When constructing a foundation under fences made from corrugated board or brick, it is not recommended to save on consumables and, even more so, to mount even the lightest fencing on the ground.
Over time, sections of such a structure will distort, on the brick columns, cracks and splits are formed, and the gates will stop easily opening.
Therefore, despite the cost of the ribbon foundation for the fence, if you want to get a strong and durable fencing, you will have to spend a little.
Still, you can save on construction if you build a foundation for sampling yourself.
- How to choose the foundation?
- Peculiarities of marking and preparation of the site
- Construction of the basement for the brick fence
- Construction of the basement for the fence from the profiled sheet
How to choose the foundation?
When choosing a foundation for a fence, the weight of the future fence must be taken into account. Proceeding from this, they decide on the use of this or that technology in construction.
If it is planned to build a fence, where brick or metal poles will be used as the bearing base, it can be used to make a ribbon or columnar foundation.
In the case of installing solid panels between solid poles, the foundation design is better to do as a continuous tape.
Its depth should be at least 0.5 m, and the width in this case should be a couple of centimeters more from the width of future pillars.
This method also provides for the reinforcement of a concrete bearing base with reinforcing bars or a metal mesh.
If sections of the enclosing structure are constructed of lightweight building material, then it will suffice to make indentations in the ground for the device of the columnar foundation.
Foundations for brick fence can have a combined ribbon-column structure, which by physicomechanical parameters far exceeds the usual tape base.
In the case of intensive punching of soils that in winter freeze, then expand and push the foundation to the surface, it will be correct to equip the supporting base with screw piles.
Further in the article there is video and detailed information on how to properly mark up the plot, how to fill the foundation for the fence for light sections of corrugated board or brick.
Layout features and site preparation
Layout of the working area for a simple ribbon foundation, foresees the following sequence of work:
- install wooden or metal pegs along the perimeter of the future fence;
- further pouring the foundation under the fence requires excavating the trench, its depth will depend on the degree of freezing of the ground and the massive nature of the fence details.
In order to equip the foundation foundation with supporting poles, it is necessary to prepare the working area according to a slightly different plan:
- marking out the trench with the required depth and width;
- on the trench, with the same interval, dig out the recesses under the supporting poles.
In order to exclude possible collapse of the trench walls, formwork is made, the height of its structure can be about 15 cm.
For additional reinforcement of the foundation under the fence, the trench is equipped with 8 mm reinforcing bars.
The device of the columnar base consists in digging out depressions with an equal step, along the marked contour.
The distance between poles will depend on the size of the fence sections and can reach 3 meters, as seen in the photo.
Making depths of excavations in the earth is recommended taking into account soil freezing and the weight of the future structure, usually it is 80-150 cm.
Construction of a foundation stone for a brick fence
The foundation for a brick fence is built using shallow technology.
If the land in the site has a dense structure, minimal humidity, and during cold weather, the depth of occurrence of the tape substrate can be 20-30 cm.
With the soil properties of the soil, as well as its freezing over 80 cm, the construction is built in depth,not less than 1 m.
For other types of soils it is enough to make a half-meter deep foundation.
Sequence of construction works:
- Mark the plot as shown in the photo and described above using a peg and twine. Then dig a trench depth, depending on the structure of the soil, exceeding by 20 cm the height of the future foundation;
- The bottom of the trench is leveled and tamped, equipped with waterproofing material, which is suitable for dense polyethylene film or roofing material. Laying of the material must be done correctly, so that its edges are wrapped on the walls( 10-15 cm);
- Over the waterproofing arrange a sand cushion layer of 6-7 cm, it is well sprinkled with water and compacted;
- Above the sand poured fine gravel or expanded clay gravel, the thickness of the layer - 10-15 cm;
- The next stage is the formwork, which will lift the foundation above the ground level. The construction is built inside the trench, all the time it controls its parameters, which must correspond to certain dimensions of the tape;
- To make the reinforcing of the tape base, in order to improve its strength characteristics, the trench with formwork is equipped with reinforcing bars 8-12 mm;
- Then a cement-sand mixture is prepared, the prepared construction is poured in stages. Filled concrete pierced with a shovel or metal rod to exclude in it the formation of air cavities.
Complete ripening of the basement made with this method takes place within 3-4 weeks, after which the formwork is removed and brick poles are formed.
In this case the laying of brick poles on the supporting base must be done with the dressing. You can perform its reinforcement using a thin metal wire.
Construction of a strip foundation for the fence from the profiled sheet
The foundation of the fence from the profiled sheet is erected with supporting poles, as in the photo, which are mounted using columnar foundation technology.
At the initial stage of construction works, the territory is marked out, a trench and pit deepenings are excavated on it.
The optimal size, which can have a strip foundation for fence from the corrugated board, is usually 25x50 cm. Above the ground level, the supporting base should protrude by 15-25 cm, not higher.
To build a strip foundation under the fence from the corrugated board at hand you need to have the following materials and tools:
- cement M400;
- sand and water;
- plasticizer;
- fine gravel;
- reinforcing bars 3-10 mm;
- boards for formwork;
- drilling device;
- hammer and fasteners;
- shovel and bayonet shovels.
The future fence from the corrugated board on the ribbon foundation with supporting poles is built according to the following plan:
- After the trench of the necessary dimensions is dug, it should be deepened to 60-90 cm, in the places marked under the poles. Depth can vary depending on the characteristics of the soil.
Pits for bearing poles, when used for sampling a standard profiled sheet, are arranged in increments of no more than 2 meters. The width of the trench is calculated with the expectation that the formwork will be installed, so it can not be less than 40 cm; - In prepared grooves set alternately supporting poles, which can be used second-hand metal pipes with a diameter of 50-80 mm. Each of them should have a height of at least 2.5 meters, this is subject to the part that will be located in the ground. The supports are exposed strictly vertically, using a plumb line. Fixed in bulk - pits filled with construction debris and gently tamped, so as not to disturb the verticality of the support;
- The bottom of the trench is equipped with a claydite cushion, a layer of 5 cm. The reinforcement is provided for the structure, but taking into account that the metal bars of the reinforcement belt protrude above the foundation level by 5-8 cm.
- Then follows the installation of the formwork. It can be built from wooden boards or fiberboard material. The height of the structure should protrude 20-25 cm above the ground. The stability of the formwork inside the ditch is added by backfilling its outer sides with crushed stone. The accuracy of the installation of the structure is verified by means of a level, all corrections are made before the start of pouring with concrete;
- Pillars and a trench with a reinforcing belt are poured into several stages. In this case, the components of the concrete solution change every time. Part of the foundation, located in the ground, is filled with a solution of cement, sand and gravel. The above-ground part is a standard cement-sand composition.
Stepwise concreting the foundation is necessary to exclude the formation of voids in the structure. With this goal in addition poured concrete pierce in different places with a metal rod.
The maturation of the erected structure takes more than a week, but the formwork can be removed on the second day, when the concrete grabs.
On completely dried and hardened basis, mount the fence from the corrugated board.
Around the iron supports make a brickwork with a binding bandage.
To improve its decorative properties can be by facing the design of the finishing material, the imitation of which resembles a wild stone.
To supplement the above material will allow a thematic video.