How to choose a radiator for heating your apartment

Basic requirements for heating radiators

An average citizen accustomed to such a blessing of civilization as heating hardly seriously thought that the batteries that are familiar to the eye in each room and provide comfort and warmth in the house must meet certain criteria, the observance of whichprovides their functionality and durability.

And only having to buy and replace batteries for your apartment or house, you have to delve into all these subtleties, for example the choice of material.

Basic requirements for heating radiators

Radiators are classified into:

  • Cast iron;
  • Steel( metal);
  • Aluminum;
  • Bimetallic( aluminum-steel).

Which one to choose, it's up to you, because each type has a certain set of both positive and negative points.

Basic requirements for heating radiators

Specialists distinguish several basic parameters that affect the accident-free operation of all types of radiators:

  • Maximum working pressure;
  • Heat transfer coefficient;
  • Maximum temperature of the heat carrier;

When buying heating equipment, carefully study its technical characteristics. If you find that the maximum working pressure of the appliance is lower than that in your heating system, then you should immediately discard this purchase.

Cast-iron radiators for heating

Cast-iron batteries are veterans among heating systems. They were present in every apartment connected to the central heating main and were very easy to operate. Regular painting of the surface of these pipes, as well as resistance to constant pressure and temperature changes in the system, provided them durability for many years.

The disadvantage of these products was cumbersome and unpresentable appearance. But modern manufacturers, thanks to advanced technologies, were able to largely improve this type of batteries and make them competitive among similar products.

Cast-iron radiators

Aluminum batteries

Thanks to the good design features of aluminum, the designs of them have the highest heat dissipation and light weight, which greatly facilitates their installation.

The big disadvantage of such products is their susceptibility to corrosion, and only careful filtration of the coolant can prolong their life to 20-25 years. If it is unreal to do this in an apartment building, but in a private house it is quite feasible.

Batteries made of aluminum

Metal( steel) radiators

The maximum service life of metal heating products is about 30 years.

There are:

  • The panels differ from the others in a uniform warming up of the entire surface with a maximum temperature load of the coolant of 110 degrees;
  • Sectional their popularity gained due to the ability to easily add or subtract additional sections;
  • The plate is the most compact, so it is ideal even for small rooms.

Metal( steel) radiators

Bimetal radiators

Get their name thanks to several types of metal, combined in one design: a steel inner core and an outer aluminum finning. Thanks to this successful combination, bimetallic radiators have high heat dissipation, corrosion resistance, strength and modern appearance.

Which of the above heaters is better - hard to say. In any case, the choice should be made, based on financial capabilities and features of heated premises.

Bimetal radiators

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