Toilet bowl installation

Understanding the technology of installing a toilet, you can save on plumbing services and do the job as high as possible. The toilet can be installed in a traditional way or with a more modern method - with installation. In the second case, the drain tank will be hidden in the wall, which will have a positive effect on the interior of the room.

Toilet bowl installation

Installing the toilet yourself

You are offered instructions for each of these installation options.

Types toilets

Kinds of toilet bowls

Types toilets

Drainage system

drain system

Types toilets H h h1 L l l1 B b
C tselnootlitoy shelf mm 370 and 400 320 and 350 150 not less than 605( in agreement consumerand the manufacturer is allowed to make toilets length of 575 mm) 330 435 340 and 360 260
Without solid strip, mm 370 and 400 320 and 350 150 460 330 435 340 and 360 260
Children's 335 285 130 405 280 380 290 210
Toilet bowl with one-piece shelf

Toilet bowl with a completely cast shelf

Set for

Contents of the article

    • 0.1 Set forthe work of
  • 1 We will dismantle the old toilet
  • 2 We prepare for installation
  • 3 How to install a standard toilet
    • 3.1 Video - Toilet installation Compact with wall outlet
  • 4 Toilet bowl installation with concealed tank
    • 4.1 Mount the wall toilet for installation
    • 4.2 Video - How to install a hanging toilet on the Geberit installationDoufix
    • 4.3 Video - Installation of a hanging toilet
    • 4.4 Installing a floor model
    • 4.5 Video - Installing an add-on toilet with a concealed tank
    • 4.6 deo - Toilet bowl installation
  1. Rotary hammer.
  2. Roulette.
  3. Adjustable wrench.
  4. The tubing.
  5. Flexible hose.
  6. FSM tape.
  7. Fasteners.
  8. Sealant.

In case of installation of a toilet bowl for installation, the listed list will be expanded with the corresponding set. Everything you need is bought in any plumbing shop.

We dismantle the old toilet

Disassembly of the toilet bowl

Dismantle the toilet

The first step is .We overlap the water supply and drain all the liquid from the tank.

We overlap the water

Overlap water

The second step is .We unscrew the hose, through which the tank connects to the water pipe.

Disconnect the hose

Disconnect the

hose Third step. Unscrew the tank fasteners. If they are rusty, arm themselves with a screwdriver or a carabiner wrench. Press the bolt head with the selected tool and unscrew the nut using the adjustable wrench. If it does not work, pre-soak the nut with kerosene. Remove the tank.

Fourth step. We dismantle the fastening of the toilet bowl.

The fifth step is .Disconnect the toilet flush from the sewer.

Gofra easily removable

The corrugation is easily removed

In houses of old building plums are usually fastened by means of cement coating. To destroy it, we use a hammer and chisel. We need to sever the cement and gently toss the toilet bowl apart. The drain must turn and shake. We tilt the product, letting the rest of the water merge into the sewer.

Disassembly of the toilet bowl

Disassembling the toilet

Weaken the compaction, if any

Weaken the seal, if there was one

If the unit had an outlet in the floor, it is necessary to clean the wax ring

If the toilet had an outlet in the floor, it is necessary to clean the wax ring

Sixth step. Close the sewer hole with a wooden or other suitable plug.

At the time of work, we plug a hole with a rag

For the duration of the work, the hole is plugged with a rag

Important! Sewage gases do not have the most pleasant smell. In doing so, they are toxic and highly flammable. Be sure to consider this point in the process of work.

Disassembly of the toilet bowl

Disassembling the toilet

Getting ready for installation

The base for installing the toilet should be flat. There are several options for the development of events, namely:

  • if the floor is tiled and has no differences in level, no preliminary measures to level the foundation are carried out;
  • if the floor is tiled and is not even, install the toilet with choppers. To do this, holes are drilled in the floor, chopaks are clogged in level, and after the toilet is attached to the choppers with the help of screws;
  • if the tile is planned to be replaced, we dismantle the old cladding and fill the new screed if the old one has level differences;
  • if the toilet is installed in a new house or apartment without any finishing, fill the screed and lay the tile.

Pay attention to the pipes. We clean the sewage from debris and various deposits, install a tap on the water pipe( if it was previously absent) to shut off the water supply to the tank.

How to install a standard toilet

Installation of toilet bowl of floor type Compact or Monoblock

Installing a toilet seat of a floor type Compact or Monoblock

Drawing of installation of a toilet bowl

Drawing of mounting a toilet

As a rule, when you sell the toilet and the tank are disconnected. Internal barrel fittings are mostly assembled, which greatly simplifies the installation process.

The first step. Put the toilet bowl in its place and make marks in the fastening points.



