Gas boiler in a private house: replacement order

Documents for installing the

It is hard to imagine, but the most frequent reason for not installing an independent heating system is a problem with the documentation of the new installation.

The first document you should use is the manual SNiP 42-01-2002 "Gas distribution systems".All important technical conditions for the installation of gas boilers are found in this document. In addition, the SNiPe also has an article "Gas supply", which also establishes the procedure for replacing the gas appliance. This document, fortunately or unhappily, is no longer valid, but it does not prevent it from being a source of useful information for installers.

Additional rules and regulations on gas appliances, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, on noise insulation and fire safety are given in adjacent SNiP.

Boiler arrangement

The state allows to install a heater in the basement only for single-family houses. Let us consider in more detail how the boiler diagram looks.


The photo shows the components of the boiler and the principle of its operation:

  • Control device.
  • Tractor unit.
  • Capacity for expansion.
  • Heat exchanger.
  • Burner. The valve of air( the automatic machine).
  • Heat exchanger for hot water supply system.
  • Fuse.
  • Gas fittings.
  • Fuse to avoid leakage of heating fluid.
  • Contour reinforcement.
  • Driving element of the heat carrier( circulation pump).
  • Gas filling valve


How to replace the boiler

  1. Introduction to the technical specifications. Technical conditions are obtained in the department of city gas supply after writing the appropriate application indicating the amount of gas consumption per hour in your house. The city gas service gives permission and provides technical conditions. Official processing time is 1-2 weeks. And only after you get a statement with a positive decision. It should be understood that spontaneous installation of the boiler is illegal and dangerous, in particular, if a complete change of heating communications in a house with a large number of apartments is planned.
  2. Designing. The project of installing your gas appliance starts to be created after you get permission. In it, you should draw a diagram of the installation of the boiler, the gas pipeline layout, the scheme of communications with the sector, the gas outlet, the scheme for placing gas messages with residential buildings. The project is developed exclusively by engineers-designers who have a license and give the appropriate document on the development of the project.
  3. gas-boiler-in-private-house-order-replacement-3

  4. Solution of Gorgas. After the development, the project is sent to the Gorgaz organization to establish and coordinate your site, the project must be approved. This can take from a week to 4 months.

In the project documents package the following documents are submitted:

  • Technical passport and instructions for the
  • boiler Sanitary and hygienic certificates for technical requirements.
  • Document confirming boiler's compliance with all standards.

Important! These documents are prepared not by you, but by the manufacturer of boilers.

In case of refusal in Gorgaz, you are obliged to give its reasons in writing, and also to present the ways of the project change.

And if the project is made for "pyaterochku", then it is certified and in fact is a pass to the installation works.


Prohibited and Restricted

Gas boiler in a private house, though wall-mounted, at least floor-mounted:

  1. On combustible surfaces.
  2. In the corridor passages,
  3. In the bathroom,
  4. In the communal rooms and dormitories,
  5. In unventilated rooms,
  6. In the basement and balconies, loggias,
  7. In the basement, if the source is LPG.

Rules for installing a boiler in a private house

The standards for installing domestic gas boilers are extremely simple, but are mandatory:

  • is more than 4 sq.m.for the installation area;
  • more than 0.8 wide entrance door;
  • 0.3 sq. M window at 10 m in the cube should be a lot of light;
  • More than 2.5 m high ceiling;
  • Required is the pipeline;cold liquid.
  • the power of the device and the section of the chimney must be equal.
  • Wall coverings in the room must be level.


Looking at this list I want to say that the most correct solution would be to install a gas boiler in a private house in the kitchen, where there is also a stove. Why? Because the kitchen is the most similar in structure to the boiler room, therefore the installation of the wall boiler will also meet the requirements of fire safety and simplifies the connection of hot and cold water supply. The gas column can also be easily hidden in the cabinet. If the floor is installed, then it needs a hotel room under the boiler room.

How to install the device in a private house with your own hands?

Important! Anything connected with this kind of device should be strictly prohibited! Only the attraction of experienced professionals and only compliance with the requirements!

Mandatory in the work of installers:

  • Checking the license for the installation of equipment.
  • Temperature regime - 5-35 degrees C, with humidity up to 80%.

Armed with the SNiP leadership, be patient and forward!

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