According to the regulation, the guard area of the ctp must comply with the standards:
- Around the substations, in particular a part of the land and air area, which is equal to the height of the highest point of the substation, limited by vertical perimeter boundaries, at a distance according to the voltage class.
In other words, the guard zone for the substation is formed according to its highest voltage, for example, a transformer substation 11 / 0.5kV, operates according to the following data: 11-air line, which is insulated with conductors of VL-6( 10) kV during any conditions of passage. - A security zone is a place where it is forbidden to carry out any movements that could disrupt the security of electric grid facilities, moreover, those that can damage and destroy, or even cause damage to the health of citizens and the destruction of property of individuals and legal entities. In addition, it is forbidden by any actions to provoke environmental damage and the occurrence of fires.
Construction of security areas of KTP
According to the resolution of DBN 360-92, transformer substations and security zones are constructed in this way:
- Transformer substations( less than 2x1000 kVA), together with distribution points( less than 20 kV), must be closed when removed from windows and residentialpublic facilities at a distance of more than 10 m, and from medical institutions - more than 25 m.
- The air and cable power lines of the transformer substation and its distribution points of all kinds of voltage are locatedprotection and sanitary-protective zones whose size is interdependent on their Voltage. In order to determine the size of these security zones, it is necessary to be guided by Table 8, 5a of Resolution DBN 360-92, according to which the security zone of the ctp must be at least 3 m from the station fence.
Similar information is provided by the exposure of the RF EMP, according to which for the compliance of fire safety the substation is located at a distance of more than 3 meters from the buildings of I-III degrees of fire resistance and 5 meters from the structure of IV-V degrees of fire resistance.
Guidelines 4.2.68 of this regulation will come to the rescue, which states that residential buildings are located from transformer substations at a distance of more than 10 meters and with the observance of a normal level of sound noise.
Bridge protection zone mps
Bridges and overpasses are man-made structures of roads and railways requiring a right-of-way. And for this purpose in the federal law on automobile laws and road activity in the Russian Federation there is article 25, which regulates these issues.
Security zone of the heating main
To solve the problem of the guard zone of the heating main there is an order from August 17, 1992 N 197 "On model rules for the protection of municipal heating networks".
This document states that the security zone for the heating mains must be at least 3 meters from the heating networks. In addition, the construction of the heating main takes into account the slopes of the trench and the possibility of subsidence of the ground and the possible displacement of the heating main to some number of degrees, the construction of all kinds of buildings on the territory of the heating main.
But according to the decision of the LGI( from 17.07.78 N526), the security zone should be at least 5 m and in a territory closer than 5 meters to build something and do something forbidden.
It is worth calculating the territory with a margin, than after rebuilding the entire building.
It should also be understood that the CCT security zone is a certain "forbidden" area, on which it is forbidden to perform actions that may be detrimental to the health and safety of people and their property.
What actions are not allowed?
- Construction, repair, or demolition of structures, buildings and structures, all kinds of subversive work and work with soil, cutting and planting trees.
- Installation of garbage dumps.
- Release of foreign objects onto the towers of the overhead line.
- Use and launch of all kinds of aircraft, in particular toy models of aircraft in the VL zone.
- Establishment of any storage facilities for lubricants and fuels.
- Stay machines and structures that have a height of more than 4.5 meters( with and without load).
- The work of repair, shock work, the release of mass weighing more than 5 tons, the emission and discharge of harmful chemicals and fuels and lubricants on the territory of underground TC.
- Placement of any lens and objects outside of the boundaries reserved for the access to the electric grid facilities and obstructing the passage to these facilities.
- Establishment of any sports and playgrounds, stadiums and other things, holding mass events and gatherings of people who do not occupy the permitted robots.
If you do not want to get into a mess, rebuild your building, then regarding the work with the security zones of transformer substations installed, follow the legislation, only it can settle these issues.
Good luck, and be law-abiding!