Marks on the floor

Marks on the floor for fasteners

The second step. We remove the toilet bowl and drill the fixing holes in the marked places.

Drilling holes in the dowel tile

Drilling holes in the dowel tile

Third step. We plug the dowels into the mounting holes.

Fourth step. Install the bowl. We insert the fasteners through special gaskets. Tighten the fasteners. Too much pull is not necessary - you can damage either the mounts, or even the toilet itself. We pull to ensure the rigid fixing of the sanitary ware to the surface. From above we close the fasteners with plugs.

We twist the nuts

We tighten the nuts

We close with a cap

Close the cap

Make sure that the toilet is level

Make sure that the toilet is on the level of

The fifth step. Mount the lid and seat. The manual for their assembly usually comes complete with a toilet, so we will not dwell on this event separately.

The sixth step. We connect the toilet bowl to the sewer. The procedure depends on how the toilet outlet is connected.

We put the corrugation. Connect the corrugated pipe with the sewer pipe with a sealant. To produce the toilet bowl, we stretch the corrugation without additional seals

We put the corrugation. Connect the corrugated pipe with the sewer pipe with a sealant. To produce the toilet bowl, we stretch the corrugation without additional seals

Video - Toilet bowl installation Compact with wall outlet

If the release is made into the wall, we work as follows:

  • check whether the toilet outlet coincides with the sewer pipe. If everything is in order, we connect by means of the seal cuff. In the presence of displacements, we use corrugation;
  • we process the ends of the connecting element with silicone sealant and we perform the connection of the toilet bowl to the sewage system;
  • we screw the sanitary product to the floor.
    We seal the joint of the toilet bowl with a floor covering

    We seal the joint of the toilet bowl with the floor covering

. If the floor is equipped with the floor, we do the following:

  • is installed on the floor, at the outlet of the drain pipe, screw flange with the retainer;
  • see the center of the flange hole. A sewage pipe must enter into it;






    Install the wax seal

    Install wax seal

  • we install the toilet bowl. The cuff of the screw flange must enter the outlet socket of the toilet bowl. We rotate the cuff, providing complete fixation;
  • seal the connection with a special silicone compound.
    We put the toilet bowl

    We put the toilet

Helpful advice! If the connection of the toilet bowl with the drain pipe is carried out by means of a corrugation, in most cases it is possible to refuse the sealing sinceThe design of such a transition hose is itself capable of providing a sufficiently tight fit.

The seventh step. We are installing the tank. Drainage mechanisms are usually sold already assembled. If the mechanism is dismantled, assemble it according to the manufacturer's instructions( the order of assembly for different models may differ slightly).

Lubricate the tank ring sealant

Lubricate the tank ring with sealant

Connecting the drain tank

Connecting the tank

Fastening of a tank

Attaching the reservoir

Tighten the tank bolts

Tighten the tank bolts

Close the lid

Close the cover

Take the gasket from the kit and install it in the water hole in our toilet bowl. On a lining we establish a tank and we twist bolts.

Fasteners are most conveniently installed as follows:

  • we twist the first bolt so that the tank is bent towards it by about 1.5-2 cm;
  • press the raised edge of the tank with your hand and tighten the second bolt.
    Scheme of installation and connection of a drain tank

    Diagram of installation and connection of a tank of a tank

Eighth step. We connect the tank to the water pipe with a flexible hose. Turn on the water supply and check the quality of the system. If somewhere undermines, tighten the nuts a little. The filling level of the water tank is regulated by moving the float lower or higher.

Connect the water supply hose

We connect the water supply hose

Several times we let the tank fill and drain the water. If everything is fine, we take the toilet bowl in permanent operation.

Toilet bowl installation with concealed cistern

Toilet bowl with concealed cistern

Toilet bowl installation with concealed cistern

Modern installation option. A special wall installation is used, in which the mechanism of the tank hides. As a result, only the toilet bowl and drain button remain in sight.

Mounting a wall toilet for installation

Video - How to install a hanging toilet on the installation of Geberit Doufix

The first stage - installation of the frame

Toilet installation system

Installation system toilet

We are installing a metal frame with fasteners. Attach the tank to the frame. The frame position is regulated by means of brackets at the top and screws at the bottom. Frames are sold separately, have the same structure and are suitable for use in combination with any toilet.

The assembled structure will have a height of about 1.3-1.4 m. The width should exceed the width of the tank.

The second stage - we hang the tank

Installation is performed in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • drain button placed about a meter distance from the floor;
  • between the attachment points we maintain a step equal to the distance between the lugs of our toilet bowl;
  • the drain pipe must be located at an altitude of 220-230 mm;
  • wall-mounted toilet bowl is hung at a distance of 400-430 mm from the floor. These are mean values. In general, be guided by the growth of future users;
  • between the drain cistern and the wall can withstand no more than 15 mm distance.

