When to remove the formwork for the foundation?

When to remove the formwork for the foundation?

When building a house, a garage or a summer residence in front of a person, the question arises: how to make a formwork for the foundation with your own hands?

The installation of the foundation and, in particular, the installation of the formwork, are considered the most important stage of construction.

Soil works and installation of the structure are carried out in a certain sequence.

It is important not only to correctly install and fix all the components, but also to know how many days it is possible to disassemble the structure.

From the strict observance of technology depends the strength of the foundation and the whole structure as a whole. It is important to choose the formwork and the material from which it will be assembled.


  • Application form
  • Application features
  • Installation procedure
    • Ground works
    • Material selection
    • Assembly
  • Practical recommendations

Forms types

If you cite the classic definition printed in the building codes, then formwork can be called a set of elements, of whicha construction is planned for pouring the building solidification mixture.

The following requirements are imposed on the assembled structure:

  • strength;
  • stability;
  • efficiency;
  • simplicity.

Formwork for the columnar foundation has one configuration, and for the plate one another.

And in that, and in another case, doing the work yourself, you need to ensure that the construction has withstood the load that occurs when pouring concrete.


And save the specified form for the specified time after filling.

According to the method of application formwork is:

  • removable;
  • is not removable.

A variety of materials can be used to install a removable structure for the foundation. Wooden boards, metal sheets and other handy materials.

In the practice of building individual houses, the most often is the installation of formwork from a board or plywood. The technology of work with this material is well developed.

When constructing small objects, such as a garage or a cottage, the shuttering is done by hand.

The video shows the sequence of installation and attachment of a wooden structure for the foundation of an individual house.


The removable type device must be dismantled after a certain time, which is required for curing concrete. When you remove the formwork from the foundation, it is known.

According to the current building standards, the concrete mixture gains hardness 28 days after pouring.

In the case when the work is done by hand, you need to carefully remove the wooden shields.

The boards can then be reused to assemble the formwork elsewhere or for other household needs.

If you use a removable type, you have to do a lot of preparatory work, which some builders have noted as a drawback.

Fixed formwork after casting of concrete remains an integral part of the foundation.

Most often it is made from expanded polystyrene. As a positive property of these designs, it should be noted reliability and ease of installation.

The installation of a non-detachable structure is carried out in a short time, as this does not require additional work.

The foam layer serves as a heater for the foundation, which can also be considered a positive factor. The photo shows a fragment of formwork made of expanded polystyrene.

Foam polystyrene formwork

A clear example of this design is the formwork for the columnar foundation. Asbestos cement pipes in its function is a permanent formwork.

Application features

Removable formwork for the slab foundation is the simplest construction. Most often it is installed by oneself. This requires boards, wooden wedges and struts.

The video shows the foundation plate type, which is filled in accordance with the requirements of SNiP.About when to remove the formwork from the foundation, will show the hardness of the concrete mixture.


The formwork can be removed after 10 - 12 days, but the foundation can be loaded all 100% only after the end of the standard period.

Metal formwork in individual housing construction is rarely used. This is due to the high cost and complexity of the application.

Formwork for the foundation of expanded polystyrene in recent years is increasingly used. Fixed construction, despite the high cost, is used in the construction of individual houses.

Correctly made calculation allows to make an exact decision and observe the balance of price and quality. Foam formwork has high strength at low weight.

Installation of such a design does not require the use of special equipment. The installation is easy to do by yourself.

In construction practice, there are situations when the formwork is mounted from reinforced concrete slabs. This is an expensive and difficult to implement option. And because it is used very rarely.

How to install

When building your own home, the owner first of all is interested in how to make a foundation for a foundation without additional costs and in accordance with the requirements of SNiP.

Doing the work yourself, you must adhere to a strict sequence of actions.

The entire process consists of the following steps:

  • ground work;
  • material selection;
  • manufacture and installation of formwork.

With any type of foundation, the sequence of actions remains unchanged. The design of the foundation is already determined at the design stage.

