We heat the roof of the bath with our own hands

We heat the roof of the bath with our own hands

It is extremely important after the completion of the construction to insulate the roof of the bath with their own hands.

The roof on the bath differs in that the aggressive environment on it is not only outside( ultraviolet rays, rain, snow), but also from the inside( a sharp rise in temperature reaching up to 100 degrees of heat, wet steam).

Therefore, warming the roof of a bath is an extremely necessary process.

The constructions can be different.

Their main task is to prevent heat loss from the steam room. This is only possible if the roof is well insulated.

At the same time it's better to think about its warming in advance, even before the construction, especially if you plan to do all the work yourself.

If baths are not used often, then as a heater you can use a common ruberoid or parchment. In this case, the insulation must be carried out before making the flooring of the roofing material.

If the bath is used constantly, then the insulation must be carried out more thoroughly.

At first it is necessary to protect all elements of the structure from decay. To do this, all the beams, rafters impregnated with a special antiseptic solution.

In order for the roof to be more fire resistant( which is extremely important for a bath), parts of wood are also treated with flame retardant. Only after that it is possible to make the roof insulation.


  • Application of sawdust
    • Heat insulation with sawdust
    • Sawdust with clay
    • Sawdust with cement
  • Modern substitute for sawdust

Application of sawdust

Sawdust for insulation of houses and baths began to be used even in ancient times.

It is now producers creating more and more new artificial materials for insulation, and at that time they did not hear about such thermal insulation materials and only used natural and cheap means, such as clay, straw, leaves or moss.

Wood sawdust to this day is the most inexpensive, and at the same time accessible material of all used.

And for warming the roofs with their own hands, they generally fit perfectly, because they are very easy to use.

Heat insulation with sawdust

They also have undeniable advantages:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • good soundproofing properties;
  • budget price;
  • wide access;
  • long life.

It should be remembered that only well-dried sawdust can be used. They should be treated with an antiseptic, thus protecting against rats and mice.

It is also desirable to mix sawdust with lime( lime must be at least 10% of the total amount of sawdust) until a homogeneous mass is obtained, which also contributes to the protection of wood waste from rodents.

Do not add any chemical additives for protection against rodents to sawdust, as they may not comply with environmental standards and norms.

And in the end can get a highly toxic mass, the allocation of which can affect the health of the whole family.

As an option, it is possible to add tobacco leaves or broken glass, then rodents will not accurately attack the natural insulation.

Heat insulation with sawdust

The technology of wood chips application is very affordable and simple.

Opil mixed with lime, all free spaces between the roof overlaps are filled( unless lime is added, the wood chips will give a strong draft and lose their original heat-insulating property).

To add additional viscosity to the mass, you can add a bit of gypsum( about 5% of the total mass).The mixture of gypsum with sawdust freezes quite quickly, so prepare it in a small volume several times.

The dried layer exhibits a porous structure, which also contributes to the retention of heat.


Sawdust with clay

Alternatively, the roof is insulated with sawdust mixed with clay.

This technology is also characterized by simplicity of actions and it can be easily implemented by oneself:

  1. prepare the working surface, protecting the roof surface with a layer of polyethylene film( so that the polyethylene does not crumple and twist during operation, it must be fixed at the edges with a stapler);
  2. further prepare the mixture with sawdust and clay. Pour the clay( 5 parts) with a small amount of water, and stir until a homogeneous mass resembles a creamy consistency( professional builders perform such work in a mini concrete mixer, and we, taking all the actions ourselves, take a trough and shovel for this);
  3. in a homogeneous mass of slightly begin to fill the sawdust, while carefully mixing the solution;
  4. the resulting mass is applied to the surface, creating a uniform layer of about 10 cm, and smooth it with a metal spatula, slightly ramming.

Then leave the mixture to dry. Drying time depends on the season and air temperature, basically the solution dries from 3 to 5 days.

Clay and sawdust

If small cracks appear on the surface during drying, they can also be sealed with liquid clay by hand.

Sawdust with cement

For warming the roof of the bath, a mixture of wood shavings with cement is also used. As in the previous versions, the mixture of sawdust with cement is easily prepared by hand.

For the solution take: 10 parts of wood chips, 1 part of lime and ½ part of cement( the mass of cement can be varied in this case).

The mass is kneaded and applied in the same way as in the previous case( the solution must be uniform and do not crumble when squeezed in the hand).

Sawdust and cement

Cement in this case increases the thermal insulation properties of the solution, which is extremely important for the bath.

It should be remembered that with fresh sawdust, cement goes more, but if it is put too much, then the insulation will become much worse.

It is also desirable to add boric acid, which plays the role of antiseptic.

Modern replacement for sawdust

To date, modern manufacturers create a large number of insulation for roofs, but it is not all for the roof of the bath.

The most suitable in this case is the use of polyurethane foam. Of course, at a price, foamyurethane is much more expensive than sawdust, but its quality is excellent.

The material boasts a light weight, high sound and heat insulation, as well as easy installation, which is extremely important when doing the work yourself.

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