When you choose plastic windows, you have to solve many different issues: comb for plastic windows, the number of double-glazed windows, what color will be the clypeus and so on.
It's important to understand that the accessories will determine the functionality of your window. Specifically, it will subsequently depend on it, how the plastic window will work, and whether you will be satisfied with the results of the work of the installers.
The choice of double-glazed windows is worth to be guided by high tightness. It can guarantee the absence of drafts, noise and dust, as well as uncontrolled inflow of cold air.
But living in such a sealed safe is not always comfortable. If you do not ventilate the room, then even staying in such a room will not be comfortable for a person.
Simply put, an apartment, house or other dwelling - necessarily requires ventilation, but you can do it in various ways.
The easiest way is to use combs for plastic windows. This is an uncomplicated kind of furniture that is familiar to everyone.
If you have not decided yet where to buy a comb for plastic windows, then we advise you to treat this as carefully as possible, combing is worth buying only in specialized stores, but not in the market!
Its durability and ventilation quality depend on this.
A comb called a retainer, which got its name due to its shape, very much like a bar with several teeth, with which you can fix the sash of the window in the required position.
It is very important that this simple device is quite universal, in particular, with its help it is possible to fix the plastic window in its open position, which provides a certain guarantee against damage to the double-glazed window or sash during a strong wind.
How to install a comb on plastic windows, you can learn from this video.
Advantages and disadvantages of combs for plastic windows
Unfortunately, the simplicity of the above design and its relatively low price are perhaps the only advantages.
There are also drawbacks here.
The main of them can be attributed a certain weakening of the window profile due to the need to drill additional holes in it, which can cause deformation, as well as worsen the integrity of the doors.
Except for everything else, there is a risk that installed plastic combs slightly worsen the heat and sound insulation properties of the system, as well as - not everyone agrees with temperature changes, drafts and increased noise level.
Fortunately, for modern windows, combs are not the only way out and in any company selling and installing plastic windows, customers will be offered several other, more technological options.
The most famous of them is multi-stage ventilation, which is able to provide a high-quality micro-ventilation of the room, with completely closed windows.
Companies often include this ventilation package in a standard set of their windows.
In this system, in order to activate the ventilation mechanism, simply turn the window handle, as a result - the upper edge of the leaf moves away from the frame for a certain distance, forming a slot through which fresh air enters the room.
At the same time, there is no dust, no noise, no drafts - the hole is negligible so that all the above-mentioned disturbing factors could penetrate into the room.
But at the same time, an optimum level of fresh and clean air is reached in the room.