To start work it is important to prepare all the necessary tools and materials.

Ground works

Construction begins with clearing the allotted area. The first step is to clear and level the construction site. Its dimensions should be one and a half meters wider and longer than the size of the house.

Then you need to install the first stick and carry out all measurements from it. You can use wooden stakes or bars of armature as sticks.

Initial works

The next step is to put pegs at the corners of the future foundation. After that, the length of the diagonals is checked and if they are equal, then the rectangle is correctly marked.

Internal and external marking of the foundation is carried out according to the same rules.

After the markup is completed, you can start trench digging. When building a large house used excavator.

In the case where the foundation is laid under the garage or cottage, the trench is more convenient for digging with your own hand a shovel.

When performing soil works, you must constantly monitor the verticality of the trench walls. After the digging of the trench, a sand cushion 10-15 cm thick is poured into the bottom of the trench.

It is recommended to pour a layer of rubble over the sand cushion and put a polyethylene film for waterproofing. Instead of a film, you can use a ruberoid.

Material selection

To install and secure a detachable structure, it is necessary to use high quality lumber. For this purpose, an edging board with a thickness of 20 mm is used.

Wood must have a moisture content of at least 25%.In the case when the project provides for a permanent formwork, separate hollow blocks of foam are used.

It is more convenient to work with such blocks than with boards. It takes less time to put and fasten foam structures with your own hands.

Blocks are installed one on top of the other in such a way that there is an empty space inside for pouring the concrete mix.

The video shows the process of assembling formwork from boards. It is important to note that after pouring concrete and hardening it, after a few days the covering is carefully removed.


These boards can be used several times, if there is a need.

When constructing small objects such as a garage, a sauna, a garden gazebo, a formwork is often built from materials that are at hand.

In this case, how many slivers of slate or pieces of plywood are required, it is difficult to calculate in advance.

By arranging the formwork with your own hands, it is necessary to pay great attention to the reliable fastening of the walls. As a rule, all these fragments and fragments are not suitable for repeated use.


Pre-assembled shields are installed in a properly prepared trench. When assembling boards, nails or screws are used.

The hoods of fasteners must be placed on the inside of the formwork. To put and fix the shields you need to use pre-prepared stakes. Such stakes are driven into the ground every meter.

A correctly assembled and reinforced structure must withstand the load for several days.

When installing the formwork with your own hands, it is necessary to control the vertical position of its walls and the specified width. Formwork in finished form should rise above ground level by 25 - 30 cm.

Inside the installed structure, the embedded elements are placed in the places where communications will be laid. This is taken care of at this stage of construction.

Through the whole perimeter of the structure, cross-pieces are attached with nails, which will prevent deformation of the walls when pouring concrete.

The photo shows a formwork made of boards, which will have to be disassembled a few days after the concrete is poured. Removing the skin is a simple process.

Wood formwork

The construction can be dismantled after the concrete has cured. In order for the concrete mixture to acquire the necessary strength, it takes time.

The dismantling of the formwork earlier than the standard time can adversely affect the condition of the foundation.

Practical recommendations of

Available at the disposal of construction engineers, it is possible to erect buildings and structures in the shortest possible time.

The formwork for arranging a basement for a house or a bath can be rented without any problems. After a certain number of days, the design is disassembled and returned to the owner.

This is a convenient and practical option. In the case where a fixed formwork of foam is used, there are no worries about dismantling.

In such cases, the first place is the financial capabilities of the developer. At the design stage, you need to calculate correctly how much this or that decision will cost.

When building country cottages, overhead costs are substantially greater than when building a house in the city. Manufacturing formwork does not require high costs.

If it becomes necessary to reduce the expenditure side of the budget, it is desirable to do this at the expense of other expenditure items. The design is installed temporarily and after a certain period is dismantled.


You can perform these works with your own hands. In making this decision, you need to clearly imagine the whole amount of work on building a house.

Installation and fastening of formwork will take time and effort. These resources, too, must be managed skillfully.

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