Valves for gas cylinder

Varieties of gas valves


Before considering the shut-off valves in detail, it is necessary to clarify that it is only a part of the container for transportation and storage of various gases under pressure. Cylinders made of carbon or alloy steel are produced in accordance with GOST 949-72.Between themselves, they differ in color and volume, but the device is the same. So, the gas cylinder consists of a valve, sealant, thread and a seamless tank with the passport data, necessarily stamped on it, assigned by the manufacturer.


The valves are divided into several types, depending on what the cylinders are filled with: liquefied gas, oxygen or propane-butane. At the same time, there are practically no distinguishing features of the structures, only the marking of the valves differs according to GOSTs:

  • Blue color - for the designation of the oxygen valve;
  • Red - propane-butane;
  • White - acetylene, etc. Gas valve of the gas cylinder: device and features.

    All locking devices are arranged almost identically and consist of the following parts:

    • Steel body in the form of a tee, each side of which has a thread: the lower one for winding on a cylinder, the upper cylindrical for a nut from a valve, the side for a screw;
    • The locking part, which includes a check valve and a stem, which transmits the torque element from the flywheel to the valve;
    • Flywheel, which is connected to the valve stem by means of a nut.
    • Sealing gaskets, which are located between all parts and provide additional reliability of this design.

    The distinguishing feature of this locking device is the ability to withstand a constant pressure of 15 to 190 atmospheres.


How to replace the gas valve

Before proceeding with the replacement of this equipment, you should carefully read this manual and strictly observe all safety rules. And remember that gas in any quantity does not tolerate neglect.


  • Before dismantling the valve, it is possible as a preparatory work, unscrew the shut-off unit for the exit of gas residues. Do this in a well-ventilated room or on the street;
  • Then the item must be slightly warmed. This will make it much easier to unscrew the valve manually or with a wrench. This procedure is absolutely safe, the main thing is not to overdo it with heating.
  • After removing the failed valve, be sure to prepare the locking unit for installation. To do this, a special sealant is applied to the conical fitting located at the bottom of the housing, it is possible to use fluoroplastic tape;
  • The final step is screwing a new valve with a torque wrench to control the applied force.


Do not forget to make a note about the procedure in the gas cylinder certificate.

Quality control of the performed procedure and absence of leakage is carried out in the following way: a soap foam is applied to the place of joining and a valve is opened on the sly. The absence of a leak is characterized by the absence of bubbles, if they do exist, you must immediately turn the valve back on and check all connections again.

Do not forget that your life is in your hands! Be careful and follow all the rules of fire safety!

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