The third stage - install the ready installation



Preliminary check the evenness of the wall with a plumb line. If a deviation is detected, do the following:

  • fix the plumb on the wall, retreating about 1.4-1.5 m up from the floor;
  • at the point of contact of the plumb line with the floor, drawing a line parallel to the wall;
  • we deviate from the line the distance required for the carcass assembly, and we draw another straight line. We will fasten the frame to the floor;
  • attach the installation to the wall and outline the attachment points;


  • drill holes for fasteners;
  • we fasten the support frame to the base, setting the desired height with the help of adjusting screws;
    Fixation of the metal frame

    Fixation of the metal frame

  • level the frame by level;
  • we fasten the installation to the wall.
    Toilet installation system

toilet installation system Fourth stage - install the tank

First we connect the tank. The drain may have a top and side outlets. Almost all modern models of tanks allow you to choose between these two options.

Important! When installing the toilet seat on the installation, it is best to refrain from connecting the tank with a flexible hose. The toilet will last much longer than the hose. Do you want to destroy the skeleton skeleton in the near future for the sake of a five-minute replacement of this hose? That's it!

For connection it is best to use plastic pipes. All the necessary fasteners usually come complete with a tank. Separately, you have to buy only the panel for the drain buttons and then not always.

Sewage to the drain tank

Supply of sewer to the drain tank

We connect the release of our toilet bowl with sewerage. It is most convenient to do this with the help of corrugation. We check the tightness of the structure. If everything is normal, we shut off the water, temporarily turn off the toilet bowl from the sink and put the bowl aside.

Important! The connection of the tank to the toilet bowl and the water supply can vary depending on the model of the product. We specify these moments in a separate order and follow the manufacturer's manual.


instruction The fifth stage - we install the

installation. For this we use a moisture resistant drywall 10 mm thick. It is recommended to fix it with a double layer. Pre-do the following:

  • screw in the frame pins for hanging the toilet( included in the kit);
  • close the sink holes with plugs( also from the kit) so that they do not get clogged with dust and debris;
  • make holes in the gypsum cardboard for the pins, pipes and drain button.

We fasten the skins with the help of special screws to the frame. The fixing step should be kept at a level of 30-40 cm. The construction will be small in size and weight, therefore there are no strict recommendations regarding the distance between the fasteners.

The gypsum board is tiled with a tile or otherwise finished in our own way.

Helpful hint! Before beginning the lining of the box with tiles, install the plug and cuff in the place of the future location of the drain button. Usually they are present in the kit.

Video - Installation of a hanging toilet

The sixth stage - we install a toilet

Installation of a toilet bowl

Installation of a toilet

To do this, connect the outlet of the bowl with the sewer hole and hang the product on the pins( we installed them in the previous stages of work).These actions can be performed in the reverse order, as you prefer. Tighten the fixing nuts.

We put the toilet bowl

We put the toilet

Important! Previously, the tile, which will be in contact with the toilet, you need to cover with a layer of silicone sealant( instead of it you can install a gasket).

You can turn on the water supply and use the toilet bowl for its intended purpose.

Installing the floor model

Floor toilet with concealed cistern

Floor standing toilet with concealed tank

Installation guide for the installation remains the same. Only the order of mounting the bowl of the toilet is changed. Work in the following order.

What is the design of the attached toilet bowl

What is the design of the add-on toilet

Hidden tank Grohe

The concealed tank Grohe

Built-in( concealed) tank for an additional toilet bowl

The built-in( concealed) tank for the add-on toilet

The first step. Firmly fix the position of the knee. Metal fasteners will help you in this.

The second step. Treat the release of the toilet bowl with a technical ointment.

The third step. Install the toilet bowl on the intended place. Circle the contour of the sanitary ware and mark the holes for the fasteners.

Fourth step. Remove the toilet bowl and install the mounting brackets from the kit.

The fifth step. Install the bowl, press its outlet into the fan tube and fix the sanitary ware with the bolts or other fasteners provided.

The sixth step. Connect the tank to the sink. Installation and connection of this element is carried out in the same way as in the case of mounting a wall toilet.

The support frame is installed at the required height

Support frame is installed at the required height

Install the floor model

Installs the floor model

Install the floor model

Installs the floor model

Seventh step. Bring the drain button into the previously prepared hole in the skin, turn on the water supply and check the operation of the toilet bowl. If everything is fine, we take the product into permanent operation.

Installed? Enjoy with pleasure!

Installed? Enjoy with pleasure!

Video - Installing the attachable toilet with concealed tank

Good work!

Video - Installing the toilet yourself

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