Many people are interested in how to make a cellar under the house with their own hands, because it is very convenient to have such a premise: one can not worry that the blanks will deteriorate for the winter, and in winter they will not have to go outside them, and if necessary they will always be at hand.
The construction of the cellar depends on the type of your house.
If it is heated all year round, then the device of warm walls and floors will not be needed, becausethe temperature in the cellar and so will be above zero, which means that construction will be much easier for you.
You can dig out the cellar in the house both during the construction phase of the house, when the foundation is laid, and in the already completed construction, but in this case, it will be more difficult to make.
In the article you will receive detailed instructions, video, photo, as well as a drawing and construction project that will help you to properly erect a cellar under the house, without resorting to the help of expensive specialists.
- Creating the foundation and the necessary tools
- Creating the cellar
- Ventilation arrangement
- Wine cellar
Creating the foundation and the necessary tools
Based on the design of the cellar you chose and the type of material from which you will make it, the tools will vary.
If you will make walls for a cellar made of wood, then you will need:
- ax;
- saw;
- chisel or turret.
To make concrete and wooden walls, you will need:
- trowel or shovel;
- furnace hammer;
- hammer-sledge hammer;
- shovel for stirring the mortar.
To compact the soil and concrete mortar, you will need ramming( you can do it yourself by attaching it to a bar or a log of a handle, or to purchase a ready-made tool).
To create reinforced concrete walls, you will need a tool used for the carcass bond.
The design of the cellar space implies the creation of a depth below the house depth of 1.5-1.8 m.
If the depth is less, the room temperature will not be above +8 degrees, which will negatively affect the storage of blanks.
Before creating a deepening, you need to determine the level of ground water. To do this, you can make a well depth of about 2.5 meters.
After creating it, you need to wait a few days to find out if the water will start to flow. Another option is to know the height of its standing in the wells on other sites.
If the water lies closer than 1 m from the floor surface, then a cellar can not be built in the building, but if the distance is from 1 m and lower, it can be built, it will be enough only to lower this level by arrangement of the drainage system around the house.
Construction of the cellar begins with the creation of a pit. Its dimensions should exceed the planned size of the building by 60 cm from all sides.
This is necessary so that a waterproofing device can be installed, as well as work on concreting the room.
It is necessary to comply with these dimensions, because if you make a foundation pit more than you need, then you have to take out too much soil, and also complicate backfilling of the sinuses.
At the borders it is better to excavate the excavation by hand and carefully align its walls. When performing work, try to damage as little as possible the soil.
When carrying out work it is very important to protect the future cellar from water ingress, this is done by a waterproofing pillow.
Her device is as follows: you need to fall asleep on the bottom of the foundation pit, a crushed stone 10 cm thick and tamper with it.
If the groundwater deposits are close to the bottom of the excavation, an additional layer of clay can be laid on top of the rubble.
Top on the layers is applied hot bitumen in the ratio of 5 kg per 1 m2.Thus, the capillary permeability of the waterproofing layer will be minimized.
The next stage of the work is the foundation construction. It must necessarily be concrete.
To make the formwork, use boards, and after hardening of the concrete the base is covered with a ruberoid in several layers, which is applied to the bituminous mastic.
The allowances for walls should be at least 10 cm of the mixture. If the device of the cellar occurs in a fairly dry region, then walls half the thickness of a brick are enough to ensure that the cellar is resistant to moisture.
If the humidity in the region is very high, then make a wall thickness of at least one brick.
On the inner side of the cellar wall, it is necessary to cover with cement, on top of which 2-4 layers of roofing material should be laid on the bituminous mastic.
Do not forget to leave allowances where the walls, as well as the floor and ceiling, converge with each other.
Additional brick building is required( it is better to use red brick), on which you need to apply clay.
If you build a cellar on a ground with a high clay content, then the sinuses separating the walls and the pit should be further sealed with any material.
But it's better not to choose sand for this, becauseit very well passes water - use more dense materials that have a high resistance to water.
Creating a cellar
First of all, you need to make a design and a drawing of the cellar, where you need to provide a staircase so that it is convenient to go down into the room, shelves and other necessary elements.
The staircase to the cellar needs to be arranged, observing a slope of 45 degrees, and the steps should be at least 20 cm wide.
In general, the device of this room depends on your preferences, the most important thing is to comply with the construction standards, so that the cellar is durable and does not missmoisture.
Shelves also need to be made strong enough that they can withstand the weight of cans and products that you plan to place there.
Between the cellar compartments it is best to make partitions where it will be possible to equip a place for storage of root crops.
Partitions are usually built using boards or a grid of metal in width, depending on the number of roots that you plan to place there.
Floors in cellars are often left earthen, so as not to waste time and money on its finish. But the walls will be properly shrouded. This can be done with boards, wattles or croakers.
If there is a desire, then you can cover the floor, but for this you have to make a screed made of concrete, on which you can lay bricks, tiles or boards on top, based on your wishes.
Ventilation installation
It is very important to equip the cellar with good ventilation, so that the room is kept at the optimum temperature, and there is no excessive humidity that can spoil your workpieces.
It is possible to make the air handling unit both very simple and more complicated: use two pipes, where the first one will provide airflow from the street, and the second - to work as a hood.
For better air exchange, the pipes should be mounted at different levels at opposite ends of the cellar.
The hood is usually located near the ceiling, and the supply air is at the ground, about 60 cm above the floor of the room.
It is imperative to build a cover on top of the room - it is needed not only as an input, but also for airing the room and regulating the temperature. This is especially true in the summer.
If you do not do it, it will be too moist in the cellar, the mold may start to appear on the shelves, which will spread to the blanks and root crops.
And if the exhaust hood and ventilation system are poorly equipped in general, condensate will soon accumulate inside, and then mold will appear.
The lid of the cellar is made double: the first lid is located on top of the hatch and serves to close the entrance.
Also called summer - such a cover should be the most high-quality and reliable, and most of the time be in a closed position.
It can be made of metal, but it can also be made from thick boards - then its weight will be easier and it will be easier to open it. And to change or repair such a cover will be much easier.
The bottom cover is located at the bottom of the floor. In the cold season, it is insulated to prevent cold air from entering the cellar.
Such lids are equipped in cellars, which are made in separate rooms, tk. Private houses, as a rule, are heated, and the cellar does not need additional insulation.
The cellar under the house is better equipped with a more beautiful cover, becauseit will affect the appearance of the entire room.
Sometimes a simple cover is covered with a decorative trim or is lined with some material that will give it a more aesthetic appearance.
A common way is to cover the lid with floorboards. Then the entrance to the cellar will merge with the floor of the house, and guests and neighbors will not be conspicuous.
Wine cellar
The wine cellar arrangement is almost the same as usual. Such a project is done better under the house, as far as possible from the storage of potatoes, cesspools, etc.
Wine cellars usually make a thermal insulation, becauseThe temperature in this room should be stable and not fall below a certain mark.
For the casing of such a cellar, moisture-resistant materials are used, and for the final finishing it is best to use a natural coating: it can be bricked, plastered, stone, putty, etc.
If you want the cellar walls to be wooden, then the best use is oak.
It is important for the wine cellar to ensure sunlight penetration. But you also need to install in the room electric light.
Doors in the room must be tightly closed and do not let cold air pass. It is best to install thermal doors equipped with a seal. A hood in such a room is also necessary.
Use photos and videos - they will help you build a cellar of any type that you need.