In this article, we will look at the basics of installing a framework for gypsum board from metal profiles with their own hands.
This work is quite simple, does not require any special skills and complex tools, in which we will try to convince you.
- Types of plasterboard
- Preparatory stage
- Assembly of frame
- Preparing for installation
- Fastening parts
Types of plasterboard
Drywall is a modern construction and finishing material that is very popular for repairs.
With the help of drywall you can arrange your own shelf in your own place, level the surface of walls and ceiling, make an entrance to the room in the form of an arch, make a niche in the wall, install an additional partition in the room.
The offered photos show us interesting interior solutions using GKL.
There are fireproof and moisture resistant types of plasterboard, as well as plasterboard of increased strength and plasterboard with a high degree of sound insulation, used for finishing the walls of industrial premises.
Despite the wide range of applications, this material requires careful handling during delivery and installation, as mechanical impact( impact, pressure, bending) can lead to the appearance of chips, cracks.
Based on this, it is better to perform assembly by a minimum of two using sheets with a side no more than 90 cm.
The fixing of drywall is performed either directly on the leveling surface with special gypsum mastics, or with screws on a pre-assembled crate of metal or wood.
Preparatory stage
The installation of a frame for panels made of gypsum board is quite easy, its installation does not take much time, it is enough to purchase the necessary materials, the prices for which you will pleasantly surprise, acquire a small set of tools and have a small skill in handling them.
Carrying out the frame from the metal profile, you get a more durable, in comparison with the wooden, the design itself installation of the metal frame takes less time.
Wood can be prone to warpage, damage to beetles, rotting, which negatively affects the performance of the structure.
In addition, a simple calculation shows that the weight of the wooden frame is much larger than that of metal-profile systems.
So, we decided to assemble the skeleton from the metal profile with our own hands. The following materials are used for mounting the metal battens( you can see the appearance of some of them on the photo).
- guide - designed to secure auxiliary profiles on one line, this is the main element of the structure of the frame;
- ceiling - allows you to mount the skeleton on the ceiling;
- rack - it is necessary for the assembly of the wall battens, the installation of partitions, with its help you can make both your own corners and arc-shaped fragments of the interior with your own hands.
And also need:
- suspension straight or short - fixes the rack or ceiling elements respectively to the walls or ceiling;
- single-level connector of the "crab" type - fixes perpendicularly directed strips of metal profile between each other, is used for roofing of ceilings, less often - for reinforcement of walls;
- extension connectors - fasten different sections of the profile;
- self-tapping screws for metal;
- washers;
- dowels.
Ceiling and rack profiles are the auxiliary elements of the frame, on which you will later mount the drywall.
The amount of material, connecting elements and fasteners required is determined from the measurements, making an accurate calculation according to the installation technique.
To perform the installation work, the following minimum tool kit is required, which should be taken care of beforehand:
- impact drill or perforator;
- screwdriver;
- scissors for metal or Bulgarian;
- levels;
- tape measure, square, pencil( marker).
Assembly of the frame
Preparatory work for the installation of the frame is to mark up.
This is a very important stage, on which both the performance characteristics of the carcass and the aesthetic perception of our structure depend upon the installation of the drywall.
Incorrect calculation, inaccuracies and inaccuracies in marking can lead to skewing of the structure, deviation from the ideal position, excessive material consumption.
Preparing for installation
If you level the walls, the first line is applied along the perimeter of the floor at some distance from the wall.
Calculating the indentation of drywall from the walls is very simple: the thickness of the GCR plus the offset from the walls for laying utilities( electrical wiring, pipelines).
The installation lines on opposite walls must be parallel to each other. Then we transfer the markings from the floor to the ceiling using a carpenter's plumb line.
These horizontal lines define the fixing points of the guide rails, for vertical profiles the vertical wall marking is made in steps of 40 to 60 cm.
The step calculation is carried out according to the size of the drywall sheet - each sheet must be fixed to 3 rack or ceiling profiles.
If a sheet with a width of no more than 50 cm is used, it is sufficient to mount it on 2 profiles. On the marking of the rack profiles every 40-50 cm, we mark the mounting points of the hangers.
Specialists emphasize that a guide profile must be used above the door, above and below the window openings.
Assembling the flooring from the metal profile for leveling the wall is shown in the proposed video.
When installing a false ceiling from a GCR, the marking starts with a horizontal marking on the walls, which determines the location of the guide rails.
The second ceiling, as well as the walls, should provide for the possibility of laying electrical wires. We carefully check the levels so that there is no deviation from the horizon line.
Next, we calculate the step of the ceiling profile similar to the rack-mount profile described above, and on the ceiling perform the markings for it, noting the places of attachment of hangers, lighting devices.
In the photo you can see an example of the scheme of marking for mounting the skeleton on the ceiling.
Assembly of parts
We are now assembling our design.
First of all it is necessary to make sections of a directing profile of the necessary length with the help of a grinder or metal scissors. The length of the blanks strictly corresponds to the parameters of the room.
Mounting the rails is done according to the marking, following the calculation and keeping the step between fasteners 50-60 cm.
When installing the frame for the ceiling and walls, make sure that the angles between all the elements of the structure are strictly straight, for this we apply the square.
Please note that in ready-made form, the gypsum board structure has a significant weight, so the fastening of the profiles to the walls must be carried out strictly on the dowel-nails without the use of plastic cartridges, which eventually will be weakened and will contribute to the sagging and warping of the surface.
The first stage of the carcass assembly is finished, we are going to install the hangers.
Suspensions are attached to the supporting base( wall or ceiling) by dowel-nails and are perpendicular to the passage of auxiliary profiles.
With the help of the nose pliers, bend the lateral fragments of the suspensions at an angle of 90 ° to the leveling surface. In the photo you see an example of the correct installation of hangers on the ceiling.
The frame structure is completed by mounting auxiliary profiles. These are ceiling and rack strips, on which the sheets of plasterboard will subsequently be fastened.
Carefully, observing the safety precautions, we prepare the lengths of the required length with the help of a bolgar or scissors for metal. For ease of installation, the length of the rail is made 10 mm shorter than the design length.
Fastening of profiles to each other and fastening to suspensions is carried out with the help of self-tapping screws with press washers.
After joining the bars and hangers, the "whiskers"( lateral elements) of the latter are bent outward or inward of the auxiliary profile.
Connection of individual sections of profiles in length is carried out using profile extensions-connectors with fixation on self-tapping screws, and each intersection of ceiling partitions for increasing rigidity of fixation is fixed by connecting "crabs".
Carry out the installation of the frame, you must first familiarize yourself with the layout of suspended furniture, lighting devices and other items that are attached to the walls and ceiling.
In these places, drywall will withstand increased loads, therefore it is recommended to install additional auxiliary profiles to reduce the possibility of deformation.
Also, auxiliary ceiling profiles can be mounted in the center of the room for better load distribution from the GCR throughout the entire ceiling area.
The frame for leveling the walls, properly installed and ready for installation GKL, demonstrates the photo above, and the training video will once again show how to make a framework for gypsum cardboard.
I hope that this article has helped you to learn something new about the preparation of the frame from the metal profile for plasterboard mounting, to get acquainted with the basics of the technology of such works, to personally change the interior of your apartment, to improve the rational use of its area.