not protrude beyond the edge of the log.

Logs for log house bath can be cleaned manually or rounded them, that is, processed on a special machine.


After the foundation is ready, as well as waterproofing, you can start installing special fittings, thanks to which the logs will be kept.

Only after this begins installation of the first crown of the log house bath.

We proceed to the construction of

As it is due to the crown of the bathhouse that the whole structure will be kept, then the logs for its construction must be taken with a larger diameter than for the walls.


The crowns should be fastened with the help of wide staples, which in length will be more than 15 centimeters.

Assembling a log cabin by own hands involves not only directly laying logs, but also the process of patching the cracks that remain when they are joined.

For this purpose, the following types of materials are used:

  • flax fiber;
  • jute;
  • acres;
  • moss.

It is recommended to use heaters having an organic origin.

However, you can use and material such as, for example, mineral wool.

And here all other artificial mixtures( mounting foam, etc.) are not recommended for use.

Thermal insulation is produced directly during the construction process.

A certain amount of selected material is put on each crown, after which a new crown starts to fit on top.

If desired, you can also additionally zakopapatit gaps after construction.

If the log house for the bath of the bar with their own hands was collected immediately on the foundation, without pre-drying, it means that after all the crowns have been collected, cover the walls with a film or any other waterproof material.


This is necessary to prevent moisture from falling on them, so that the logs are dried directly in the assembled state.

Further construction involves the installation of rafters and the construction of a roof. Rafters, as well as logs to each other, are attached with the help of staples or thorns.

For the roof of the bath it will be possible to use absolutely any roofing material:

  • Ruberoid;
  • Roof tiles;
  • Slate;
  • Galvanized metal.

The structure of the bath with their own hands assumes the same way and cutting through the construction of windows and doorways. But they can be cut through even after the building is erected.

It should be noted that the bath is insulated not only during construction, but also in a year after putting it into operation.

As a rule, during this time the tree dries more strongly, and as a result, it will require re-warming.

Finishing the external surface of the bath usually consists of applying a special varnish that does not allow moisture to penetrate into the structure of the tree, so that it does not collapse.

For better preservation of the frame, it is necessary to update the coating with varnish in the early spring and late autumn.


The interior decoration of the sauna can already be made to your liking.

The only thing that will necessarily need to be done is laying not only a layer of waterproofing the foundation, but also its insulation.

Useful tips

Directly before the construction itself, it is best to prepare a project, which should not be deviated from at all.

Otherwise, this can be fraught with various problems when laying the beam.

Logging for the log house should be made in winter. At this point, the wood reaches the highest quality and can not be spoiled by insects and beetles.

If the log is not prepared independently, but it is planned to buy it, then you can understand when it was harvested, just pouring a bit of iodine onto the cut off part.


If the wood does not become colored, then the forest will be summer, if it gets a bright shade, it means that the trees were harvested in the winter.

Clearances between the beams should be no more than 15 millimeters in the middle of the log and not more than 5 millimeters at the point of joining.

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